Aspirations to the Holy Spirit
Light of the intellect, enlighten our priests,
Divine Fire of hearts, inflame our priests,
Fullness of souls, fill our priests,
Lord of grace and life, vivfy our priests,
In this vale of suffering, guide our priests
In their weakness, strenghthen our priests,
From stumbles and falls, deliver our priests,
With Thy Divine gifts, overwhelm our priests,
With Thy Presence, console our priests,
Into their Jesus, transform our priests,
And unto Thy glory, bear our priests,
That, having been faithful upon earth,
they may be eternally happy in Heaven, in the perfect reverberation of Thy love. Amen.
May the grace of the Holy Spirit,
enlighten their hearts and refresh them
abundantly with the sweetness of charity!
O infinite Love! Our priests love Thee;
Do thou confirm and increase their love!