I dont know about that, Im not so sure God cares either way about earthly authorities/ Govt/ Law enforcement, etc. I believe he is more concerned with HIS laws and whether people are obeying them or not, He is fully aware (much more than us) that our time here on earth is extremely short, so when looking at the big picture, earthly laws/ matters/ concerns are not that important.I agree with this interpretation. I think what Christ is telling us is that worldly authority must be obeyed in an earthly way. After all, what does it matter? Money is money. We are Christians, we don’t care for these things because we care about the Kingdom of Heaven.
So, yes, we should obey the laws of man (with exceptions, of course). But we should also know that God has bigger and better plans for us.
I think when some priests say otherwise, its just an attempt to mend fences with local authorities and trying to keep a good relationship going, after all, if priests were to start telling parishioners in the OT God, instructed people to go out and kill other people, sometimes just for blasphemy or not believing in the one true God, or some other verses that many local govts would not like their citizens taking part in, or hearing about.
As a general rule, churches and local cities do not really get along, both have very different opinions on a number of issues, both go about resolving problems in a different way, Local Govts are not concerned with Gods laws, all they care about it people obeying THEIR laws, even if it clashes with Gods law, they come up with pathetic excuses why people should choose to follow cities laws versus Gods, that is not surprising though, however the Church needs a bit more aggressive about which laws are more important, I think alot of parishes care way too much about mans/Govts laws, when they should be concerned with Gods.
In the end, when we are all in the afterlife, NO Govt made law is going to matter, they are not that important imo.