Persians Push for Bush

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As long President Bush stands with the Iranian people, the Iranian people will stand with him

February 15, 2004

The BBC world service website recently released the results of their 2004 presidential poll. Of the sixteen linguistic ethnical groups surveyed, Persians were overwhelmingly the most supportive of President Bush. In fact, over fifty two percent of Iranians preferred Republican George W. Bush to challenger John Kerry who’d received a minuscule forty two percent of the vote. Thus, surprisingly, unlike in the United States where the presidential race was relegated to a couple of percentage points, in Iran - President Bush won by a landslide.

Numerous other sources of plausible acclaim have confirmed these results. Renowned intellectuals, as well as award-winning journalists have written pieces on this critical issue. For instance, Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas Kristof of the *New York Times *who spent an entire week in the country recently wrote, "Finally, I’ve found a pro-American country.

Everywhere I’ve gone in Iran, with one exception, people have been exceptionally friendly and fulsome in their praise for the United States, and often for President George W. Bush as well." Thomas Friedman another Pulitzer Prize winner and ardent critic of the war in Iraq wrote “young Iranians are loving anything their government hates, such as Mr. Bush, and hating anything their government loves. Iran . . . is the ultimate red state.”

The well-documented emphatically pro-Bush leaning in Iran, which is relatively widespread, has perplexed many western technocrats. Part of the answer may be that Iran is changing at such a rapid rate that the media has had a difficult time reporting and/or understanding the situation inside the country. Also, Friedman may be right that “young Iranians are loving anything their government hates, such as Mr. Bush and hating anything their government loves”, but there are even deeper social as well as geopolitical reasons such as the availability of satellite dishes and the internet.

Millions of Iranian homes receive illegal satellite television beamed in by Iranian-American expatriates in California. With a mix of pop music, political discussion and international news these stations have had a profound impact on the cultural, and political situation inside of Iran. The Iranian dictatorship has repeatedly tried to crackdown on these dishes as well as the Internet, but they’ve been largely unsuccessful. Presently, it is estimated that between five to seven million homes receive satellite television and an estimated three million have Internet access. Hence, to the dissatisfaction of the reigning ayatollahs Iranians do not live in a closed off cave.

Due to the availability of satellite television, millions of Iranians were able to hear President Bush’s State of the Union speech. The Persians were once again encouraged by the President’s vision when he said “To the Iranian people, I say tonight: As you stand for your own liberty, America Stands with you.” thereby reiterating his support to the Iranian freedom fighters inside of the Islamic Republic. Several political analysts have confirmed that this was in direct reference to the pro-democracy movement in Iran. “The President was sending a message to the people of Iran that if they rise up America will stand by their side,” said political analyst Charles Krauthammer.

****Of course, President Bush’s declaration of support to the Iranian youth does not mean military intervention for the purpose of regime change. According to a recent poll by the National Iranian American Council a non-profit civic organization in the United States over ninety percent of Iranian-Americans are against any type of military attack on Iran. In fact, although Iranians are openly pro-American any type of military attack by the United States and/or Israel will turn the nationalist population in Iran immediately anti-American.

%between% As evidenced by a Tehran University student who said, “The Iranian people support President Bush because he supports our cause. As long President Bush stands with the Iranian people, the Iranian people will stand with him.”

read it all:
You notice there is no link to this BBC poll and I cannot find it on the BBC website. Funny that.
you can’t find it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

you still go for this elementry logic fallicy. Funny that
You notice there is no link to this BBC poll and I cannot find it on the BBC website. Funny that.
Look by language: Persian

Who would your choice for President be?

a. George Bush

Arabic 28% English 16% Spanish 17% Persian 51% Russian 44% Urdu 8% Hindi 17% Portuguese 10% Chinese Traditional 27% Chinese Simplified 28%

b. John Kerry

Arabic 50% English 76% Spanish 76% Persian 42% Russian 44% Urdu 51% Hindi 84% Portuguese 80% Chinese Traditional 69% Chinese Simplified 69%

c. Ralph Nader Arabic 22% English 7% Spanish 7% Persian 7% Russian 5% Urdu 8% Hindi 3% Portuguese 7% Chinese Traditional 4% Chinese Simplified 3%
Thank you. Did you notice the bit at the bottom that says “DISCLAIMER: Results are indicative and may not reflect public opinion”
Also “about the survey” says~
About this survey
       This online questionnaire is being conducted in eight different languages on key BBC websites, and is part of a BBC interactive special.
Your comments may be used on TV, radio or online.

Any personal or demographic information submitted as part of the survey will not be shared with any other party. You will not be contacted in any way without your permission as a result of this survey.

The survey is being hosted on the NetPulse Interactive Network of PoliticsOnline Inc, a company that provides news, tools and strategies for the civic sector worldwide.

Results are indicative and may not reflect public opinion.

I seem to remember the BBC World Service looked for the most popular song in the world. The answer was the Irish Rebel Song "A Nation Once Again. This may have something to do with Irish Republican skill at mobilising their support rather than the popularity of this ditty.
Matt25, Matt25, Matt25…

When will you ever learn? This poll is not the only sign of pro-American sentiment in Iran. It has been documented in other sources. Just because YOU find it hard to believe that anyone likes Bush, doesn’t mean that such people don’t exist.
Matt25, Matt25, Matt25…

When will you ever learn? This poll is not the only sign of pro-American sentiment in Iran. It has been documented in other sources. Just because YOU find it hard to believe that anyone likes Bush, doesn’t mean that such people don’t exist.
I understand very well why rednecks, hillbillies and oil company executives support Bush.

The so called poll in question is, however, not representative of Iranian opinion. Aside from anything else not all Persian speakers live in Iran. The website which posted all this stuff up is North American and caters for fans of the late, and murderous Shah.

A self selecting group of questionnare fillers-in who’s views resemble that of the website reporting them is not necessarily a good basis for decisionmaking.

If American troops march into foreign countries expecting to find singing dancing crowds welcoming them they may sometimes be disappointed. But you know better of course.
I understand very well why rednecks, hillbillies and oil company executives support Bush.
Along with 52% of the U.S. population. Hate to break it to you, but if you look at the election returns in states that went for Kerry, most of the counties went for Bush. The opposite was not the case. The demographics show that those who voted for the Democrats were the urban elite and the urban poor. Everyone else in the middle went for Bush. Condescension not only is impolite, it is also un-Christian. Break out of your neo-Marxist class warfare mindset for a change and realize that those who disagree with you aren’t always stupid or greedy. Sometimes we value an elected official for their stance of opposing abortion, not because we agree with everything they do. Please retire that tired rhetoric about Bush being in the pocket of the oil executives. If he really wanted them to benefit, he could have simply asked for the end of sanctions against Iraq and had all of Saddam’s oil that he wanted.
The so called poll in question is, however, not representative of Iranian opinion. Aside from anything else not all Persian speakers live in Iran. The website which posted all this stuff up is North American and caters for fans of the late, and murderous Shah.

A self selecting group of questionnare fillers-in who’s views resemble that of the website reporting them is not necessarily a good basis for decisionmaking.

If American troops march into foreign countries expecting to find singing dancing crowds welcoming them they may sometimes be disappointed. But you know better of course.
I will grant you that the poll is not representative. However, like I said before, there are other sources that verify the pro-American leanings of the Iranian population. They were the only Middle Eastern country to have spontaneous public candlelight vigils when the 9/11 attacks occurred.

Actually, most foreign countries that have had American troops marching into them in the past century have had singing and dancing crowds. Let me think - France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Phillipines, Kuwait, Afghanistan, heck even Iraq before the Baathists started with all of their death threats. They were singing and dancing in the street in the recent election too. Hard as it may be for you to accept, American military power has done the world a lot of good in the past century. Perfect? No. But I hate to consider what the world would be like if our armed forces weren’t out there. I don’t think you would like it either.
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