I’m not sure about the subdiaconate but mino orders, yes, and the lgislation I don’t think was repealed in that matter but simply fell into disuse (but I’ll have to check the 1917 Code for that)Unless one was already married.
I’ll dig up the reference, but Trent reiterated that the Minor Orders AND the sub-diaconate may be filled by married men.
That the functions of holy orders, from the deacon to the porter-which functions have been laudably received in the Church from the times of the apostles, and which have been for some time interrupted in very many places-may be again brought into use in accordance with the sacred canons; and that they may not be traduced by heretics as useless; the holy Synod, burning with the desire of restoring the pristine usage, ordains that, for the future, such functions shall not be exercised but by those who are actually in the said orders; and It exhorts in the Lord all and each of the prelates of the churches, and commands them, that it be their care to restore the said functions, as far as it can be conveniently done, in the cathedral, collegiate, and parochial churches of their dioceses, where the number of the people and the revenues of the church can support it; and, to those who exercise those functions, they shall assign salaries out of some part of the revenues of any simple benefices, or those of the fabric of the church-if the funds allow of it,-or out of the revenues of both together, of which stipends they may, if negligent, be mulcted in a part, or be wholly deprived thereof, according to the judgment of the Ordinary.
And if there should not be unmarried clerics at hand to exercise the functions of the four minor orders, their place may be supplied by married clerics of approved life; provided they have not been twice married, be competent to discharge the said duties, and wear the tonsure and the clerical dress in church.