Daily Prayer for priests
That all strive to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That Holy Mass be continually offered for the life and the needs of the world:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That our Eucharistic Lord be accessible and lovingly adored:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That the Gospel be proclaimed tirelessly, free from error:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That in Sacramental Absoultion we seek and find peace and joy:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That unity in prayer bring about unity among all Chrsitians:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That local Churches, and their leaders be ever loyal to the Holy Father;
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That all humna life be protected and defended as sacred:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That God’s mercy extend daily to sinners, the dying and the Souls in Purgatory:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That youths be helped to grow free of drugs and all sinfull addictions:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
Tat prisoners, the elderly, the homeless find faith and hope in Christ:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That Christ’s love heal the lonely, the shut-ins and the sick:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That Christ be the goal and fulfillment of the young and the strong:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That new vocations heed God’s call to lead the Church of the future:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
That we promote true devotion to Mary, Mother of the Church:
Holy Spirit, make our priests holy.
Let us pray: God of mercy and holiness, hear the anguished cry of your people for holy priests to shepherd them. Fill their hearts with enlightened zeal, that they minister worthily in your presence, be faithful to your Church always, and come at last to love You with a never-ending love. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.