Parents: Is there a lock on your bedroom door?

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Um, dressing and potty time aren’t “private” moments? 😃
I haven’t had a “private” moment like that since my oldest could toddel over and bang on the door the minute I wasn’t in full view–I don’t remember what it’s like!

No doubt we have a lock! But with 5 kids in the house–it has to be LATE and everyone has to be unconscious to find real “private” time. I agree with the poster that said kids can be a birth form of birth control!
My siblings and I are all adults now, but we occasionally joke about “the click heard 'round the house” when we were growing up.

My parents were the only ones with a lock on their door, and we would all smirk to each other the next morning after hearing the very loud click of their lock as mom and dad retired on certain evenings. 🙂
How funny Princess!! I have always wondered if my kids can hear that click! It drives me crazy that it has to be so loud!!! :mad: but then my husband locks it alot because he is in a house full of four women and I can’t blame them especially now that two of them are teens. Poor guy needs his privacy getting dressed.
When I was growing up my parents’ bedroom door was a sliding door, which they couldn’t lock effectively, so they used to stick a knife between the door and the doorjamb. That only happened on certain nights. We stayed out of there when the door was closed anyway. When I was old enough to know what was going on, I was horrified everytime I heard the “knife in the door!” :eek:

My husband and I only have one toddler and one on the way, so this isn’t an issue for us yet. I’m glad to hear what works for everyone else, because it won’t be long!
No, only our bathrooms have locks, the house just came that way. Eventually we will probably change that but right now our kiddos are 7, 5 and 2 and not much of a problem with regards to respecting our privacy. Plus our kids all have squeaky hinges on their doors, so we can tell when they get up. 🙂
We moved into a house several months ago that is not equipped with a MBR lock. Thank you for reminding me during business hours that that the locksmith is on my ‘to-do’ list.
Most definitely we have a lock on our bedroom door. It prevents embarassing moments for the children and is a help in our marriage lasting 27 years come this May.:love:
Steven Merten:
We put a lock on the bedroom door. The kids learned how to pick it with the handle of a spoon.

I guess kids themselves can be a form of birth control. LOL

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
LOL! I’ve sometimes wondered how my parents managed – I’m second out of seven. They didn’t even have cable TV to park us in front of 🙂

Once you fix the click, then you’ll be worried about some other noise or tell-tale sign. It’s a never ending battle, unless you just accept it.
You spend the first half of your life trying to hide from your parents and the second half trying to hide from your kids. —KCT
To the parents who don’t lock their door: how do you avoid accidental walk-ins when additional privacy is required?
If a bedroom door is shut, the rule is you knock and ask if you can come in. That is what we taught our Daughter while she was growing up, she’s 23 now. For the MOST part it worked!
You spend the first half of your life trying to hide from your parents and the second half trying to hide from your kids. —KCT
To the parents who don’t lock their door: how do you avoid accidental walk-ins when additional privacy is required?
Large (full) laundry baskets behind the door. 😃
YES, I think all parents definately need to have a lock. But using it is the key. Once, (oh my gosh) we did not lock it, and our youngest walked in on us, during you know what. He never mentioned it though, but we were sooooo stunned. We generally only close our bedroom door if we need to, at night it is always open so our many animals can come in and sleep on our bed. If we are in the romantic mood, we get up and lock it (most times). hahaha
Steven Merten:
We put a lock on the bedroom door. The kids learned how to pick it with the handle of a spoon.

I guess kids themselves can be a form of birth control. LOL

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
Replace it with one you need a key to open it with…then hide the key! Really - it works. 👍
Only when privacy is needed. There are some things children should not have to deal with.
I have 3 kids ( 5, 3 and 5 months) and I have yet to lock my door. I guess maybe in the future we may need to but for now, I want my kids to feel that they always have access to us.
YES, I think all parents definately need to have a lock. But using it is the key. Once, (oh my gosh) we did not lock it, and our youngest walked in on us, during you know what. He never mentioned it though, but we were sooooo stunned. We generally only close our bedroom door if we need to, at night it is always open so our many animals can come in and sleep on our bed. If we are in the romantic mood, we get up and lock it (most times). hahaha
I have a friend who’s 13yo walked in on some “afternoon delight” and she was MORTIFIED, and a lot of friends were telling her to “talk to him” about it, and I was like… NO, be old school and sweep it under the rug!! I still don’t know what happend-I am guessing it was never brought up again! :eek:

We do have a lock, but again it is only used when needed, but our girls are 4yo and 17mo, so privacy isn’t yet in their mindsets…lol
Yes, it’s that way here, too. But kids being kids, they sometimes forget to knock in the excitement of a moment.
I can remember when we would… sometimes forget to lock in the excitement of the moment…
We just put a lock on our door this past weekend due to a recent… ummm… incident. After telling one of our four year old to please knock she of course, ignored what we said and walked right in, and then just kept talking. She obviously had no clue as to what was going on, she just wanted to discuss Dora the Explorer, but boy did it kill the mood for me!

So, when I got home from shopping later that day, my husband had switch a bathroom door lock to our bedroom door. Very nice!:clapping:
Ethnologically speaking (I am a could have been archaeologist and sometimes I must vent :P), it’s a cultural thing. As someone suggested, in times past, people had just one room or just one bedroom and I doubt they went outside. However, I tend to suppose that back in times immemorial people weren’t even using NFP but simply having sex only for breeding, even if they did enjoy the moment.

As for me, I do need to have a lock on the toilet door unless we’re talking public gents with urinals. It tends to piss me off when I see a female in the gents (what are they thinking?) but when I have to run for it, I have to run for it. 😃

As for other rooms, it’s a criminal offence to enter without knocking. I hate that. I hate that. Hate that… Ooh, sorry, I was lost in thoughts. 😃 My world wouldn’t come to an end if I were to be interrupted by my future children, although I wouldn’t really invite them, either. I would prefer to have the lock. I’m neither an exhibitionist nor a prude, but I’m not really into PDA. It’s hardly aesthetic when other people do that, so it must look the same if I were doing that.

I can’t help but automatically link all the careful locking and barricading with chores and routine. What joy is it going to be if it needs to so carefully planned and carried out according to the plan? Maybe just a little lock but a good one and fast to use. And kids well-trained in proper manners, so they would know better than try anything improper. Not like I would keep them from knowing what I were doing there. Part of the problem with promiscuous teenagers is lack of proper sex ed. They need to know it’s something mum and dad do and not something they should do with classmates. 😉 Sex ed should start before they do it, not after they do it in the school’s locker.
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