Papal Tracheotomy A Success

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VATICAN CITY (AP) - Doctors were preparing to operate on Pope John Paul II Thursday to help ease his breathing problems, an Italian news agency said.

The news agencies ANSA and Apcom said doctors would perform a tracheotomy - a procedure in which a hole is made in the throat and a tube is inserted to assist breathing. The pope already was in the operating room, according to Apcom.
Father, we thank you for the many years You have blessed us with John Paul II and pray that it is Your will that he lead Your church for more years to come. Please, be with him in his hour of need and give him strength in his fight.

Jesus, I Trust in You.
**Pope reportedly done with surgery **Pope reportedly done with surgery Tracheotomy procedure performed, news agencies say BREAKING NEWS MSNBC News Services Updated: 3:45 p.m. ET Feb. 24, 2005VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II underwent a tracheotomy, a procedure in which a hole is made in the throat and a tube is inserted to assist breathing, Italian news agencies reported Thursday.

While the procedure itself is typically short and not complicated, what follows could indicate the state of the pope’s health, NBC medical correspondent Robert Bazell said. If the tracheotomy is performed to allow a breathing tube to be connected to a ventilator, then that could be a sign of a serious condition. Dr. Mark Rosen of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York concurred, telling MSNBC-TV that the procedure itself was not a cause for concern, but that the underlying condition that required the procedure could be. Others have speculated that condition could be pneumonia. Neither the hospital nor the Vatican would comment on the news reports.

Praise God, maybe that will get those people off his back saying he should resign…

Doctors attending Pope John Paul II have performed a tracheotomy

Inside the Vatican has learned, from reliable sources, that doctors attending the pope decided to insert a tube into the pope’s neck to assist his breathing. The operation is called a tracheotomy. “He is very weak; that is the problem,” said one source. “I am very worried.”

This morning I would still have said that he would still have had some years to live, however this evening I am no longer so sure. The Vatican has not yet officially commented on this matter. We will keep you updated on these very serious developments as the day progresses.
  • by Dr. Robert Moynihan

Inside the Vatican - Newsflash
I don’t know how many of you watched Life on the Rock tonight on EWTN, but I thought it was scary. The EWTN Executive Producer happens to be in Rome for a media meeting. He made statements that gave me the feeling that he was under the impression that many thought the Holy Father might die soon. Maybe it was just my impression of what he was subtly saying or maybe he was speculating himself. He said that there was much more scaffolding erected and that it appeared the media was expecting something big to happen. This was at the beginning of the program. They concluded the show with a song EWTN had produced as a tribute that was very beautfiul. It made me very sad and I felt like I was at the Holy Father’s funeral.

I have been praying for Pope John Paul II’s health but now feel I might not have been taking his fraility serious enough and will pray harder that we will have his leadership for a while longer. With all that is going on with Terri Schiavo, it’s obvious we need his leadership more than every.
They said on the new that the Holy Father was on a respirator:eek: When my dad had his tracheotomy he didn’t need a respirator.I have a bad feeling about this too we need to pray:crying: God Bless
Let us all pray for the Holy Father, what a man of God.
Here is the latest from Zenit;

Pope Undergoes Tracheotomy to Help Breathing
Operation Successful, Says Spokesman

ROME, FEB. 24, 2005 ( John Paul II underwent a successful tracheotomy operation to ease his breathing problems, after having been hospitalized for congestion and fever linked to the flu.

During the 30-minute operation this evening, a breathing tube was inserted in the Pope’s throat.

Vatican spokesman Joaquín Navarro Valls said the tracheotomy was a success and that the Holy Father, 84, had approved the procedure.

Earlier in the day the Pope had been readmitted to the Gemelli Polyclinic due to a relapse of the flu that caused his hospitalization Feb. 1.

“As of yesterday afternoon, Wednesday, February 23, the Holy Father showed signs of a relapse of the flu syndrome which had affected him in preceding weeks,” said Navarro Valls, director of the Vatican press office, in a statement.

“For this reason, the Pope was admitted this morning to Gemelli Polyclinic for opportune specialized treatment and further tests,” added the spokesman.

The Pope arrived by ambulance at the Gemelli around 11:30 a.m. Witnesses said he was conscious, on a stretcher but not totally lying down, and had a calm _expression.

He returned to the same hospital where he was admitted three weeks ago with episodes of larynx-spasm caused by the flu.

The Pope is being treated in his room on the 10th floor of the hospital.

The courtyard of the Gemelli quickly filled with dozens of journalists. Some arrived in vans with parabolic antennas and parked in front of the hospital.

News of the Holy Father’s relapse began to spread when his absence was noted at the consistory for the announcement of five upcoming canonizations. It was the first time John Paul II missed such a consistory.

On Wednesday, the Pontiff gave a “video-audience” from his private library to pilgrims gathered in Paul VI Hall, in lieu of his usual midweek general audience.

Pray Pray Pray!; Our Lady of Peace
There is more…

ROME, FEB. 24, 2005 ( A few hours after John Paul II’s readmission to hospital, the Gemelli Polyclinic of Rome was filled with reporters, anxious to hear about his state of health.

A pressroom had been set up inside the hospital, and by this afternoon more than 100 journalists had gathered there.

Many more reporters, photographers and technicians gathered outside the building, defying hours of rain and cold to focus on the window of the 10th floor where the Pope is being treated. The 84-year-old Pontiff later underwent a tracheotomy operation to help with his breathing.

Valentina Alazraki, a Vatican correspondent of long experience, said that she followed Wednesday’s “video-audience” step by step, and noticed that the Pope had difficulty in breathing when reading the texts. He addressed a group of general-audience attendees in Paul VI Hall via a television linkup from his apartment.

Alazraki said the Holy See today was trying to transmit calm. In fact, this afternoon no cardinals were seen in the Gemelli hospital. The only Vatican Alazraki spotted was Angelo Scelzo, undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. Later, Mario Agnes, director of L’Osservatore Romano, was seen.

Father Jarek Cielecki, editor in chief of Vatican News Service, a new television service, explained to ZENIT that he has asked his Polish television viewers “to pray before the image of the Virgin of Czestochowa” for the Pope.

“The Holy Father will carry the cross while he is alive,” the priest said. “The Pope does not resign. Only God can make him resign.”

Gerard O’Connel, correspondent in Rome for Asia’s Uca News, explained that the Pope’s health problems are followed with great interest on that continent with the smallest percentage of Christians.

“In Asia, the figure of the Pope is venerated, not just respected,” he said. “I know that many pray for him in China, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, India, where his figure is much loved as a man of God, not as a ‘manager.’”

“All know his history and his battle in Poland; let’s not forget that communism is still in China,” O’Connel added. “The religious representatives of Asia have very much appreciated the Pope’s appeal in favor of the victims of the tsunami. They were hoping he would be able to go one day to China and to Vietnam.”

Amid all the flurry of journalists, in the serenity of the Gemelli chapel, women were seen praying the rosary before the image of the Virgin of Czestochowa.

Father Ausilio Tornambe, chaplain of the Gemelli Polyclinic, said: “Let us pray that our pastor will recover as soon as possible and return to his full effectiveness.”
Various Prayers for the Pope
Ad moltos annos!
Pro Pontifice (For the Pontiff)

V. Let us pray for John Paul II, the Pope.

R. May the Lord preserve him, give him a long life, make him blessed upon the earth, and may the Lord not hand him over to the power of his enemies.

V. May your hand be upon your holy servant.

R. And upon your son whom you have anointed.

Let us pray. O God, the Pastor and Ruler of all the faithful, look down, in your mercy, upon your servant, John Paul II, whom you have appointed to preside over your Church; and grant, we beseech you, that both by word and example, he may edify all those under his charge; so that, with the flock entrusted to him, he may arrive at length unto life everlasting. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

V. Oremus pro Pontifice nostro Ioannis Paulus Secundus.

R. Dominus conservet eum, et vivificet eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum eius.

V. Fiat manus tua super virum dexteræ tuæ.

R. Et super filium tuum quia confirmasti tibi.

Oremus. Deus, omnium fidelium pastor et rector, famulum tuum Ioannis Paulus Secundus, et quem pastorem Ecclesiæ tuæ præesse voluisti, propitius respice: da ei, quæsumus, verbo et exemplo quibus præest, proficere; ut ad vitam una cum grege sibi credito sempiternam. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen.
For Restoration to Health (1)

All-powerful and ever-living God, the lasting health of all who believe in you, hear us as we ask your loving help for your servant, John Paul our Pope; restore him to health, that he may again offer joyful thanks to you in your holy Church. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
For Restoration to Health (2)

O God our Father, by whose loving-kindness we are renewed in soul and body, look with mercy on your servant, John Paul, our Pope, that, every cause of sickness being removed, he may be restored to soundness of health. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For the Holy Father

Let us pray. Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to your shepherd, John Paul II, a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he, as successor of the Apostle Peter and Vicar of Christ, build your Church into a sacrament of unity, love, and peace for all the world.

VATICAN CITY, FEB 25, 2005 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls released the following declaration to journalists this morning regarding the Pope’s condition following last evening’s tracheotomy at Gemelli Polyclinic:

"The Holy Father spent a night of tranquil rest.

"This morning he ate breakfast with a good appetite.

"The post-operative situation continues regularly.

"He is breathing on his own and cardio-circulatory conditions remain good.

"Upon the advice of his doctors, the Pope must not speak for several days so as to favor the recovery of the functions of the larynx.

“A new medical bulletin is not foreseen until next Monday, February 28 at 12:30 p.m.”

At a 12:30 press conference today for journalists, Dr. Navarro-Valls stated the following:

"I wish to review the circumstances prior to the Holy Father’s admittance yesterday to the hospital.

"From the moment that the Pope left the hospital on February 10, he had no fever. This allowed him to undertake his normal activity: Mass in the morning, ‘ad limina’ audiences, receiving his collaborators, etc.

"Certainly, there is not now - nor was there ever - any bronchial-pulmonary infection.

"Naturally, he followed a normal diet.

“Rather, as I said in my communique yesterday, there were ‘new episodes of acute respiratory insufficiency, caused by a pre-existing functional restriction of the larynx’. The Pope was watched over in his apartment, in case the need arose, by a doctor specialized in reanimation and by Dr. Camaioni, whom I mentioned yesterday.”

"The tracheotomy that the Pope underwent yesterday was called an ‘elective tracheotomy’: this means that it was not an emergency procedure. As we said yesterday, it was a question of ‘assuring adequate breathing for the patient and to favor the resolution of the larynx pathology’.

“He is now breathing better, feels notable relief and does not need assistance in breathing - from a machine or otherwise.”

In answer to journalists’ questions, the press office director stressed that the Pope did not have a fever either yesterday or today. He added that Pope John Paul had his “usual” breakfast of coffee with milk, several small cookies and yogurt, and “he ate it all.”

As to the Sunday Angelus, the director added that he would be speaking to the Pope’s secretary, Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz and to his doctors to see what could be arranged for the Angelus prayer and reflections and would let the media know in a timely fashion.

Responding to a journalist who asked how the Pope communicates, he said: “It is rather difficult to explain. What I can say is that when he went back to his room, the anesthesia was very light, given the light surgery that he had, and he made a gesture saying he wanted to write. And he wrote, jokingly, 'What have they done to me? But right afterwards he wrote (his motto): ‘Totus tuus’ (I am all yours).”

Last evening Navarro-Valls, made the following declaration on the condition of Pope John Paul II:

"The flu syndrome, which was the reason behind the Pope’s admittance this morning to Gemelli Polyclinic, in recent days was complicated by new episodes of acute respiratory insufficiency, caused by a pre-existing functional restriction of the larynx.

"This clinical picture pointed to an elective tracheotomy to assure adequate breathing for the patient and to favor the resolution of the larynx pathology.

"The Holy Father, duly informed, gave his consent.

"The procedure, which began at 8:20 p.m. and ended at 8:50 p.m., was successfully completed. The immediate post-operative situation is regular.

"The Holy Father is spending the night in his hospital room.

"The surgery was performed by Dr. Gaetano Paludetti, professor of otorhinolarynology at Sacred Heart Catholic University and by Dr. Angelo Camaioni, head of otorhinolarynology at St. John’s Hospital in Rome, assisted by Dr. Giovanni Almadori.

"The anethesia was administered by Dr.Rodolfo Proietti, professor of anesthesiology and reanimation at Sacred Heart Catholic University, with the collaboration of Doctors Massimo Antonelli and Filippo Zanghi.

“Also present at the surgery were Dr. Enrico De Campora, professor of otorhinolarynology at the University of Florence and consultant for the Health Department of Vatican City State and by Dr. Renato Buzzonetti, the personal physician of the Holy Father.”
I feel much better today also and give thanks to God. Prayers will continue.
If anyone else was moved by the song played on Life On The Rock last week as a tribute to John Paul II like I was, but wondering where they could find it, I replayed the program online and learned it was performed by Erin Berghouse. It appears to be a song she had performed at World Youth Day in Toronto. Her CD can be purchased from her web site at I ordered it last night.
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