Dear Catholic Friends:
Praise the Lord, I was confirmed Easter Vigil. My parents attended, out of obligation only, I know, (Dad being a Protestant pastor)------but they had/have only negative things to say about it. i.e., “you Catholics pray to the Saints–this is completely ridiculous–don’t you know all we Christians are Saints”? --“you don’t bow your heads when you pray–“how un-religious”…“all you do is chant”…smells, bells, rigimirole, etc., and the like”…etc. “It wasn’t even a church service—just a big ordeal”, …
I am very hurt, needless to say, that after the absolutely beautiful evening Easter Vigil was, with the Holy Spirit so prevelant, with parents attending, and then cooking a beautiful Easter meal, they came over, on Easter afternoon, did not say one thing, until I asked them how they liked the Easter Vigil, and thus only negative comments come flowing out of their mouths. Nothing postivie. Telling me, I “need” to encourage my husband and children to go to this awful Protestant Church down the street, etc…And that “it is wrong I attend the Catholic Church”…that I should be concerned for my sons" that “they need to get fed-----at the Protestant Church”…I cannot believe such words! but it really does not surprise me. I had no idea, my parents were really so “anti-Catholic”!!! What a disappointment! Why they did not even have even 1 kind thing to say about the Easter Vigil, and now they’re phoning all the relatives telling them all—“I’m off my rocker”…I said, why my husband and children are free to attend whereever they want, and they said: “no, no” “YOU need to encourage them to attend the Protestant Church”…they of course shoved the program of Easter Sunday on our Easter Table in front of everyone-------ranting and raving how wonderful it was…and how I was missing the boat, so to speak.
So what? I’m a strong person, and really think it is so sad how our “separated brethern” think they are in the truth, where their little churches, all doing their own thing, for a few years, think they know better. What they are missing—how sad indeed! isn’t it?
I wrote my folks a thank you note today for coming for Easter dinner, coming to my confirmation, etc., and simply said: I’m so happy I have found the fullness of our Christian Faith. What else can I do or say? I’m afraid my own parents, and family, (a huge Protestant one) are in the dark. They are so anti-Catholic. I had no idea, but do see now, this is how they are. Pray I may be a light, just with my life, for Christ’s one Catholic, Apostolic Church. Any advice anybody has is also most helpful! What a shame, yes, they will not embrace the fullness. But what else is new really? This is typical, isn’t it?
God Bless–
Praise the Lord, I was confirmed Easter Vigil. My parents attended, out of obligation only, I know, (Dad being a Protestant pastor)------but they had/have only negative things to say about it. i.e., “you Catholics pray to the Saints–this is completely ridiculous–don’t you know all we Christians are Saints”? --“you don’t bow your heads when you pray–“how un-religious”…“all you do is chant”…smells, bells, rigimirole, etc., and the like”…etc. “It wasn’t even a church service—just a big ordeal”, …
I am very hurt, needless to say, that after the absolutely beautiful evening Easter Vigil was, with the Holy Spirit so prevelant, with parents attending, and then cooking a beautiful Easter meal, they came over, on Easter afternoon, did not say one thing, until I asked them how they liked the Easter Vigil, and thus only negative comments come flowing out of their mouths. Nothing postivie. Telling me, I “need” to encourage my husband and children to go to this awful Protestant Church down the street, etc…And that “it is wrong I attend the Catholic Church”…that I should be concerned for my sons" that “they need to get fed-----at the Protestant Church”…I cannot believe such words! but it really does not surprise me. I had no idea, my parents were really so “anti-Catholic”!!! What a disappointment! Why they did not even have even 1 kind thing to say about the Easter Vigil, and now they’re phoning all the relatives telling them all—“I’m off my rocker”…I said, why my husband and children are free to attend whereever they want, and they said: “no, no” “YOU need to encourage them to attend the Protestant Church”…they of course shoved the program of Easter Sunday on our Easter Table in front of everyone-------ranting and raving how wonderful it was…and how I was missing the boat, so to speak.
So what? I’m a strong person, and really think it is so sad how our “separated brethern” think they are in the truth, where their little churches, all doing their own thing, for a few years, think they know better. What they are missing—how sad indeed! isn’t it?
I wrote my folks a thank you note today for coming for Easter dinner, coming to my confirmation, etc., and simply said: I’m so happy I have found the fullness of our Christian Faith. What else can I do or say? I’m afraid my own parents, and family, (a huge Protestant one) are in the dark. They are so anti-Catholic. I had no idea, but do see now, this is how they are. Pray I may be a light, just with my life, for Christ’s one Catholic, Apostolic Church. Any advice anybody has is also most helpful! What a shame, yes, they will not embrace the fullness. But what else is new really? This is typical, isn’t it?
God Bless–