Pennsylvania Officials Warn of Election Result Delays Due to Thousands of Mail-In Ballots

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Pennsylvania Officials Warn of Election Result Delays Due to Thousands of Mail-In Ballots​

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AP Photo/John Froschauer


2 Nov 20201,853


Pennsylvania officials are warning that the processing of thousands of mail-in ballots, in addition to votes at the polls and absentee ballots, could take several days.

Seven counties in Pennsylvania, a battleground state, say they will not begin counting ballots until the day after Election Day, NBC News reported. . .

. . . Breitbart News reported Thursday that Butler County Commissioner Leslie Osche estimated thousands of mail-in ballots requested by voters could be lost. . . .

. . . The Butler Eagle reported the U.S. Postal Service lost an unknown number of mail-in ballots sent to voters.

In October, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a Republican application to stay the state Supreme Court’s decision to grant the Democrat Party’s request to make changes to the mail-in voting system.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s vote was split 4-4 on the Democrat request, which left the decision of the lower court in place. Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the Court’s liberal minority.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that ballots received three days after Election Day will be counted, even if not postmarked on time. . . .

It’s amazing that these states have no trouble processing tax returns of residents who owe taxes but can’t run an election count.
It’s amazing that these states have no trouble processing tax returns of residents who owe taxes but can’t run an election count.
People file their taxes spread out over the course of months. Many of the filings are electronic. The tax filings being processed over months isn’t analogous to processing paper ballots that all cannot be opened until a specific date.

If everyone filed that taxes on the same day, then it would be a good comparison.
I really don’t understand why America struggles so much to hold an election. In the UK we can reasonably consistently know in what order the constituencies will present their results.
They’re not just choosing a President - there will be Congressional and State elections as well as referenda issues.
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I really don’t understand why America struggles so much to hold an election. In the UK we can reasonably consistently know in what order the constituencies will present their results.
How the elections are run is left up to each state. There is no standard way of doing it. Some places use machines. Some places use paper ballots. Some tabulate those paper ballots by hand. Some tabulate them by machines. Some places use machines that occasionally break down.

Voting resources are also not necessarily distributed evenly. Typically, when I vote, I can walk from my house to my voting location and be in and out in 15 minutes. Some people have to drive (or take a bus) for miles and wait in line several hours.

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Yes, but everyone isn’t voting on the same day. Kentucky started accepting votes 7 -8 weeks ago.
Take a look at their law on counting votes.
KRS 117.087:
Beginning at 8 a.m. on election day, the board shall meet at the county clerk’s office to count the absentee ballots returned by mail and the ballots cast on the voting machine in the county clerk’s office or other place designated by the county board of elections and approved by the State Board of Elections.
I don’t know about their time zone, but according to this they will either start processing ballots in 30 minutes or started 30 minutes ago.

Pennsylvania will start counting some of their mail in ballots tomorrow.
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It seems the Right is worried about the results so are throwing out stories to cast doubt on the results.

If Biden wins how long will this continue?- 4 years?
"The continued drops in performance mean ballots are now at significant risk of not arriving to election offices in time to be counted. In more than half of the states, mail-in ballots will not count if they arrive after polls close."

This was all purposeful.

Now the same leftists who were painting election in person as
a superspreader corona virus event
taking your lives into your hands
(just to go and vote in person)
going to the polls. . . .
. . . are now urging their leftist voters to go vote in person at the polls
(suggesting to me anyway, that their "coronavirus concerns "
are out the window when power is on the line for themselves. Which is just what I expected.
It was never about saving lives from corona virus).

I have seen many leftist commercials urging their people to go vote IN-PERSON now.
(Which is just what I anticipated.)


Votes are not going to be counted until after court fights and bilateral charges of “disenfranchisement”.

This election chaos is exactly what the national left WANTED.

I said this would happen months ago.

I was told not to worry, that the mail system has had “practice” and “time to get it right” and all of that.
All would be fine with mail-in voting they said.

I knew it was a ridiculous proposition on behalf of mail-in voting then . . . And I know it now too.

The “conservatives” knew as well.

USPS reports another drop in on-time movement of mail ballots​

From CNN’s Paul P Murphy

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Election officials begin counting absentee ballots at City Hall on November 03, 2020 in Beloit, Wisconsin. Scott Olson/Getty Images

For the fifth day in a row, the US Postal Service moved fewer ballots on-time in critical battleground states than it did in the previous day, according to new court filings.

Five of the states with low processing scores — Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, New Hampshire and Maine — do not allow ballots to arrive after Election Day.

The continued drops in performance mean ballots are now at significant risk of not arriving to election offices in time to be counted. In more than half of the states, mail-in ballots will not count if they arrive after polls close.

A higher processing score means that a higher percentage of ballots are traveling through the mail system on time.

The Postal Service said that on a national level, it moved fewer ballots on time on Sunday and Monday than on Friday, with the service’s overall processing score dropping from 91% to 90%. Scores have been steadily declining since Wednesday, when USPS reported it moved 97% of ballots on time.

The Postal Service reported that it moved at least 740,864 ballots on Sunday and Monday.

Some critical battlegrounds states are still experiencing a drop in processing scores below 90%. . . .

The Food-Fight that the left brought on,
was political and purposeful.
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Poll Watchers Denied Access
I looked at the alleged poll watching certificate. It looks that the certificates are assigned a location. In the video, the people that denied him entry said his certificate was not for their location.
Or, @Cathoholic , this is the culmination of appointing a big Trump contributor to be Postmaster General, who then proceeded to dismantle the ability to move the mail in ballots.
PaulinVA . . .
Or, @Cathoholic , this is the culmination of appointing a big Trump contributor to be Postmaster General, who then proceeded to dismantle the ability to move the mail in ballots.
If you really believe that, you should have joined me in calling against this new and widespread mail-in voting paradigm.

You supported it.

You should have also joined me in calling for voter ID.
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ThinkingSapien (implying because ONE “certificate” was for a different area, ALL must be wrong) . . .
I looked at the alleged poll watching certificate. . . .
If you really believe that, you should have joined me in calling against this new and widespread mail-in voting paradigm.

You supported it.
I support free and fair elections and as many legal modes of voting as possible. Just because the President abuses his office to try to steal the election doesn’t mean we should try to have a fair and free election.
You should have also joined me in calling for voter ID.
I am somewhat in favor of proving citizenship at the time of registration. Voter ID at the polls is not needed. There is little to no voter impersonation - ID not needed.
PaulinVA . . .
Just because the President abuses his office to try to steal the election
Another conspiracy theory.
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Just because the President abuses his office to try to steal the election doesn’t mean we should try to have a fair and free election.
No reason to trust the immorality of the DNC, Trump’s not the one supporting infanticide and being supported by Planned Parenthood.
Yeah, so I don’t have sufficient information to cry “foul” on this one. There’s a photo on Twitter that is alleged to be the guy’s certificate (I use the word “alleged” a lot because I cannot speak on the authenticity of any information posted on this issue). In the photo, the location is blacked out. That is a vital piece of information for even making a provisional judgement on this.
Dems have been cheating in elections for. generations
So. Have. Republicans. Watergate.

You are projecting. Your party is going to court to prevent the counting of valid ballots.

I, too, am sick of this.
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