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Ok, I’m back into my Catholic faith just recently, and I have been hearing alot about conterception debates, I did not know that Catholics where against it, I have alot to learn 😦 , and with all your help I will. Can someone please explain to me why this is not ok??? :confused: I heard about it also on the Ewtn, I love that channel, It’s all I watch. Anyway, I want to do the right thing, please help, and give me some great advise, I just thought you should know that I am married, and just had a baby 5 months ago, and getting pregnant is deffinatly not what needs to happen, we are very, very broke, are condoms Ok?? I am truely sorry I do not usually talk about these things, but I just want to do the right thing. Birth control is deffinatly out, as it makes me deathly ill, I have tried it several times in the past, I can not understand how anyone can take that stuff, and condoms are like an excuse to have a big free for all, please pardon that! It truely is pathetic that one of the brand of condoms most comonly used is called… lifestyles… Any advise would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much. God be with you, Piper 😛
Ok, I’m back into my Catholic faith just recently, and I have been hearing alot about conterception debates, I did not know that Catholics where against it, I have alot to learn 😦 , and with all your help I will. Can someone please explain to me why this is not ok??? :confused: I heard about it also on the Ewtn, I love that channel, It’s all I watch. Anyway, I want to do the right thing, please help, and give me some great advise, I just thought you should know that I am married, and just had a baby 5 months ago, and getting pregnant is deffinatly not what needs to happen, we are very, very broke, are condoms Ok?? I am truely sorry I do not usually talk about these things, but I just want to do the right thing. Birth control is deffinatly out, as it makes me deathly ill, I have tried it several times in the past, I can not understand how anyone can take that stuff, and condoms are like an excuse to have a big free for all, please pardon that! It truely is pathetic that one of the brand of condoms most comonly used is called… lifestyles… Any advise would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much. God be with you, Piper 😛
Any form of BIRTH CONTROL (condoms, pill, IUD etc.) is totally WRONG…NOT ALLOWED…A SIN TO USE…get the idea!!!🙂
You and your spouse can learn natural family planning. When it is practiced correctly it is more effective than artificial birth control.
And, a wonderful effect of natural family planning is that it enhances your marriage because both of you are putting the Lord first, and as a result there is more love and respect for one another.
First I want to tell you that it is wonderful that you are coming back to your Catholic Faith… especially since you have a baby & no doubt want to teach him /her all about her Heavenly Father who loves him/her so much!

That’s the good news! The bad news, is… as Karin said… no birth control… (artificial) that is. Which means no condoms, no spermicide, no pill etc. But that DOESN’T mean you will have to get pregnant again. Condoms fail like crazy… I have a 13 year old to prove it. I’m told that with Natural Family Planning (NFP) which is basically avoiding intercourse when your body gives off signs that you are ovulating works. I’ve never taken a class - but I plan to… and I think you should too. Hopefully someone will come behind me & post information about how to find a class in your area? My guess would be to call your parish & ask about it…

In the meantime, have you gone to confession since deciding to come back? Might as well come back clean & sinless as the day you were baptized… my Priest just gave the most wonderful homily about that. 🙂

Blessings to you!
lol@Karin! So cut and dried!

1st_raven, I’m struggling with this one too…not because I don’t KNOW FOR A FACT IT’S A SIN, but because I’m weak and disobedient and need to NOT be. It’s hard to trust God fully sometimes! I have made 3 appointments to have my IUD removed, and every time I get to the doc, I chicken out! There are times I abstain, just so I know it’s not being used as BC! I used NFP for 7 years, and even do it now with the IUD, so I can be sure it’s not really being used to prevent anything (copout, but still).

It’s wrong. No doubt about it. I hope you’re stronger than I.

Oh, and welcome home! 🙂
Thank you, and congradulations on your little one to be, oh they are so cute, my baby boy just started laughing for the first time 😃 I just thought of another question, and I feel really wierd talking about this stuff 😦 It’s really kinda embarrasing, what about pulling out??? I am doing some research online about ovulating, I hope it helps. Once again, congradulations I wish you all the luck. God be with you all… Piper
Thank you, and congradulations on your little one to be, oh they are so cute, my baby boy just started laughing for the first time 😃 I just thought of another question, and I feel really wierd talking about this stuff 😦 It’s really kinda embarrasing, what about pulling out??? I am doing some research online about ovulating, I hope it helps. Once again, congradulations I wish you all the luck. God be with you all… Piper
“Spilling the seed” is a form of birth control as well.
Pulling out - to me that says: “You’re good enough to have fun with, but not good enough to be willing to give ALL my love to…I think more highly of these sheets than you.”

But hey, who am I to talk, eh? 😉
Wow… What a debate 😦 I am so sad, you know I should have become a nun when I wanted to 18 yrs ago!!! , but then I would have never had my beautiful children, ok never mind!!! LOL. 😃 Spilling seed… That does sound horrible 😦 I would not want to feel used either.
Usually in every parish there is a couple who will be glad to teach natural family planning to you and your husband.

Doing things God’s way will bring more peace, love, and joy in your marriage. As our late Pope Paul John II always said “Be not afraid.”
I have been posting a lot so I will make this short. I want to praise you for knowing that it is wrong to contracept and that you are taking steps to educate yourself to find out why. Please visit and read Janet Smith’s “Contraception, Why Not?” and then visit which will give you all the info you need on starting a new life with Natural Family Planning. We have used NFP for 9 years and yes at times it is fusterating but well worth the wait. I hope these two websites help answer some of your questions. Good Luck.

PS It does take disaplin and patience when learning NFP but the keeping the sanctity of your marriage is well worth it.
Thank you so much, I’m deffinatly researching that, I’m all about natural everything, and the whole idea of contraceptives seriously makes me sick, I have lost my sex drive, because of it. It just does not make sense, I’m also a vegan, I’m really a naturalist through, and through, so any advise to live naturally is for me. 👍
Loosing your sex drive on the pill, IUD etc. is a huge side effect. See what you have to look forward to when you go to the doc next:D

Just say “YES”. Check out too.
😃 I’m not on the pill, makes me sick, yuck!!! Using condoms makes me loose my sex drive, It just feels so weird, like I’m just an object, and I hate the fact that there is something in between us during this wonderful moment. :cool: God bless
Sorry I miss understood:o I would assume that your lack of sex drive is more due to a phycological block (because there are no chemicals interferring) because as you said it is a barrier between you and your spouse. God is speaking to you. Open your heart and you are there.
lol@Karin! So cut and dried!

1st_raven, I’m struggling with this one too…not because I don’t KNOW FOR A FACT IT’S A SIN, but because I’m weak and disobedient and need to NOT be. It’s hard to trust God fully sometimes! I have made 3 appointments to have my IUD removed, and every time I get to the doc, I chicken out! There are times I abstain, just so I know it’s not being used as BC! I used NFP for 7 years, and even do it now with the IUD, so I can be sure it’s not really being used to prevent anything (copout, but still).

It’s wrong. No doubt about it. I hope you’re stronger than I.

Oh, and welcome home! 🙂
Not to frighten you, but did you know IUD’s can cause serious infections that if not treated you could have a fertility problem !
In the most charitable way…
I really hope for your sake you rethink on having your IUD removed :twocents:
NFP is a good method that does work well for many. A good book on it is called: Take charge of your Fertility. It gives many details.

For some: like myself it is more difficult to discern times of fertility and I have become pregnant once just because I was sick and tired of saying no to my poor husband when I wasn’t sure if I was fertile or not. I also often have little desire for sex so I feel guilty for saying no and being releaved that I don;t have to do it.

About the fear of getting pregnant: If you are not working and can manage on the one income then really an accidental second child won’t be that much of a financial burden. It is also easier being a mum of two than of one.

Just so you know that I know where you are at I would like you to know that I have been never financially secure in my married life. I am working on the issues that go along this. It has been six years now and I can say it is showing me how to be a better person. I would like to say that being financially insecure has in fact made me into a better person, but I am not sure of that.
Not to frighten you, but did you know IUD’s can cause serious infections that if not treated you could have a fertility problem !
In the most charitable way…
I really hope for your sake you rethink on having your IUD removed :twocents:
Studies regarding this aspect have shown that this mainly applies to those who already had an infection or other auto immune issue (PID, HPV, etc…) in the first place, and the IUD exacerbates the problem. I have had mine in for years with no trouble whatsoever. I also have not experienced ANY loss of sex drive…wouldn’t be bad if I did, all things considered! (My IUD is non-hormonal) The IUD is just a bad idea all the way around, infection being the least of it. I need to take it out, and I’m praying for the strength to do so. Thanks for holding me accountable.
A lot of people on this forum recommend Christopher West’s books/tapes explaining John Paul II’s Theology of the Body: “Theology of the Body for Beginners.” This is a difficult battle, but I hope you and your husband keep up the fight. At least you have not made any permanent changes to yourselves.

As for “pulling-out” that is NOT the way to go, if only because it has become a very pornographic industry tool.
Thank you, and congradulations on your little one to be, oh they are so cute, my baby boy just started laughing for the first time 😃 I just thought of another question, and I feel really wierd talking about this stuff 😦 It’s really kinda embarrasing, what about pulling out??? I am doing some research online about ovulating, I hope it helps. Once again, congradulations I wish you all the luck. God be with you all… Piper
YOU ARE NOT WEIRD…you are coming home and you are asking questions…that is WONDERFUL and I think you are someone that is about to receive all kinds of blessings…and the women here who have learned about NFP and how it has improved their lives and their marriages will help you.
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