Lisa N:
Lisa: Kind of freaking here. I didn’t start until I was 26 and now I’m 43. Is there a possibility that I’m not to late to quit and maybe avoid problems? Of course, that’s my pattern, I freak when there’s a cancer scare in the news. JohnOh dear! I was going to point out that smokers who started young are more likely to have lasting damage and more likely to get cancer. My father’s generation (he died of lung cancer BTW) often didn’t smoke until they were in the military and in their late teens or early twenties. What we are seeing now are kids starting at 10 or 11 so more damage done and earlier. Also as I understand my father’s generation smoked TOBACCO and subsequently the cigarette companies have put in additives that have their own cancer inducing characteristics.
Do everything you can to DISCOURAGE smoking because it’s very hard to quit. How sad for Mr Jennings. This is a very challenging disease.
Lisa N