peer pressure

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I can think of many things off the top of my head that prove this statement false.
Yup. Peer pressure is of itself a morally neutral fact, the moral quality of which is defined by the cause. šŸ˜›

Sorry, couldnā€™t resist. šŸ˜ƒ

Of course, certain methods of pressure are wrong as well. Headache-inducing nagging that effectively coerces a person wonā€™t be right just because the goal of the pressure is good.
I havenā€™t read all the answers, but I think when people do that to you, you should say exactly what you said here about how they wouldnā€™t like it if you told them what they should doā€¦ and how you want to avoid the problems you mentioned with drunkenness.

You may plant a seed šŸ™‚
Yeah, absolutely. Some of them, even those who actually exert that pressure, might have doubts deep inside. Already or not yet, but if the impulse gets there, who knows what may happen. Or maybe not just the one impulse from you, but that one impulse plus another one plus yet another perhaps. At some point it might well make a difference.
I can think of many things off the top of my head that prove this statement false.
**Enlighten me please. I canā€™t think of a single thing that I would have to be pressured to do that wasnā€™t wrong. But Iā€™m probably looking at it the wrong way.

Malia, youā€™re a good woman, so you donā€™t need to be pressured into good things. But some lousy sinners like yours truly sometimes need to be pressured quite a lot to do something which needs to be done. šŸ™‚ Thatā€™s probably what Mac6yver meant. Admittedly, I canā€™t think of anything peer pressure pressures towards, which would be good, especially among young people. Hmmā€¦ hygiene maybe? Most things people need to pressured into doing because of the lacking fun part, like chores or something. But sometimes something is good and fun and not morally wrong, but people still need to be pressured to try it sometimes - but they like it later on. Think sports or something. But thatā€™s not the kind of pressure that uses ridicule and blackmail tactics, anyway.
I can only say that during my high school and college years, Iā€™ve known several women who were raped when they were drunk or passed out from being drunk.
Sanctamaria 17, I was going to bring up this point as well. Many after-prom activities have getting drunk as the BEGINNING of things; when drunk, peopleā€™s guard is down and inhibitions are lowered. So, staying sober is a SURVIVAL tactic that is the mark of an intelligent person. And Iā€™m sure that among those who will not stay sober there will be some sad stories that result, and that will be a witness - sad, but necessary - that will only prove your point.
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