Can you share with me what is dissenting is this practice?St. Pius X used the word “obedience,” “differ” and “dissension.” Of course this is a translation from Italian. But the meaning is the same. The SSPX say they have devotion and loyalty to the pope, but then they dissent with him and disobey his canon law. I don’t think St. Pius would approve…
*"*If one loves the Pope, one does not stop to ask the precise limits to which this duty of obedience extends… one does not seek to restrict the domain within which he can or should make his wishes felt; one does not oppose to the Pope’s authority that of others, however learned they may be, who differ from him. For however great their learning, they must be lacking in holiness, for there can be no holiness in dissension from the Pope. " (Pope St. Pius X, allocution of 18 November, 1912, AAS vol. 4 (1912), 693-695. Selection from p. 695)
We certainly don’t need any more dissenting priests.
In essence the parish is passing around a cup that they keep in a place of prominence in their home and use to gather around and pray for vocations.
I would rather see them use the Icon I linked above, maybe A&O could suggest this, but I see nothing diobediant or dissenting in this practice.
Go to the web site linked by A&O, they appear to be a very traditional obedient group.