Personal Miracles

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Thank you for your story, IesusDeus. May it strengthen some who are weary of their journey.
My family of four was heading home across our state through a small town in the Adirondacks. It was a pokey little town but there was an intersection with a light and it was green for us to go… As we passed slowly through the intersection I could see very clearly that a car was going to have impact with our vehicle. My husband was driving. I was a front seat passenger. My two children sat in back. The vehicle was supposed to hit my car door. It was right there! There should have been an impact. I could see the car’s front bumper right there and I was expecting a crunch and jolt. It all happened so suddenly that I had no time to even gasp with my breath to warn my husband. Yet I looked forward and saw directly in front of me at the end of the hood of our vehicle a white bird which then ascended up out of my view. I then looked to my side and realized we had passed through the intersection safely. There was no sound. I asked my husband and children if they realized what almost happened and not one of them saw a car almost hit our car. They didn’t see a white bird either.

My family of four was heading home across our state through a small town in the Adirondacks. It was a pokey little town but there was an intersection with a light and it was green for us to go… As we passed slowly through the intersection I could see very clearly that a car was going to have impact with our vehicle. My husband was driving. I was a front seat passenger. My two children sat in back. The vehicle was supposed to hit my car door. It was right there! There should have been an impact. I could see the car’s front bumper right there and I was expecting a crunch and jolt. It all happened so suddenly that I had no time to even gasp with my breath to warn my husband. Yet I looked forward and saw directly in front of me at the end of the hood of our vehicle a white bird which then ascended up out of my view. I then looked to my side and realized we had passed through the intersection safely. There was no sound. I asked my husband and children if they realized what almost happened and not one of them saw a car almost hit our car. They didn’t see a white bird either.
I knew God was with me and protecting me and my family.
Here’s my story, which also happened recently:

My wife has been suffering from numerous physical ailments for a while now. It’s been especially bad as of late. One night while in extreme pain I put a Rosary in the palm of her hand. She reported that she felt a warn sensation go up her back and the pain had vanished. That was short lived though, but a nice relief nonetheless.

A few nights ago I decided to ask Saint Therese to pray for my wife’s healing. The next day while at work I was inspecting some dry cleaning someone had brought into my office and on one of the hangers, I saw the image of a red rose and the words “Thank you for shopping at The Rose.” And because Saint Therese frequently gives people the sign of a rose in response to their petitions, I took this as a sign that Saint Therese had heard my prayer and was working on it.

My wife felt so much better that day that she was able to catch up on a lot of things she had to put off because of the pain. The pain has since returned but the once mystified doctors are now finally understanding what’s going on and she’s on the road to healing.

I praise God and thank Saint Therese for her intercession.
Frail: Praise God! The priest who conducted the healing service I went to pointed out that we should not limit God. He is Lord of the Universe; if he doesn’t heal us directly he can use any knowledge, resources or people he chooses, should that be his will.

Contemplative: There may be tragedies God saves us from without us even being aware of it… perhaps you were more attuned to his will then and witnessed his handiwork.
Thirteen years ago, on May 2, 1992, I was sitting in the walk-in closet of the master bedroom of my mother’s home in Pleasant Hill, California. I was smoking about 800 dollars worth of cocaine a week and drinking about a gallon and a half of vodka every 36 hours or so…I weighed 350 pounds. I was dying. I cried out, “Oh God please I don’t want to live like this anymore!”. I took a huge hit off the pipe, a huge swig of the bottle and passed out. I came to, looked at the clock outside the door of the closet. It was 6:oo. I didn’t know if it was morning or night, but I knew there was an AA meeting at the Concord Fellowship at 6:00 at either time. It was May 3. On May 4th I had gone 24 whole hours without a drink or a drug. I haven’t had to drink or use any drugs since that day.

If that is not a miracle - there are not any miracles. One day at a time, all due to the grace of a loving God.
My best friend is “intellectually challenged”. She nursed her overweight mother for years with no help from her three sisters. She saw her mother die of a heart attack and a few years later she came home to find her father also dead of a heart attack. In exchange for her years of service it was promised that she would inherit the house which was very small but sufficient for her needs. Unfortunately, she trusted her eldest sister and disclosed to her the whereabouts of the will. The will mysteriously disappeared and the estate went into dispute. The devious sister while she still had my friend’s trust had full access to the home for three weeks while she stole everything of worth. What she couldn’t take she destroyed; I mean right down to destroying the stove burner wires with oven-cleaner and removing the hinges off of the refrigerator. When I finally was allowed access to my friend who had been ensconced in her evil sister’s apartment and brought her home the shock of witnessing the destruction was devastating. Nonetheless, my friend refused to lay charges with the police. For three years she struggled valiantly to win the right to stay in her home. During this time she continued to be so tormented by her sister that she closed herself off from the world and sat in the dark. Years passed and I persuaded my friend to be baptized and to become a Catholic as we would be a family who would love her. She learned to pray the rosary and she began to read the bible as difficult as both tasks were. Five years passed before she finally understood that in order to have peace and to live a Christian life she had to forgive her sister. The miracle is she did. She forgave her sister everything. The sad part is her sister again violated her trust and went back to her old ways of lying and stealing. It was a hard lesson to learn that forgiveness doesn’t mean you ever have to trust someone again. The point of forgiving is the healing of one’s own soul and my friend has certainly passed the test. She is generous beyond measure. I’m only sorry her sister squandered that second chance to hurt her again. Nonetheless, that her act of forgiveness was a miracle and she continues to pray for the conversion of her sister.
My best friend is “intellectually challenged”. She nursed her overweight mother for years with no help from her three sisters. She saw her mother die of a heart attack and a few years later she came home to find her father also dead of a heart attack. In exchange for her years of service it was promised that she would inherit the house which was very small but sufficient for her needs. Unfortunately, she trusted her eldest sister and disclosed to her the whereabouts of the will. The will mysteriously disappeared and the estate went into dispute. The devious sister while she still had my friend’s trust had full access to the home for three weeks while she stole everything of worth. What she couldn’t take she destroyed; I mean right down to destroying the stove burner wires with oven-cleaner and removing the hinges off of the refrigerator. When I finally was allowed access to my friend who had been ensconced in her evil sister’s apartment and brought her home the shock of witnessing the destruction was devastating. Nonetheless, my friend refused to lay charges with the police. For three years she struggled valiantly to win the right to stay in her home. During this time she continued to be so tormented by her sister that she closed herself off from the world and sat in the dark. Years passed and I persuaded my friend to be baptized and to become a Catholic as we would be a family who would love her. She learned to pray the rosary and she began to read the bible as difficult as both tasks were. Five years passed before she finally understood that in order to have peace and to live a Christian life she had to forgive her sister. The miracle is she did. She forgave her sister everything. The sad part is her sister again violated her trust and went back to her old ways of lying and stealing. It was a hard lesson to learn that forgiveness doesn’t mean you ever have to trust someone again. The point of forgiving is the healing of one’s own soul and my friend has certainly passed the test. She is generous beyond measure. I’m only sorry her sister squandered that second chance to hurt her again. Nonetheless, that her act of forgiveness was a miracle and she continues to pray for the conversion of her sister.
And teach the rest of us the true meaning of being a Catholic Christian.

Thank you, Rosalinda. and please tell your friend, our sister, that she is loved by her family in Christ.
My brother fell from a fifth storey balcony as a teenager. He landed on his feet though; crushed a lumbar vertebrae, broke both ankles, lost a couple of back molars. The miracle is he survived the broken back and can walk. At the time of the accident he was wearing a Miraculous Medal. Today my brother is married with a lovely wife and four children.

Needless to say, our family has great devotion to the Miraculous medal which originated in Paris, France on Rue du Bac circa 1830. Our Lady appeared to St. Catharine of Laboure and requested the image be struck into a medal.
In the 1990’s my eleven year cousin was crossing a busy street on the way home with a friend and her older brother; the latter both saw the oncoming truck and stepped back: my cousin did not and was hit. She went flying and struck the pavement head first. When she arrived in emergency she was already dead but they valiantly fought to restore her heartbeat. Within the following few hours it would stop three times. She had several concussions and went into a coma. Naturally, everyone was shocked and the doctors had for-warned my aunt to expect the worse. However, with unceasing prayer, the rosary in particular, she woke up three weeks later with her mother ever vigilant by her bedside. Curious to know if her daughter realized what had happened she asked her, “Do you know how you got here?” “Yes,” she replied, “The Blessed Mother carried me here in her arms.”

Today she is married with two children and graces abound in her life but that is another story for another day.
Wonderful stories!!!

I suppose every day is a miracle, when you think about it!!!
Padraig, and all of you, thank you and God bless you. for some reason I have been avoiding this thread, but I have read it weeping for the last half hour.

My stories are tiny compared to these but tiny miracles are also good.

Oldest daughter had just gotten her license and one evening she drove her brother and sister to CCD because I was very tired from work and other things. Coming home on a crowded rainy street she had to stop suddenly, and was the middle car in a 3-way chain collision. meanwhile I had lain down to take a nap. I woke suddenly knowing with certainty that they had been in an accident, but that I should wait for the phone to ring, and that I should start praying the rosary. I had not prayed the rosary, or any prayer at all, except grudgingly attending Mass because of my husband’s insistence, for many years, did not own a rosary, did not remember how to say it. However on the bedside table, next to the phone, was a crystal rosary, so I began praying. Have no idea how it got there. I was not anxious, just prayerful and alert.

The phone call came about 5 minutes later. A neighbor had witnessed the accident, told me the kids were okay, but youngest was being put in an ambulence. I got down there, about a mile from the house in time to ride with youngest. She was fine, face bloody, but no broken bones (just had $3000 worth of braces removed the week before, no damage to face or jaw). Neighbor got the other kids home safely. Except for a brief dizzy moment in the ER I was surprisingly calm. - I usually freak about everything like this. I have no doubt since then when I cannot be the vigilant all-protective mom, mother Mary takes over for me. Have said the rosary ever since, and that prayer led to my “in-house” conversion to orthodox catholicism and practice of my faith.

On another occassion youngest daughter had just started driving, and returning from Southern Ohio on I-77 at just above freezing temperatures, I warned her that bridges freeze before roadway, and to slow down. Sure enough, she spun out on the bridge, headed across the median, and directly toward a Sams-Walmart truck on the other side. I said out loud, Jesus Mary and Joseph, save us. We ended up in a ditch on the other side, where the highway patrol found us and had us towed, but no damage to my car or to either of us. I literally saw the words Walmart 2 inches from my eyes on through the windshield. No way we missed the truck except thru a miracle.
God is gracious and merciful. Slow to anger and rich in kindness and compassion. Praise God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

The Bible says all of us have gone astray like sheep. Although my parents tried to raise us in the faith. Ever since i could remember i was VERY very depraved and broken and lost. Even as a child in Elementary school I followed all sorts of wayward paths. Im ashamed of some of the things i did even then.

As i started getting older I got caught up in the party scene and began doing drugs. I quickly became addicted. In my active addiction I did all sorts of terrible, evil things.

I was enslaved to all sorts of depravity. My life was a lie. And I was ignorant of it. In my mind and in my soul and in my body i was severley broken.

My addiction got very very bad. I dont believe I could express it all in words. My life fell apart. Yet I still couldn’t stop. It got worse as my life continued to spiral downward. There camea m point where I wanted to stop using, but with all of my strength and will, i only managed to stay clean for two days. No more. I was powerless against the attacks and fiery arrows of temptaion from the Evil One. At times i felt hopeless.

After a series of events. I came to my bottom. I was in rehab for my second time. God spoke to my heart throught he words of a Clinical Aid there. She was giving a lecture to a room full of about 100 people. She said something along the lines of: “Many of you should be dead. But your not. Someone else is going to die tonight. You are here for a reason. Its like God has chosen you.”
This woman was speaking to us all, i cant explain it, but i really felt like she was talking to me. It was powerful.

This was Gods Divine Mercy and Grace and Providence at work. I went back to my room that day and reflected upon my life.I thought about where I was, and all that had happened. I thought about the terribles things that Id done, the people I had hurt and the person that I had become. I thought about my parents and realized I was the person they raised, that i wasnt living the life i was created to live. It was like a light went off, like a moment of clarity. I felt overwhelmed with guilt and shame. And by God’s grade I hit my knees and started crying. I closed my eyes and started praying. I asked God for help. In His mercy and love and compassion and pity, He heard me. I knew He heard me. I felt like I was kneeling in the very presense of God. I had a very vivid awareness of Gods goodness. I feel like God touched my very soul. Alleleuia!!! I knew everything was going to be ok. When I opened my eyes, I felt like I was opening my eyes for the first time. Like I was seeing things as they were. In the Light of Truth.

Things have not been the same since. By Gods grace, and i HAVE TO STRESS THIS-BY GODS GRACE- I am clean today. It has been almost 2 years this December. Remember I couldn’t get through 2 days before, hoenstly. The Lord is risen! And He is still touching peoples lives, and healing those who turn to Him.

I do not do the things I used to. Thank God. Through Christ Jesus He has freed me! I thank God everyday for He has done great things for me.

God in His infinite wisdim and love and providence lets us experience the paths we choose. He lets us experience the pain of a life without Him. He lets us experience our brokeness, and weakness. So that we can freely and willfuly choose Him from the desires of our hearts, and an awareness of our need for Him. Fighting against the will of God is like faighting against the mighty current of a river. It wears us our until eventually we arre forced to truley surrender.

I write these things to bear witness to the goodness of God. Surley I was amongst the worst of sinners. Yet God in His kindness, and Infinite Love and Divine Mercy, compassion, providence and Benevolence has delivered me from my troubles.
May you know Him, and may He keep you and give you grace, mercy and peace through Jesus Christ our Lord!

thanks for letting me share.
yours in Christ
dear brothers and sisters in Christ - let me add my little story. i was about 20 years old when the vision of the CROSS flashed inside my head. it was an acronym. with a bright light it spelled out C-ontentment; R-elaxation; O-pen mind; S-ympathy; S-elf was very fast but as soon as i saw it, it calmed me down. i was at the time suffering from deep depression and God knows what i was contemplating doing at the time. i felt myself a failure and the vision put my fears and doubts to rest - like a medicine that cured me of my nagging ailment at the time. unfortunately, after i felt better and got back to standing on my own two feet - i forgot God. there’s more to this story which i’ll continue in my next post.
truly God’s love for us is without any condemnation.
God bless.
While my “miracles” aren’t nearly as touching as all of yours, I think I do have some:

A couple years ago, I was in a car accident where, had a pulled out maybe a second sooner, my fiance (passenger) and I would have either died or seriously hurt. Instead the only injuries were a “rug burn” on my left forearm from the airbag going off, the best car I’ve had in my short life was totaled, and I was kicked off my insurance and after going through another company I just now got it down to where I can afford it every month ($55- I work part time.)

I also recently had a full-blown panic attack while I was driving, and I almost got hit again!

I’m sure I will have other stories before I’m through. 😉

~Stacey ☘️
This is the sequel to my cousin’s story - fast forward twelve years later after she wakes up from her coma. Her marriage with two young daughters is falling apart because her philandering husband has left to live with his mistress whom he plans to marry. My cousin is broken-hearted and desperately trying to keep her hope alive while everyone advises her a divorce is the best course of action. She won’t; she can’t. She prays, cries and works at the local donut shop to try and keep a roof over her head. Meanwhile my aunt begs me to persevere in praying the rosary for my god-daughter.

Fast forward two years later and her husband has returned home determined to make his marriage a success for reasons no one understands yet. The change is remarkable: a man who once had no faith, had never even been baptized is suddenly interested in keeping his promise to his wife to study the Catholic catechism and to be baptized into the Church. A man once interested only in sports is now more interested in reading the Word of God and staying home to pray the rosary with his family. His transformation is so complete no TV is allowed in his house; his friends and family think he has gone nuts because he only wants to speak about Jesus with them. All these accounts are related to me by my aunt who remains completely mystified about why or how all this happened; she is simply pleased her prayers are finally being answered and that her daughter is happy again.

Well, as you can imagine, I was keen to know what had happened to this young man who, not too long ago, was hell-bent on destruction. Finally, at long last, I learned my cousin attributed his conversion and repentance to the sudden direct intervention of God who told him, in so many words, “This is your last chance. I’m giving you one last chance.”

God hears all our prayers and ever faithful to His promises He wipes away all our tears. Take courage from the witness of faith of my little cousin who persevered in prayer and put all her trust in God. She hoped even when there was no hope: the very definition of hope I’d say.
As amazing as his conversion was the story doesn’t end there. God’s mercy is abundant. As aforementioned the young man, a new convert to Christ, was on fire; evangelizing at every opportunity such that his mother, younger brother and sister were all initially the unwilling recipients of his new found treasure of faith which just gushed forth from him. His younger brother was so heavily involved in the drug scene that he was stealing from his mother to pay for his addiction: even to the point of selling her furniture when she was gone to work. EWTN has just been permitted into Canada, in the past few years, and episodes were being videotaped to share as part of a missionary effort to encourage people to watch it. Anyway, one of these episodes was Marcus Grodi’s, The Journey Home, featuring a young man who likewise had been deeply involved in the drug culture; the Japanese authorities had kicked him out because of it and put him on a flight back home to America under police escort. So the elder brother convinced the younger, troubled brother, to watch this ex-addict, now an ordained priest, give his testimony: the effects of which were so powerful, he immediately dropped to his knees and begged Jesus for forgiveness. Like that he was healed. This man’s being had caught fire and his life was forever changed. Afterwards, his mother decided if the truth of the Catholic Church could bring about such a dramatic change in a son whom she had considered forever lost, then she needed to be a part of it too. This month both his mother and sister are beginning R.C.I.A. classes.

Unfortunately, the downside of this story, is that the only parish in town offering these classes for reception into the Catholic Church is heterodox: the leader having professed little use for papal authority to initiates over the years. So prayers are requested for their sponsor: my aunt, that she will have the necessary courage to defend the Splendour of Truth.
This doesn’t compare to some of the other miracles posted, nonetheless I consider it a great miracle.

About two years ago I was working with jr. high and high school students in a rural farming community. I had an hour commute each way everyday, after almost five years I had gotten used to it. Well one day I was going home and I decided to take a back road…I wanted to speed, and there were hardly any cops or highway patrols down that road.

So I was driving along going about 70mph when a car pulled out really slow in front of me. I hit the brakes and swerved left as to not hit the car (I drove a GMC Yukon) which had, what looked to me, an elderly couple because I knew I would surely kill them if I hit them. I went off the road and tried to get the steering wheel under control, I then swerved back across the road and went of the shoulder onto the dirt on the other side ( I had averted the crash), but I stayed off road for about 500 to 1000 feet until I was able to come to a complete stop.

During the whole thing I kept saying “Save me Jesus, Save me Jesus” then realizing what had just happened I was very shaken up and started crying and thanked God and Mother Mary and my Guardian Angel for having protected me and the elderly couple. What a miracle right, but wait, it gets better.

The next day I drove to work and decided to take the same road to see where it all happened. I stopped and looked around and was floored to realize that there were utility posts on both sides of the road on the shoulder. When I went off the road on both sides I should have hit not one or two posts, but a bunch of them, of course had I hit a post I would have stopped there, but it would have been ugly.

As I remember that event I don’t remember ever seeing one post in front of me, what happened to them? I should have it at least one, now that’s a MIRACLE!!! 👍
So the elder brother convinced the younger, troubled brother, to watch this ex-addict, now an ordained priest, give his testimony: the effects of which were so powerful, he immediately dropped to his knees and begged Jesus for forgiveness. Like that he was healed.
I just happened to locate a DVD with the story of the young priest whose witness changed the life of my cousin’s brother-in-law. His name is Donald Calloway, “No Turning Back: Confessions of a Catholic Priest” is available at the following website.
Dear lexee:

A have a story comparable to yours to share. I just had an accident today. I am OK, thanks God. It is a small and sinuous road I take every day to work. It was raining this morning. At one curve, My tires lost grip with the road, the car started going to one direction, I tried without success to regain control of the car. The road was too slippery. I let go of the steering wheel, and prayed “Jesus save me.” The car crashed into a fence and ran unto an open field, then stopped. I was safe.

Luckily, no car was coming on the other side, and the fence was in plastic instead of wood. Now, I looked at the tire skid. The car was heading directly towards a big tree. Then somehow missed the tree, and stopped of the other side of the tree. God must have had sent some angels to protect me, because there is no way my car should have missed the tree. I do not have any contusion. But my car will probably be totaled.

First thanks Lexee for your testimony. I mean it. When I was reading it, I was thinking. (S)he must have a lot of faith. How could (s)he think about praying to God in this moment? At my moment, I thought about it, and made my prayer. (I was also praying about missing the trees, as I thought about your story.) It prevented me from having a more serious accident. But I am here now, typing this message for the glory of God.

I am surprised how many people stopped their cars to ask me if I was OK. Maybe 5. There are a lot of good people in the world.

The story does not end here. While I was waiting for the tow truck to come. (I have waited in total for more than 4 hours!!!) Another car had an accident from the same spot. It spun around and hit a tree root, and stopped on the right side. Luckily the person seems to have no more than a bump on his head. His accident was worse than mine.
But he is OK too.
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