Persons, Agent Intellects, Transcendental Egos

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If you are brave, you can read my master’s thesis (which is very Thomist and written for Thomists, but which you might find interesting). In that paper, I address the question of why beings always strive for perfection (although, of course, that is a prelude for understanding what makes man strive for his fulfillment).
What an incredible master’s thesis! When I was in grad school studying philosophy, we were told to do a minimalist master’s thesis (with a very limited focus, e.g., like the third man argument in Plato’s Parmenides) … this was considered an act of mercy so we would have enough energy and material for the doctoral thesis.

I can only wonder what your doctoral thesis will be like.

I would like to engage you (at some point) on time as the horizon of being. That is, how past/present/future figure into the metaphysics of the ancient Greeks, e.g., the definition of ousia as “what it was to be”. You may recognize Heidegger in this - with the binary of presence and absence built into Aristotle’s potency and actuality (with “esse” tending towards a Full Presence Without Absence).
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