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*Yes, I am most concerned with my kids having “fun”! They are KIDS. They are supposed to have fun, to be bored, to be KIDS, for crying out loud! Whenever else in their lives will they ever have this chance again?? Never. (Unless they become a SAHM parent to their children and give their kids the opportunities, but it never really is the same ever again.). *My kids learn just as much outside of a classroom as they do inside of one. Well goody for them! My kids also learn outside of the classroom as I have stated earlier.
Karin, we will never agree on this point. I firmly believe that kids do need 2-3 months off to go swimming, biking, playing, and being kids. Kids are burning out at an alarmingly fast pace these days, and much of that has to do with the pressures that we as parents who live vicariously through our children put on them. There is life beyond academics. Sports, clubs, music, volunteering…Just as valuable as academics. Many times, more so. I agree that these activites are important but they are not more important than education.
*Maybe WE didn’t graduate in the top 10% of our class, but our kids certainly will because we all know THEY are the smartest ones in school! And even if they don’t have it in them, they better darn well do it anyway because if they don’t, WE look bad! I think that is BUNK, but many parents think that way. What if your kids don’t want to go to college? (not all kids are college material, you know.) What if they want to join the military? Go to trade school? *If a trade school made them happy then by all means…but out here trade schools do require a basic amount of education…they are not that easy to get into. as to the military, I think I know my kids pretty well and the eldest does not follow orders very well so I dont think so…also to advance in the military you need an education.
*I still live in a rural area (my parents still farm). My boys go out to help them in the summer. Is it still “archaic”?? *Your parents I assume do not rely on your kids to do all the labor on the farm or a large majority as in the olden days?? If they do then by all means take off the summer so you can help bring the harvest in!
Give me my happy, content, bored children any time over the stressed out, anxiety ridden, tense, depressed children of overachievers.FYI this does not describe ALL kids…this describes a very small percentage I am sure. I know that it does not apply to my kids
Goody for you. Actually, the percentage of depressed kids is rising. Haven’t you been keeping track that childhood and teen suicide rates are rising? It is the 3rd leading cause of death among teens! Nope have not been keeping track. Was I supposed to!!!
Once they get into this “profession”, they will never again be allowed summers off (unless they become school teachers!). Or they work in Europe…which is an option You seem to say our kids don’t work hard enough because they get 2-3 months off during the year but our adults work too hard because they don’t get 2 months off like the European’s do! Which is it?
I am one of those parents that make my kids (eldest at least) work during the summer they do extra math and reading work and they are learing history etc. during our travels. They are allowed to swim, tan, ride a bike, volunteer etc. but they also need to hit the books a bit each day
I don’t believe in burnt out kids. Neither do I and mine are not
The kids that are burnt out are this way IMO becuase they do too much (school, sports, work etc.) Their priority is on Fun and not Learning.
As Luvthelight says, if you are so concerned your children will forget everything over the summer, maybe you should be tutoring them or supplying them with supplemental information. LOL!! Thank you I do…it is a shame that more parents dont then their kids could stop wasting my sons time in Sept. relearning things that they forgot!