I am just towards may way being catholic, but this perspective is very strange for me. The articles speaks about programming (especially for youth), about community relations, about catholic families bringing downs catholic values and culture to their children, about those niceties of parish community (I wonder why they did not mention after-mass agape, pancake balls and coffee evenings?).
But faith (at least for me) is about spirituality, about all encompassing system of values (which guides our decisions from voting up to enterprise wise business decisions), about standing one-to-one before God during the moment of death, about philosophy of Transcendence and Providence, about integral development of humans and nature and so on, so on. Quite a lot of things instead of parish chat and parish activities.
I am quite sceptical about efforts to make events (like youth leadership courses, like charity and education activities instead of developing respective government services systematically and science-lead) to attract faithful. Faith is something more than those activities, faiths is also sacraments. We can not replace the sacraments by hanging events.
And regarding the family life specifically. What happens to people between ages 15 and 38 (when they are getting married)? Well, of course, they are seeking God, church, but the church is closed for them, because they are sexually active during this time and Catholic Church does not recognize it. That is the problem. I hope, that clergy, theologians and pastors are seeing this and will make some steps.
There were stages in the human history when family was quite different (matriarchate), there are cultures in which the family is different, there are developments that have a wider looks on sexuality (e.g. committed relationships that allow managed/wise-smart/exploratory/emotional/human side-steps and groupings).