You can’t stop people from thinking you are an abnormality. Most people want to have a family of their own. Those who don’t, often still want sex and romantic relationships. I wouldn’t use the word “strange” but your intentions are uncommon and lots of people aren’t going to understand. You can’t control what they think of your life choices, but you CAN choose to not need their approval. Instead of spending my time trying to convince others that my way is best for me, I would just focus my energy on accepting myself regardless of what others think.I don’t know what to say to people when they try and match me up with dudes or keep telling me to go find a man when I feel at peace being on my own serving God. People tell me I’m strange or a weirdo (like my own non-Catholic family) or even suggest I might have sexuality issues or something which I don’t.
I don’t know what to say anymore, how can I stop people thinking I’m an abnormality?