Personnel Relationship with our LORD

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A friend of mine told me I needed to go to his Protestant church to get a personnal relationship with the Lord. What I told him was that I love being Catholic because through the Priest consecration, I recieve the Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity every chance I get, even every single day. Inside of me personally. How perfect is it that God himself enters my sinful body, and gives me hope that one day I may be in His presense in Heaven… This is true Love… I told him that this my friend is a true personnel relationship with the Lord. I then invited him to my Church…

Stephen, I seek the Lord every day…

We are called to a personal relationship with the Lord, the Catechism and the Bible agree on this!
How personal can it get?
We share in the banquet of the Lamb at every mass.

We share the same Heavenly Father.
We honor Mary our spiritual mother.
We become friends with Jesus’s friends - the saints!!

When you have a personal relationship with someone do you refuse to befriend their mothers? Their friends?
No - we share in those things with our friends.

The Church is one big family - heaven is going to be a magnificent reunion!!
Way to go and thanks for sharing.

Did they go to church with you?
No kidding!

I recieve Him Body, Blood, Soul and Divinty several times a week.
I have the same Father and mother as Chist.

How much more ‘personal’ can 'ya get 😃
If a Protestant comes up to you and says do you know Jesus? The Catholic response is no, I eat Jesus. 😃
Way to go and thanks for sharing.
Did they go to church with you?
Yes, what was their reply? :confused:
This ‘knowing’ Jesus in the Protestant, Evangelical sense borders on Gnosticism.

For the Protestant, they have intellectualized, legalized, and doctrinized the Gospel to the point that salvation of Christ became a formula.

For the Catholic, we focus on what is to be known but after Calvinism was transplanted to New England, the what was exlipsed by the importance of knowing.

The Puritans, against the threat of Arminianism, placed more emphasis on the direct, gracious act of God in converting the individual sinner. Any stages of salvation were considered, ‘popery’. Through the westerward expansion by Baptists and Methodists, the moment of ‘truth’, the feeling and assurance of conversion became the distinguishing features of the Christian person.

From this, their entire theology was retranslated through their unique ‘born-again’ experience. That’s why if you don’t go through their interpretation of the born-again experience you don’t ‘know’ Jesus.

I could go on but I recommend a book by a Presbyterian author, Philip J. Lee, called, “Against the Protestant Gnostics”. It’s excellent!
I live in the Bible belt and am related by marriage to many Protestants. I never cease to be amazed by their arrogance and ignorance. It offends me particularly to be asked if I have a personal relationship with my God when these Christians regularly skip worship service (because they don’t get anything out of it) and attend only the Bible lecture. I try to gently point out that as a Catholic I know that worship is very important, and it is about God, and not about what I “get” out of it. I am waiting to point out that if their Bibles were taken away from them, they would have no idea what to do. But Catholics do, because we have more than the Bible; we have the Church and Sacred Tradition, too–all of which help us sustain our relationships with God. And if there were no Bible (other than the Old Testament), we would still know what to do; we would still love and be loved by Jesus.
The next time someone ask you if you have a personnel relationship with Jesus, tell them no I have a much deeper relationship, a family relationship with Jesus. Then give them this analogy:

When a Man and Woman are dating they are having a one on one relationship with each other and they think they know each other. However, if they go on to get married they enter into each others families and by doing so they learn an entire different aspect of their spouse’s life and this is due to interaction with their spouse’s parents and sibling. Then encourage them to not just date Jesus, but to enter into his family.

Someone who tells you that they have a personnel relationship with Jesus, but doesn’t understand want the Church teaches about Mary, doesn’t truly know Jesus. It’s has simple as that.

I have to give Jeff Cavins credit for the analogy; he however explained it much better on Morning Air.
Stephen Francis:
A friend of mine told me I needed to go to his Protestant church to get a personnal relationship with the Lord. What I told him was that I love being Catholic because through the Priest consecration, I recieve the Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity every chance I get, even every single day. Inside of me personally. How perfect is it that God himself enters my sinful body, and gives me hope that one day I may be in His presense in Heaven… This is true Love… I told him that this my friend is a true personnel relationship with the Lord. I then invited him to my Church…

A personal relationship can be based on personal animosity.
A wicked, lazy servant had a personal relationship with his master, yet he was thrown into the outer darkness, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. This servant’s relationship with his master was so personal, that he knew his master gathered where he did not scatter and he reaped where he did not sow.
A personal relationship with our Lord is not a ticket to Heaven. It’s just one of the many conditions we have to meet to enter the “narrow gate”, and this only by the grace of God.
Someone who tells you that they have a personnel relationship with Jesus, but doesn’t understand want the Church teaches about Mary, doesn’t truly know Jesus. It’s has simple as that.

Christians without Mary, are like Jews without the ark, or the priesthood or the steward over the household (pope) for that matter.
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