People You Wish Were Catholic

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Michael Savage.He defends the Church regularly, but he himself seems like a restless soul searching for the truth, so I wish that he could discern that the Church has not only the answers for the world in general but for him personally.
Well, for my part, one of the people I wish was Catholic is Jimmy Swaggart. He’s so anti-Catholic that I wish and pray that in his study against the Church, he might some day find out that the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded.
Well, for my part, one of the people I wish was Catholic is Jimmy Swaggart. He’s so anti-Catholic that I wish and pray that in his study against the Church, he might some day find out that the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded.
He will need humility first.
My boyfriend…
My friends…
My family on the east coast…
I would give my right arm for them to be Catholic…but God works in mysterious ways…
all those who publicly profess to be Catholic but agressively promote anti-Catholic beliefs, ideas and lifestyles. If all the real Catholics would pray, worship and act like real Catholics, we could convert the world in two weeks.
I guess that would include John Kerry. I wish he would change his Anit- Belief stance!
Everone that has already been mentioned, my family, and Dr.Laura.

I totally second the notion that Oprah would be a great “celebrity” to convert. Her influence is huge!

Boy, could I write up a list…

I guess I will just stick with—> everyone.
all those who publicly profess to be Catholic but agressively promote anti-Catholic beliefs, ideas and lifestyles. If all the real Catholics would pray, worship and act like real Catholics, we could convert the world in two weeks.
hehe, you’re funny
  • My Alma Mater (southern Baptist school)
  • All protestant preachers who are dedicated to truth and ending mediocrity in Christianity
  • All of my friends (especially the married ones so that I can be their babies’ Godfather 😃 )
  • My old high school coach and teacher (great man who is deeply engrained in the southern Baptist tradition)
  • Everyone in Hollywood

  • All those in my family who are lukewarm and have no idea what it means to have a real true relationship with Christ our Savior and our King

  • **All those evangelicals and non Catholics who are working vigorously to convert Catholics away from the Church to their own brand of Christianity :nope: **
It would be AMAZING to see everyone become Catholic. I especially have a heart for those who are LDS and most especially for my friends (a family of 8). It would be great to see my students all become Catholic too, then I could talk about Catholicism while teaching martial arts! OOH! The dream job!!!
“Oprah”…boy her shows would be sending everyone running to the Catholic Church!! she has some much clout.
My husband, and family members who left the chruch.
I have long been a fan of the band, R.E.M. Their lead singer, Michael Stipe, is an atheist (and yes, he is also gay).

Yet when I hear Michael’s lyrics, I cannot help but ponder if he is slowly beginning to feel Christ calling to him. Back in 1997, his lyrics in one song were, “I can’t say that I love Jesus, but I love the things he said.” Then this past year, their latest album had the lyrics, “Well, Jesus loves me fine.” I wonder if Michael is struggling internally with the question of Jesus Christ and whether He is truly real or not. I pray each and every day that he will find out that Jesus is indeed for real, and that he finds Christ in the Catholic Church.
Rush Limbaugh and George Carlin — both know more stuff about the Catholic Church and know it more accurately than 99% of professed Catholics. They talk about it and write about it. But they’re not Catholics… at least not yet.

Let us pray for them and for the others mentioned in this thread.
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.
I wish they were all in His Church!!
My daughter, a baptized Catholic, wish she were fully in the church,
My dad, my older sister, my 2 older brothers, anyone else in the
world who is not Catholic! I wish the whole world was Catholic!
Here’s a proposition: Let’s all pray a novena for Oprah to be converted! I’m making mine a Novena of Divine Mercy. The poor lady does, I believe, what she thinks is right. Sadly, she’s so mistaken (although I don’t really know too much about her, I think she is trying to do good). We need to pray for her. Have masses offered up for her conversion. We can help her in this way more than she could ever hope to help anyone else, even with her millions of dollars and her influence. Tonight when I go to mass with my husband, I’m offering that Holy Communion up for her conversion. Please, everyone, let’s do this!!! 👍
Here’s a proposition: Let’s all pray a novena for Oprah to be converted! I’m making mine a Novena of Divine Mercy. The poor lady does, I believe, what she thinks is right. Sadly, she’s so mistaken (although I don’t really know too much about her, I think she is trying to do good). We need to pray for her. Have masses offered up for her conversion. We can help her in this way more than she could ever hope to help anyone else, even with her millions of dollars and her influence. Tonight when I go to mass with my husband, I’m offering that Holy Communion up for her conversion. Please, everyone, let’s do this!!! 👍
Isn’t she New Age?
Isn’t she New Age?
I don’t really know all that much about her, but it wouldn’t surprise me. She needs all the prayers she can get! We all do, really 🙂
The Bishop of Rochester, NY!

AJC :whistle:

“Oh, Rochester.” “Yes, Mr. Benny.”
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