Personal Miracles

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The purpose of this thread is bear witness to the Truth in our own lives… to recount instances of miracles that have happened to us. The faith of many can be strenghtend if they can hear of the grace of God, the Holy Spirit’s power manifesting in this world.
I’ll start with my story, which just happened:

My Condition

I was diagnosed by a multitude of physicians with Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Post-Herpetic Neuralgia, a fancy way of saying that the V1 branch of the right trigeminal nerve had been damaged by shingles. The upper 1/3 of my right face, around my eye and my right scalp was affected. The myelin sheath was ripped from parts of the nerve, so that all heat, touch and pressure sensations caused pain and facial paralysis. Even without stimulus, the pain was constant. I could not put my teeth together for long because the pressure sensation would induce pain. I couldn’t wear a hat, allow a fan to blow on me, or be in hot weather. Wearing glasses was painful, but I can’t do without them. There were times before doctors upped my anti-convulsant dosages that I could see the pain, hear it, and taste it. It looked like a soft grey film cutting me off from the world, it sounded like a power line humming, it tasted like ozone. I sometimes wept uncontrollably when in its grip. Other times I simply bore it, allowing it to wash over me like fiery waves. As one doctor described it, “Terminal level pain without being terminal”. I think you can see why Trigeminal Neuralgia is known colloquially as “The Suicide Disease”.

The pain had very gradually increased since my bout with ocular shingles three and a half years ago. I was on the highest levels of Neurontin and Tegretol that I could stand (I’m still tapering off Neurontin now). I could barely function. It was difficult to even read a newspaper.

The Mask

My neurologist prescribed a lidocaine patch (lidoderm), and that brought great relief. I took to wearing a mask of lidocaine patches (lidoderm) all of the time, day and night, beyond the recommendations of the manufacturer. I had to cut the patch into swaths to fit it around my eye and nose. It was like a “Phantom of the Opera” mask done in bandages. It horrified and fascinated people more than anything I’ve worn for Halloween. Even my GP shuddered when he saw it. I stopped taking Tegretol (I gradually tapered off) because it made me a zombie. I had to have my mind back. The mask gave me enough relief to do without Tegretol. Even with the mask, the pain was always with me at some level.

I could take off the mask long enough for an interview, but I knew that once I was hired I’d be walking in wearing a mask. I was resigned to wear it for the rest of my life. There was only an outside chance that the scheduled Botox injections would help. I feared that one day the pain would rise even higher and I would spend the remaining decades of my life in a paralysis of pain. High, constant levels of trigeminal pain cannot be lessened by any known remedy.

The Healing

My brother invited me to a healing service nearby to be conducted by Fr. Pat Crowley SS CC (Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary), originally from Ireland. I thought… “Won’t hurt anything, why not?” I believe miracles can occur, but I expected nothing of this except a bit of relaxation and worship. The healing service was preceded by a mass. Afterwards Fr. Pat laid hands on each person who came up. There was singing sometimes and praying in tongues. People were slain in the spirit often. I was not, though I took a few steps back after encountering the Holy Spirit in a physical way.

I could feel the healing right away, like nothing I could describe. I was stunned and couldn’t believe it. I thought, “This is something temporary and psychological, but perhaps I can learn from this to control the pain mentally”. I kept the mask on at first, but it began to itch so badly, I ripped it off after leaving the church. My face is still slightly sensitive, but the paralysis is gone and there’s no pain.


I tried to keep quiet about it in case the pain recurred, but I wasn’t able not to tell people. People have been very concerned and ask each time I see them. I’d have had to avoid people for a few days in order to keep it quiet, because it was too fresh in my mind. But then, this will always be fresh in my mind. It’s like asking the blind man whom Jesus healed what happened. How can he dissemble? I tried, “I got better”, but people want to know how that happened.

This is the most dramatic thing that has ever happened in my life. I was facing a fate far worse than death.

I owe more than my life to God. Now I have a very clear idea of grace. Were a ball to float in mid-air, you would rightly assume that some outside, unseen force was acting upon it. Grace is the unseen force, the Holy Spirit affecting the world. It can heal. It can also influence behavior in ways that could not naturally be achieved. I understand now completely what Paul spoke of when he said that God worked through him, that he achieved nothing by his own power. Thanks be to God.

God bless you for sharing that testimony. You have been given a truly wondrous and marveloous gift. Praise God!
Thatd is a wonderful testimony! Very encouraging.

I have had numerous instances of God’s grace and mercy in my life, now that I think of it.
Let’s see: at a turning point in my life, when I was depressed and asked God what to do, I heard a voice that said, “Read the Bible.” That’s the point I became a Christian, but in hindsight I can see the many ways throughout my life He led up to that moment.

When my sister was expected to die of alcoholism and hepatitis, she recovered enough for me to fly her home to my hospital. There was a miraculous two day “window” which allowed her to come home for medical care, without that she would surely have died. As it was she nearly died in the hospital, but that was not God’s plan.

I can think of at least three other instances of God’s goodness, but will stop with that. I am absolutely convinced that God keeps a close eye on us, and is lovingly concerned in what happens to us, even when we can’t see His hand in it.
Thatd is a wonderful testimony! Very encouraging.
Thank you. Yours as well.
When my sister was expected to die of alcoholism and hepatitis, she recovered enough for me to fly her home to my hospital. There was a miraculous two day “window” which allowed her to come home for medical care, without that she would surely have died. As it was she nearly died in the hospital, but that was not God’s plan.
Praise God! A moment of grace can acheive more transformation than a lifetime of struggling on our own power.
My older siser just two years ago had a brain anurism and was down to her 3rd and last operation. The surgeon told the family that if this operation was not successful she would not make it through the night. That is as close to death as anyone ever wants to come. We were all bracing for the worse. After a 5 or 6 hour operation and an evening of touch and go, God answered our prayers. She is now just about fully recovered.

Her short term memory is nearly shot and she lost use of one eye, but given the alternatives, we are more than estatic that her condition is a million times better than before.

When fate sends one of your loved ones to the brink, you know that it is only His will that intervenes for you.
Then last year, I had a heart attack and even though I was not as critically ill as my sister. I was well aware that one of the outcomes and symtoms of a heart attack is death ! My wifes uncle and my mom had died of massive heart attacks, almost instantly.

I thanks the Lord for the extended time, and I have every intention to make the most of what ever days (and hopefully years that I have left.

For anyone to say that either case is a miracle may be questioned, as doctors had major intervention in both cases. In my sisters case even the surgeon said it was a long shot that he would be able to stop the bleeding with a third operation.

50 or 60 year ago, folks with the same ailments would both have been goners, but medicine has advanced to make our recoveries possible. What it boils down to, is doctors can only do so much and at some point it is entirely up to God as to whether you pull through or not.

What I find telling, is the fact that patients who have hope and faith are much more likely to pull through than folks who are fearful or depressed.
What I find telling, is the fact that patients who have hope and faith are much more likely to pull through than folks who are fearful or depressed.
God bless you for your witness, and may your time left prove fruitful! I agree. Studies have shown just what you say. Also, men with faith have managed to live as POWs where their compatriots perished. If this world is all you have, than life is only as good as the moment now and moments here to come. We live for the Kingdom of God.
In 1981, when I was 26 years old, I was captured by the British Army and thrown into Crumlin Road Jail, Belfast, in the North of Ireland. At the time I was extremely bitter and full of hate, not believing in God at all and very angry at the Catholic Church, which I considered to be pro-British.

But the years of rage and violence during the ‘Troubles’ had taken their toll on me and I was increasingly suicidal. The only thing that stopped me from killing myself at once was the knowledge that it would bring great pain to my family.

One night, as I entered my cell, I found a newspaper photo of Padre Pio, bearing his stigmata, lying on the floor. I don’t know how it got there as neither myself or my cell-mate were believers.

Anyway, as I looked at the marks of the Passion on Padre Pio’s hands, I thought, “The old fool did it with a screwdriver!” But I wondered how he had never gotten blood poisoning and been caught cheating over such a long life.

That night as I was going to sleep, I said in despair, “Padre Pio, go to God, ask Him to prove to me He really exists in the space of one ‘Hail Mary,’ for if He doesn’t, I will know for certain that He does not exist and I can go ahead and kill myself.”

As soon as I said ‘Hail Mary,’ my eyes flooded with tears in rivers, for there, standing at the end of the bed in great glory, was the Mother of God herself. Extraordinary holiness, and beauty, and majesty, and motherliness and love and kindness: indescribable!!

She said, “Now you believe.”
I could only nod and say, “Yes, I believe.”
Then she said, “Faith without love is vain. You must forgive; do you forgive?”

Then I saw before me picture-forms of all whom I had hated, while Mary’s voice gently kept asking me, “Do you forgive, do you forgive, do you forgive, …” as each one passed before me.

She then said, “Now is there anyone, anyone at all, to whom you bear hate?”
There was no one; I forgave them all; it was as though the weight of the universe was lifted from my soul.

For the first time, Mary smiled, “Now you have faith and now you have loved; now you must pray, for prayer is the food of faith. Pray, pray the Rosary,” and she held a set of beads towards me.

But I was embarrassed and said, “I am sorry I have forgotten how to say them.”
Then Mary said with great firmness, “I myself will teach you!”
And she was gone.

Well anyway I cannot tell the joy I felt; it was as though I was reborn. I found it hard to say the rosary at first, but then I came to love it. Eventually, I ended up saying it all the time; the way Mary taught it was not at all as we prayed it as a child. It was slow and thoughtful.

Well, when I left prison I entered a Cistercian Monastery for three and a half years. But I will never forget that night in prison.
Padraig, that was a story of blazing, holy beauty. Thanks. The greatest miracles come in the direst of times.

I’ll relate another part of the healing I spoke of below.

On the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary this year, I was without hope and seriously planning suicide. Some people expected it, and one friend encouraged it. I know many hospices will kill terminal and suffering patients if they request it, then list the cause of death as natural. I just needed to research which ones would help me do the deed.

I went to mass that day early, and sat staring, fuming, at the crucifix. I thought, “A few bad days; that’s all you had to endure. All my days are pain! I’d be glad to endure what you did!”.

Then I saw Christ on the cross, very near death. His bleeding broken body, more vivid than words or art can describe. And I realized in a way that I never had: He had borne the weight of the world, the weight of all our sins. It overcame me and I wept, the vision dissolving in my tears.

That cured me of plotting my end. As I said that happened on the Assumption 8/15/2005. God healed me exactly a month later on 9/15, on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.

One other coincidence: The cross is the endpoint of the Via Dolorosa, the Way of Sorrow. Our Lady of Sorrows is Mater Dolorosa. My greatest fear was Anesthesia Dolorosa, a condition where the trigeminal nerve becomes so badly damaged, you can feel nothing but pain. I had a small patch of skin near my eye where this had occurred.

Since both the days of the vision and healing were dedicated to our mother, I thank you dear Lady for your intercession! I still can scarce believe that I am well! It has shocked all who saw my long decline.

Glory, honor and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ!
In 1981, when I was 26 years old, I was captured by the British Army and thrown into Crumlin Road Jail, Belfast, in the North of Ireland. At the time I was extremely bitter and full of hate, not believing in God at all and very angry at the Catholic Church, which I considered to be pro-British.

But the years of rage and violence during the ‘Troubles’ had taken their toll on me and I was increasingly suicidal. The only thing that stopped me from killing myself at once was the knowledge that it would bring great pain to my family.

One night, as I entered my cell, I found a newspaper photo of Padre Pio, bearing his stigmata, lying on the floor. I don’t know how it got there as neither myself or my cell-mate were believers.

Anyway, as I looked at the marks of the Passion on Padre Pio’s hands, I thought, “The old fool did it with a screwdriver!” But I wondered how he had never gotten blood poisoning and been caught cheating over such a long life.

That night as I was going to sleep, I said in despair, “Padre Pio, go to God, ask Him to prove to me He really exists in the space of one ‘Hail Mary,’ for if He doesn’t, I will know for certain that He does not exist and I can go ahead and kill myself.”

As soon as I said ‘Hail Mary,’ my eyes flooded with tears in rivers, for there, standing at the end of the bed in great glory, was the Mother of God herself. Extraordinary holiness, and beauty, and majesty, and motherliness and love and kindness: indescribable!!

She said, “Now you believe.”
I could only nod and say, “Yes, I believe.”
Then she said, “Faith without love is vain. You must forgive; do you forgive?”

Then I saw before me picture-forms of all whom I had hated, while Mary’s voice gently kept asking me, “Do you forgive, do you forgive, do you forgive, …” as each one passed before me.

She then said, “Now is there anyone, anyone at all, to whom you bear hate?”
There was no one; I forgave them all; it was as though the weight of the universe was lifted from my soul.

For the first time, Mary smiled, “Now you have faith and now you have loved; now you must pray, for prayer is the food of faith. Pray, pray the Rosary,” and she held a set of beads towards me.

But I was embarrassed and said, “I am sorry I have forgotten how to say them.”
Then Mary said with great firmness, “I myself will teach you!”
And she was gone.

Well anyway I cannot tell the joy I felt; it was as though I was reborn. I found it hard to say the rosary at first, but then I came to love it. Eventually, I ended up saying it all the time; the way Mary taught it was not at all as we prayed it as a child. It was slow and thoughtful.

Well, when I left prison I entered a Cistercian Monastery for three and a half years. But I will never forget that night in prison.
I am most curious as to how Mary taught it to you, that is, hearing that story. When did she teach it to you? It sounds like she left before she could. And do you have a picture of that Rosary? I imagine it is most beautiful :).
Hi Fuzzy. The rosary she left me was my fingers. Ten fingers equalling one decade.
These are beautiful recollections. I can’t be as descriptive as I would like, but simply , this past easter weekend I was consumed with despair. And had resigned to end my life and the fear of living with cancer. I talked with my wife and kids and told them how sorry I was for all the pain I had caused to them and felt like I would be releasing them from any further burdens. As soon as I decided to do this, terror hit me, like pages in a book, or a movie reel. I was alone with sin. I screamed out God help me and He did. Instantly I was giving Love, without doubt, unconditional in perfect joy. I felt purged. No words were spoken. I’ve been called a nut, been laughed at, and seen doubt in people faces in proclaiming Gods Love. I get alot of “you been through alot”. So I try everyday to overcome these doubts by living in example that is revealed in God’s Word. Hoping that would be testimony. Ultimately, I want everyone to feel this Love and Hope in it and be part of the victory over sin. To me true love is a miracle that saves and radiates from God through his vessels. And I try to keep Him close to me. I’ve almost erased this several times. Not wanting to bring any doubt to someone or do it injustice. I hope you believe in Gods mercy and love.Tim
Thanks for not deleting your message Top! The most important miracles are those which heal the soul.
Promotor Fidei:
Thanks for not deleting your message Top! The most important miracles are those which heal the soul.
Psalm 118
Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good! For HIS mercy endures forever.,
Top: I’m praying for your healing (forgot to mention that in my last mesage).

Padraig: I’m learning to say the rosary more slowly. Of course I’m finding I get a lot more out of it.

The best way to say the rosary is this

Find which is the best part of your day, the part when you areat your best and set it asidefor prayer.

When saying the rosary say it very slowly and devoutly, paying attention to each and evry word. Payingclose attention to every word.

Make the rosary absolutely essential to each day. Neglect it for nothing.

Soon the rosary will become essential for you, something you look forward to.

For the person of prayer daily mass and communion are a must.Padre Pio would not let people join his prayer group unless they went to daily mass and communion. The mass is the greatest prayer. We must hunger for it. The rosary leaves us at the feet of Mary.
I have witnessed so many Miracles lately but the Miracle of life is the greatest gift. 22 years ago today I was diagnosed with Melanoma. I was 26 years old and was not quite sure where my life was headed. But the Lord sure did. I was not a practicing Catholic at the time.I was more of the cafeteria Catholic. I went to church when I wasn’t inconvienced. However, that has all changed.

I have been reading a book on Padre Pio this week. I realized through his intercession that I was healed from the melanoma. I don’t know exactly how to explain it. I was so frightened of the word cancer that I felt that some one else was doing all the guiding in my life during that time.

I now know it was the Lord, Blessed Mother, and Padre Pio. So I guess you could say I received another MIRACLE this week.

Miracles are there every day we just needed to stop and take time to see them.
My story

Last year I was walking to my office one mornng and as I was in the cross-walk a man came and ran the red light going 50 in a 25 zone and hit me I was thrown several feet into the air landed on the hood of his car slid off and skided for more than a foot at first I thought I died because all I could see was blue sky blue all around me and I then I seen Our Lady next thing I remember I’m laying on the pavement and someone is telling me not to move my head. I was taken to the hospital where thankfully all I had was a broken leg and some bad scraps I had to have sugery and have a metal rod put into my left leg tht runs form my knee to my ankle. I was very fortunate since I could have easily been killed, I’m convinced that Our Lady was protectig me and from that day on my devotion to her became intense and it was this moment that was pivitol in my converting to The Church.
This is a cut-and-paste from my journal.
I wrote it for Pentecost 2005.
Hope this testimony may help some of you.

God Bless

This is the first time I ever tell this story…… around 23 years after it happened.
Normally, I like to keep things private and quiet. Pretty much as it is asked here: “But thou when thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, and having shut the door, pray to thy Father in secret, and thy father who seeth in secret will repay thee.” (Matth 6:6).

When I think about it today, I realize that I am short-changing God by not telling my story. It is so much easier to keep quiet with a low profile. And that’s what I do almost every time. I want to change this today, and get out of my shell to tell of God’s glory.

May this testimony be the beginning of the fulfillment of my love for Christ, by being a salt of the earth and a Light of the world (Matt 5). I have kept the Light hidden for too long.

The following is written in love and worship for the Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity of God, and in memoriam of the events of Pentecost - the descent of the Holy Spirit unto the disciples, the defining moment of the founding of the Church - that we celebrate this Sunday, May 15 2005.

The following happened in the island of Mauritius, where I was born, on the anniversary of the death of Blessed Father Jacques Laval, the apostle of Mauritius. Father Laval was a very Holy man who worked with the slaves and poor. He is believed to have made 67,000 converts. The date of his death has become a national holiday in Mauritius when an average of 100,000 Christians, Animists, Buddhists, Shintoists, Hindus and Muslims making pilgrimage to his tomb.

The day of pilgrimage (September 9, 1982), I decided to fast the whole day. In the afternoon, I started to walk from Rose-Hill to the Church of Saint Croix, about maybe 12 miles distance. As the time passed by, and the miles went by, the energy from my body kept draining out. As you imagine, it was not an easy exercise, as I had not eaten. I persevered, dragging my body along the other pilgrims. It became worse as time went on, but I pulled together all my energies into continuing to move ahead. I was also carrying a plastic bag in my hand. I took it as my cross to bear, and try not to switch the bag from hand to hand, but keep the bag in one hand as long as possible. I voluntarily added the suffering as part of my pilgrimage, it was my cross to bear for the day. (Incidentally, a few people carry full size crosses on the day in honor and in imitation of Jesus-Christ.). All of this time, I stayed in a state of prayer.

At the beginning of Port-Louis, about two third of the way, I had slowed down to a crawl, I was literally dragging my feet to keep moving, I was fighting with my own body to keep moving and trying to squeeze every little ounce of energy left. My pace was painfully slow.
Then at one point, despite fighting with my body, I could hardly move, and I was ready to give up. I turned up my hearth and head to the sky, and made a silent prayer: “Seigneur, je n’en peux plus.” (“God help me, I can’t go on anymore.”) All of a sudden, like a ball of fire fell from the sky unto my head, and spread throughout my whole body. It (He) invigorated my whole body. It felt like my blood was flowing again in my body.
There was a sudden rush all inside my body, and everything was in motion again. It was the Holy Spirit walking with me, inside of me. He carried me using myself. There was still soreness in the muscles in my legs because of the strain I had put in them, but now I(we) was walking without any problem. It almost felt like I was walking on thin air. My pace picked up and the Holy Spirit carried me all the way to Blessed Jacques Laval resting place.

This is my testimony of the greatness of God, the Love of God, and the Caring of God. God takes care of us; Jesus takes care of us. So I hope that it will bring you much hope and Joy in our Lord Jesus-Christ.

In all things, let us always remain in Him and remain in his Love.
And let the Most Holy Spirit fill us with his seven gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord.
Give us grace, O Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere, “Speak Lord for Your servant heareth.”

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