I didn’t say you were. I actually was unfair to you though in another way, and for that I apologize. What I should have said is why you would think that it is even possible that the birthing process would change one for not being a person to being a person. You did not give this as your opinion, only said it was subjective, meaning a possibility. Is this a clearer presentation of what you said?
Yes. Its hard to get points across through typed words, its OK.
I only touched upon my personal views once before, and yes, I am pro-life. I’ll get back to this in a second.
Even as an atheist, when I got my fiancee pregnant and went with her for the first ultrasound and saw the little half inch long gummy-bear (only had arm and leg buds, reminded me of a gummy bear) but what struck me was her heart, literally exploding with sound waves picked up by the machine with every beat, and I thought, “Hey, thats our baby, holy ****!”.
Now, to get back to the earlier point, someone else seeing that ultrasound could
honestly and truly see just a collection of tissue and cells or whatnot. If this is what they truly see, how can they view an abortion as anything other than procedure?
This is where subjectivity comes into play. I can see it from their viewpoint too, I don’t agree with it, and I wouldn’t judge them for it, but I understand.
In issues of rape or severe fetal abnormalities it gets murkier, can one presume to tell someone what to do when the burden isn’t theirs to bear? A rape is a horrifically traumatic experience, yet the mother may find solace in the baby, or hate the very existence of the child.
And some special needs kids are destined for a life of being gawked at, or surgeries and pain, others will really have only minor disabilities.
In any event in these cases I will respect whatever decision the parents reach as it is their decision alone to make. Many here may disagree with that, but thats how I feel.
Now, to tackle a separate but related issue, the “pro life” vs “pro choice”…I dont understand the either/or there. I think everyone is pro-life in that we all want to live and see life grow and prosper…but God also gave us the ability for choice in
every matter.
If a woman or a couple chooses to have an abortion, I am conflicted in that it
is a God given right…not the abortion itself, but rather the
freedom to choose it. I’m sure greater minds than mine have grappled with that. Maybe they have an answer?