Patron Saint?

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wow thank you for the prayer. I looked online and she isn’t popular enough to have a medal or anything…should i have two patron saints? her, and another?
There is no reason not to have as many patron saints as you want. Besides my formal patron saint of Robert Bellarmine, I regularly pray to St. Benedict, the Holy Family and St. Michael the Archangel. Depending on your need at any given time you may wish to call on other patron saints

You can also have a patron saint based on geography (St. David, for example, is the patron saint of Wales), or on occupation (St. Monica and St. Anne for mothers, St. Barbara for miners, St. Scholastica for teachers are just a few who come to mind). Or if you have a particular condition (illness), there are saints for that: St. Lucia or Lucy for the blind, St. Peregrine for cancer. Or interests: St. Francis for the animal lovers, for example.
well lets see, I am a teenager, i have suffered mental and physical abuse in my life, I am shy, I am an artist, I am a writer, I sew, cook, swim. I’m not stick thin, my family has diagnosed mental problems, I have problems with my Mom, who hates the fact that I am trying to become Catholic. I have a lot of things going on with me.I can’t pick one thing…
You could use a search engine with the words patron saint and some acitivy or aspect of life that interests you a great deal. For exapmle I found this page:

It says that Pope John Paul II named a patron saint of the Internet.

Here is one patron saint of amateur radio:

Although I have also heard that Saint Maximillian Kolbe is the patron saint fo amateur radio operators, as he was one with the call letters, SP3RN.
  • Kathie :bowdown:
well lets see, I am a teenager, i have suffered mental and physical abuse in my life, I am shy, I am an artist, I am a writer, I sew, cook, swim. I’m not stick thin, my family has diagnosed mental problems, I have problems with my Mom, who hates the fact that I am trying to become Catholic. I have a lot of things going on with me.I can’t pick one thing…
A look under patron saints would show the following among many:

Mental and Physical Abuse:

Memorial - 27 August
Profile - Mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo, whose writings about her are the primary source of our information. A Christian from birth, she was given in marriage to a bad-tempered, adulterous pagan named Patricius. Prayed constantly for the conversion of her husband (who converted on his death bed), and of her son (who converted after a wild life). Spiritual student of Saint Ambrose of Milan.

Patronage - abuse victims; victims of verbal abuse


Memorial - 18 March
Profile - Joined the Dominicans in Fiesole, Italy in 1407, taking the name Fra Giovanna. Taught to illuminate missals and manuscripts. He immediately exhibited a natural talent, as an artist and his works can be seen in Cortona, Fiesole, Florence, and the Vatican. His dedication to religious art earned him the title Angelico.

Name Meaning - anglico = angelic; beato = blessed
Patronage - artists


FRANCIS de Sales

Memorial - 24 January
Profile - Born in a castle to a well-placed family, his parents intended that he become a lawyer, enter politics, and carry on the family line and power. Studied at La Roche, Annecy, Clermont College in Paris, and law at the University of Padua. Doctor of Law. He returned home, and found a position as Senate advocate.

It was at this point that he received a message telling him to “Leave all and follow Me.” He took this as a call to the priesthood, a move his family fiercely opposed. However, he pursued a devoted prayer life, and his gentle ways won over the family.

Priest. Provost of the diocese of Geneva, Switzerland, a stronghold of Calvinists. Preacher, **writer ** and spiritual director in the district of Chablais. His simple, clear explanations of Catholic doctrine, and his gentle way with everyone, brought many back to the Roman Church.

Bishop of Geneva at age 35. Travelled and evangelized throughout the Duchy of Savoy, working with children whenever he could. Friend of Saint Vincent de Paul. Turned down a wealthy French bishopric. Helped found the Order of the Visitation with Saint Jeanne de Chantal. Prolific correspondent. Doctor of the Church.

There are many, many saints you may ask for help from. But remember only God is the source of all love.

I have found two more saints I like. Here is my list of saints I think I want as my patron saints:

THERESE of Lisieux

Thank you for all the help.
Where I come from we pick a saint’s name as a fourth name when we make our confirmation, do you do that elsewhere? When I was confirmation age I couldn’t be bothered reading up on saints so I just picked St. John the Baptist. Turns out it wasn’t the best ‘match’ for me - no-one ever listens when I suggest to them that they should repent… maybe I should throw them in the river, would that help? Actually, the Parramatta river is so dirty it would probably kill them, so I don’t think I’ll give that a try.
My other ‘patron saint’ is St Michael the Archangel, because that was the name given to me at baptism. Always good to know that there’s a guy with a long sword around to protect you when the devil’s at your back every night and day…
St. Maria Goretti died from a man who was going to rape her but only beat her instead. The only reason he didn’t was because she pleaded with him telling him it was a sin. She was 12 years old.
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