I feel that I am strongly called to the priesthood/religious life, and have felt this way for a number of years, but have only been actively discerning for the past two. I am 17, and it isn’t as though I am ready to run off to an order right after school, I still feel that college is important, but my parents are doing everything they can to hinder my vocation. For example, when retreat opportunities come up less than an hour away, they will not allow me to go. They will no allow me to visit with any other priests except our diocesan priest, who (not to judge) I don’t feel particularly good around because he just doesn’t feel like he is a terribly holy person. My parents tell me to use him as a spiritual director (if I must have one) so that he can educate me prayer life and other matters, but they know for a fact that they would even be shocked if they found him praying outside of Mass.
Additionally, they schedule things purposely so that I cannot go to many daily masses, and they won’t let me go to Church to spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Perhaps even the most obvious, and hurtful subversion, is that they take care to always interupt evening prayer. Even though it is almost always at the same time, they come in, talk to me, ask me to do things, and I don’t think some time with the Lord in prayer is too much to ask. I even ask them to pray the rosary with me in the evening, and say that we are going to pray for vocations, and then they respond, “in order for us to pray for something, we would have to want it, wouldn’t we?” Consequently, I changed the prayer intention to an end to abortion…but they still refused. I am growing incredibly impatient with their hardheartedness, but I must still remain loyal to my parents and honor them. Any suggestions from you parents out there, or even from students who may be in the same situation?
Additionally, they schedule things purposely so that I cannot go to many daily masses, and they won’t let me go to Church to spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Perhaps even the most obvious, and hurtful subversion, is that they take care to always interupt evening prayer. Even though it is almost always at the same time, they come in, talk to me, ask me to do things, and I don’t think some time with the Lord in prayer is too much to ask. I even ask them to pray the rosary with me in the evening, and say that we are going to pray for vocations, and then they respond, “in order for us to pray for something, we would have to want it, wouldn’t we?” Consequently, I changed the prayer intention to an end to abortion…but they still refused. I am growing incredibly impatient with their hardheartedness, but I must still remain loyal to my parents and honor them. Any suggestions from you parents out there, or even from students who may be in the same situation?