Papal altar unused for months

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Don’t drag down the thread unless you want to actually read the story and discuss.
OK. Let’s discuss why they threw Pachamama.into the headline & the story with absolutely no evidence of any connection with the Papal Altar not being used.
Don’t drag down the thread unless you want to actually read the story and discuss.
OK. Let’s discuss why they threw Pachamama.into the headline & the story with absolutely no evidence of any connection with the Papal Altar not being used.
It has to do with the odd bowl that was placed on the altar during the October 2019 Amazonian synod.
That bowl has the same symbols on it that are used in pachamama ceremonies.

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It has to do with the odd bowl that was placed on the altar during the October 2019 Amazonian synod.
That bowl has the same symbols on it that are used in pachamama ceremonies.
Again, they don’t show any connection between Pachamama and the papal altar not being used.
I do read Life Site News but this seems more like a tabloid article. How many altars does the Pope have access to? I’m sure he says mass everyday in various altars.
It seems the OP must agree with the writer of the article. I would like to ask:

Have you ever assisted at Holy Mass at the Altar of the Chair? The apse of St. Peter’s Basilica isn’t exactly a small chapel; but at least there the front row isn’t a huge distance from the altar, as it is at the “big” altar. I think it would be more depressing to see on TV a handful of people in the nave than it is to see that altar unused…and all the more joyous the day we tune in to a full St. Peter’s Basilica when this is all over.

Since when do we bow to the altar outside of Holy Mass? And Holy Mass doesn’t hasn’t started when the celebrant is processing to the altar where he will be celebrating. During Holy Mass we bow to the altar (instead of genuflecting to the tabernacle) because we are honoring Christ coming - He is coming to that altar at the Consecration. St. Peter’s Basilica is FULL of altars. If I recall correctly, Pope Francis would have to pass three altars coming from the Sacristy to the Altar of the Chair.

Since when is it “Midnight Mass?” It is Mass in the Night, and the Vigil Mass is just as valid. If it is a custom in many places to prefer Mass in the Night to be at 12:00 AM, that doesn’t make it a rule. Pope Francis’ predecessor held Mass in the Night at 10:00 pm.
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“Pachamama” is such old news I didn’t want to mention it.
I do want to say that I think you can ask any bishop if he has ever been liturgically “blindsided” when he is out among the parishes, and he will say yes.
Okay - thanks everyone for your thoughts. Lots of food for thought!
Fr Z recently suggested that the “demonic bowl” placed on the high altar last year is the recent we now have the Covid pandemic (or as he calls it, the Wuhan Devil). This pachamama business is huge for some segments of the Church…
It seems like the obvious explanation is that the Pope is not using that altar because there is a pandemic going on, and the sight of the Pope celebrating Mass publicly on the main altar of St. Peter’s is likely to draw a crowd, which is undesirable.

If somebody wants to read demons and Pachamama connections into it, that’s their prerogative, I guess. I’ll reserve my right to give them the fisheye for being conspiracy theorists (to put it kindly).
This pachamama business is huge for some segments of the Church…
Yeah, I was not a fan of the Pachamama and didn’t mind that the sculptures of her got chucked in the river, but there’s no need to keep milking it and trying to find connections to it. These articles might as well just read “Pope Francis Bad” and leave it at that.
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I do read Life Site News but this seems more like a tabloid article. How many altars does the Pope have access to? I’m sure he says mass everyday in various altars.
I think Life Site has gone tabloid in general.
I agree that this almost certainly COVID related.

But, that said, why should we care where the Pope chooses to say Mass? It would be nice to be able to attend a Mass there, but beyond that I don’t see why it matters, or that there is any great significance in any of this.
“To what shall I compare this generation? It is like children who sit in marketplaces and call to one another, ‘We played the flute for you, but you did not dance, we sang a dirge but you did not mourn.’

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they said, ‘He is possessed by a demon.’

The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, ‘Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’
It seems like the obvious explanation is that the Pope is not using that altar because there is a pandemic going on, and the sight of the Pope celebrating Mass publicly on the main altar of St. Peter’s is likely to draw a crowd, which is undesirable.
The papal altar at Saint Peter’s Basilica is reserved to the Pope…or on rare occasions, to someone he designates. The papal altar is used for very rare occasions that involve a solemn celebration and many people – all of whom received a ticket from the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household. Masses happening at that altar are of such occasion, they really cannot be “happened upon.”

It’s hard to imagine the amount of work that is required…chairs in their thousands are put in place by the basilica’s work men. An aisle is created by placement of barriers down the length of the basilica.

Those Masses, because of the vastness of the space, requires multiple masters of ceremonies, multiple acolytes and so forth. It is quite a major production.

Even in ordinary times, when a Cardinal residing in Rome dies and the Holy Father chooses to preside, the Eucharist is celebrated at the altar of the Chair which is much more conducive to these types of celebrations which draw fewer people. Everything needed is also right at hand in the sacristy behind this chapel, which is not accessible to the public.

When the first lockdown ended in Rome, the Holy Father celebrated Mass specifically at the altar of the tomb of Saint John Paul II, to commemorate the Saint’s 100th birthday. Pope Francis does that…he uses the other altars, like the rest of us do. That is a wonderful thing, actually.

For those who know Rome, there is no mystery as to why the papal altar has not been being used. Quite the opposite. It is as we would expect, given the situation of the pandemic.

EDITED TO ADD: My response is not a critique of @Tis_Bearself and her post…her post just gave a point or two that I wanted to specifically address regarding comments of others.
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