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It really is amazing how under-appreciated NFP is in the secular culture.

I mean really, this is the 21st century! Medical science KNOWS how pregnancy occurs and can detect the signs of approaching ovultion precisely and consistantly. All this can be done totally naturally, no chemicals, no abortions, no side effects, no fumbling with packaging in the middle of foreplay…

It is NOT hard to figure out once you get the hang of it. It IS hard to stick with it when your wife is in her fertile time and is feeling frisky!

P.S. The IUD does not prevent conception. It ensures that a new baby resulting from conception dies because it cannot implant in mommas irritated uterous wall. The only way it is ever effective is by causing an abortion (as orignially defined, not the modern re-definition that pretends pregnancy starts at implantation instead of conception.). If blunt talk helps your motivation, perhaps you need to think of things as “I need to find the strength to stop relying on a device that KILLS children to avoid having more of them.”
The IUD’s primary mode of function is to irritate the uterus, thus creating an environment too acidic for sperm to live in (sperm are very weak and fragile lil creatures, and any “off” environment can kill them fairly easily). That is its PRIMARY method of action. I agree with you that it CAN keep an already fertalized egg from implanting. That is why I use NFP until I have the guts to just have it removed. Also, if you heard the study that an “…average sexuallly active woman with an IUD will expel at least 1 fertalized egg per year,” I’ll let you know that I checked in to that. No such study was ever conducted. My thought was this…how would they test this? They would have to collect all the menstrual blood of hundreds of womens over a significant period of time, and test the blood for a fertilized egg, etc… None of that has ever happened. It was a right wing guesstimate based on opinion. Now, I’m pretty right wing, but my education background is human genetics, and I’m fairly picky about how the scientific method is conducted and interpreted. I don’t doubt for one second that an IUD can be an abortificient, but we can’t let our emotions and opinions invent scientific theory.
The IUD’s primary mode of function is to irritate the uterus, thus creating an environment too acidic for sperm to live in (sperm are very weak and fragile lil creatures, and any “off” environment can kill them fairly easily). That is its PRIMARY method of action. I agree with you that it CAN keep an already fertalized egg from implanting. That is why I use NFP until I have the guts to just have it removed. Also, if you heard the study that an “…average sexuallly active woman with an IUD will expel at least 1 fertalized egg per year,” I’ll let you know that I checked in to that. No such study was ever conducted. My thought was this…how would they test this? They would have to collect all the menstrual blood of hundreds of womens over a significant period of time, and test the blood for a fertilized egg, etc… None of that has ever happened. It was a right wing guesstimate based on opinion. Now, I’m pretty right wing, but my education background is human genetics, and I’m fairly picky about how the scientific method is conducted and interpreted. I don’t doubt for one second that an IUD can be an abortificient, but we can’t let our emotions and opinions invent scientific theory.
Since this is a Catholic Forum… I will take the opportunity to educate on the moral issue of contraception…
Its all sinful no matter how you sugar coat it… with a line like,** " That is why I use NFP until I have the guts to just have it removed."**
In other words using contraception ie (IUD/an abortificient) with NFP is ridiculous!! :hmmm:
Yeah, it is. I agree. Like I said, I have no good reason for not having it removed. Since I use NFP, the IUD is basically just a useless foreign body inside me. I’m sinning and I know it. I got it when my husband and I were separating, a long time back. I got weak and scared, and now it’s just a symbol of my continued lack of trust in both my husband and God. Hopefully my 1st post elimnated any need for “schooling.” My last post was just to clear up some right wing “science” that’s totally unfounded. There are plenty of reasons to be in objection to the IUD, one does not need to make up science to accomplish that task.
what about pulling out???
Wanted to point out that from a statistical point, pulling out is substantially less effective than condoms, and condom use is substantially less effective than any of the modern NFP methods (and that’s even taking into consideration the slightly higher failure rate while a couple is first learning an NFP method)

As far as places to get information on NFP on the net, these are my recommendations: / (This is the place for realtime questions to get answered as you learn the ropes) (This is perhaps the ultimate collection of NFP information, instruction, and teaching material on the net)
Fascinating! Got any links to substantiate the idea that the IUD primary function is to kill sperm? (Not challenging you, I’ve just learned to be a bit careful of personal internet claims)

While you might suspect that my claim came from ‘right wing’ propaganda, it actually came from my decidely pro-contraceptive public high school health class some 18 years ago. I am quite sure that the spermicidal method of operation was not mentioned.

As for NFP, Don’t be afraid. As long as you are diligent and stay off the mucus-modifying cold meds, it’s very reliable.
Fascinating! Got any links to substantiate the idea that the IUD primary function is to kill sperm? (Not challenging you, I’ve just learned to be a bit careful of personal internet claims)
I’ll look for a link, but I was just in for my anual exam on Tuesday, and on the wall of the exam room was a poster listing all the various types of ABC and how they work/effectiveness/anti STD and it said IUD’s create a hostile environment for sperm.

Okay, found a link:
The vertical and horizontal arms of the Copper T 380A IUD contain copper which is slowly released into the uterine cavity. Copper stops sperm from making their way up through the uterus into the tubes, and it reduces the ability of sperm to fertilize the egg. It also prevents a fertilized egg from successfully implanting in the lining of the uterus if fertilization has occurred
The copper wire changes the chemistry within the uterus and prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg. It can stay in the uterus for up to 12 years. The IUD is also used for “emergency contraception” to prevent ovulation within seven days of unprotected sex. The primary action is preventing the egg and sperm from meeting.
IUD literature has been the same since day one. When methods are listed they are listed in order of function (primary, secondary, etc…) just like ingredients on a food label are arranged in order of which is most abundant. According to this literature, which hasn’t changed in decades, the IUD creates a hostile envrionment. “Possible” other methods are prevention of implantation. For this reason, I’m opposed to it. This literature says the same thing I’ve been saying.

I’m not defending the IUD at all, and in fact, I have stated 3 times now that it’s sinful and I should have it removed. I just dislike comments like “It ensures that a new baby resulting from conception dies because it cannot implant in mommas irritated uterous wall,” because they are not entirely true. Like I said, there’s enough reason to be against the IUD without making stuff up.

I love how, on discussion forums, you can say “Here are the facts, I’m in the wrong, you are right,” and people will STILL argue with you. lol Human nature, I guess.
I love how, on discussion forums, you can say “Here are the facts, I’m in the wrong, you are right,” and people will STILL argue with you. lol Human nature, I guess.
I’m stumped in why your comments are drawing the types of objections I’ve seen so far. You’ve been remarkably forthrigfht about admitting what your personal failings are while reporting the facts correctly and definately encouraging avoiding the situation you are still in.

Now, go make an appointment to get that thing out of you, and carry thorugh with it this time.
Now, go make an appointment to get that thing out of you, and carry thorugh with it this time.

We, or at least, I, will pray for you. If you do make the appointment, and would like specific prayers, please let us know! We (I) would be happy to pray specifically for you around (from a time before to a time after) that time.
I for one, ain’t arguing. Just asking for more info to back up a claim that surprised me. Thanks for providing it all.
Not to frighten you, but did you know IUD’s can cause serious infections that if not treated you could have a fertility problem !
In the most charitable way…
I really hope for your sake you rethink on having your IUD removed :twocents:

OK, I am a physician and have treated many of these infections. They are rare (unless caused by a STD) and have usually fairly apparent symptoms such as severe abdominal pain and vaginal discharge. They are also most often an effect of a sexually transmitted disease, although it is possible for them not to be (again, it is rare). If there is a discussion about contraception, I applaud it, but I want to make sure the facts are truly understood. IUDs are very safe when used correctly, i.e. in a monogamous relationship and with follow up by an OB/Gyn. Whether they are ethical is another question.
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