Is the movie the Passion of the Christ based on a Catholic view? If it is or isnt does it really matter? Is there that much of a difference between protestant and Catholic interpretation on the Passion?
I didnt feel that way. I felt like it was just a normal breaking of the bread. Like a meal before He was put to death.I didnt feel that they stressed the Eucharist being actual body of Jesus. So Mel GIbson is he catholic or what?The movie also stresses the connection between the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, and, more importantly, the connection between the Eucharist and Jesus himself. A Protestant movie wouldn’t have focused on the breaking of the bread, or have so artistically pointed out that the “bread” was in fact the body of Jesus.
If you do not feel that way then you have not understood the movie.I didnt feel that way. I felt like it was just a normal breaking of the bread. Like a meal before He was put to death.
I disagree. I think it was very clear that Mel was showing the significance in the Eucarist. The movie made me truly understand the significance of recieving communion. In Mass after I saw the movie, I had so much more emotion and reverence toward recieving communion. I never really “got it” before. I was raised Catholic and before this movie and a lot more soul searching and prayer I really never understood why we did the things we did in the first place. The Passion woke me up and gave me a deeper understanding of what Jesus really did for us and a strong desire for more knowlege on our faith and on Jesus.I didnt feel that way. I felt like it was just a normal breaking of the bread. Like a meal before He was put to death.I didnt feel that they stressed the Eucharist being actual body of Jesus. So Mel GIbson is he catholic or what?
You were not alone!!!I never really “got it” before. I was raised Catholic and before this movie and a lot more soul searching and prayer I really never understood why we did the things we did in the first place.
Yes Mel is Catholic.
You were NOT alone!!!I never really “got it” before. I was raised Catholic and before this movie and a lot more soul searching and prayer I really never understood why we did the things we did in the first place.
Yes Mel is Catholic.
I tried this once before, but the board went down, so I’ll give it another go.I didnt feel that way. I felt like it was just a normal breaking of the bread. Like a meal before He was put to death.I didnt feel that they stressed the Eucharist being actual body of Jesus. So Mel GIbson is he catholic or what?
You should tell your Protestant sister-in-law that after the movie was shown to Protestant pastors across the country, many came to the priest traveling with Mel at these private showings and said they had never considered the Passion in some of the ways portrayed in the film, especially those that featured Mary (no big surprise there). But, they also said they found a new appreciation for what she went through, what she sacrificed, and how she participated in the sufferings of her Son. Many Protestants are beginning to see that they have been blinded by denominational short-sightedness and are coming to a new understanding–one the Catholic Church has always had–of the importance of Mary in the life of Christ and to us as Christians.Just so you all know, I wasnt mad that this was a Catholic movie. I’m glad, infact. My protestant sister in law made a comment about how the Passion was a “Catholic View”. It upsetted me because it is the Passion of OUR LORD. Why should it matter if it was Catholic or not? Everything was taken from the bible.
I don’t know. The Truth is the Truth whether one is Protestant or Catholic. Personally, I found the movie to be a very serious attempt to be true to the Biblical account of the Passion. Assuming you are a Protestant, what did you think?Is the movie the Passion of the Christ based on a Catholic view? If it is or isnt does it really matter? Is there that much of a difference between protestant and Catholic interpretation on the Passion?
And truly, what are those visions if not meditations on the Passion of the Lord? Mel’s movie is the same thing–it’s his meditations on the Passion drawn from the Bible, the visions of Ven. Anne Catherine, the paintings of Caravaggio, his own experiences as a sinner in need of the Savior, etc. So, although Mel certainly used Ven. Anne Catherine’s meditations, the film wasn’t based mainly on her writings. Not that you are saying that here, but I thought it good to show that the movie was inspired by a mix of things–just for those who think Catholics base everything they know about the life of Jesus on the visions of saints and mystics.The Passion of the Christ was partially inspired by the writings of Anne Catherine Emmerich, a German nun of the 18th Century. She wrote a book entitled “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ” based on visions she had of the Passion.
The text of “The Dolorous Passion” may be found here.
When I watched it, it CHANGED MY LIFE! It changed me so much that I wanted to be in the Church our Lord wanted me in…therefore, I came home to the Catholic Church!It is such a Catholic movie that I am amazed it hasn’t converted other Christians. Maybe Catholics have been negligent in explaining what it is all about.