Let us pray for:
The Holy Father, fill him with courage and grace, Lord.
Cardinals, archbishops, and bishops, give them a shepherd’s heart, Lord.
Diocesan priests, fill them with your Spirit, Lord.
Priests in religious orders, perfect them in their call, Lord.
Priests who are ill, heal them, Lord.
Priests who are in danger, deliver them, Lord.
Priests who are weak, strengthen them, Lord.
Priests who are poor, relieve them, Lord.
Priests who have lost their zeal, renew them, Lord.
Priests who are sad, console them, Lord.
Priests who are worried, give them peace, Lord.
Priests who are old, sustain them, Lord.
Priests who are alone, accompany them, Lord.
Missionary priests, protect them, Lord.
Priests who are preachers, enlighten them, Lord.
Priests who direct souls, instruct them, Lord.
Priests and religious who have died, bring them to glory, Lord.
For all priests, give them Your wisdom and knowledge.
For all priests, give them Your understanding and counsel.
For all priests, give them reverence and awe of You.
For all priests, give them patience and love.
For all priests, give them obedience and kindness.
For all priests, give them a burning zeal for souls.
For all priests, give them virtues of faith, hope and love.
For all priests, give them an intense love for the Eucharist.
For all priests, give them loyalty to the Holy Father and their Bishops in
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Let us pray.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, hear the prayers we offer for our priests.
Let them know clearly the work that You are calling them to do.
Grant them every grace to answer Your call with courage, love, and lasting dedication to Your will.
We ask Mary’s intercession as their loving mother. Amen.