Pets passing on

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Can anyone explain in the catechism about animals when it says Gods surrounds them with providential care, and what St. Francis of Assisi said about them passing? Our kitty is dying of kidney failure and I am having a very hard time with this, coming back into the
church and learning more, I always thought that animals went to heaven with us, or a place just like it prepared for animals.
I thought I heard on the radio they cease to exist and this really is bothering me alot. Any information would help me I am emotionally exhausted now. All this only started a week ago, he stopped eating. The vet already told us this is probably the end for him.
And his name is Frances, the girl who rescued him named him that I am almost one hundred percent sure she did not know anything
about the Saints. Later I found out about St. Frances of Assisi,
the Saint that loved animals.
I’m sorry to hear that your pet is dying. Human beings were, from the beginning, given the task of caring for God’s creation. Animals are of course part of that creation. All living things have a soul, created and infused by God at their creation. Human beings are the only creatures that have an Eternal soul, made in the image and likeness of God. All other souls according to St. Thomas Aquinas cease to exist at death, while only the human soul goes on to Eternity. That does not mean that we will no longer have memories of our pets, we will have memories of them, even in Heaven.
We cannot say that we will have memories of pets in heaven. That is sheer speculation and totally unsupported by theology. I sincerely hope that there are no pets nor memories of pets in Heaven.

I believe it is a sin to grieve over a cat but not grieve over a innocent human baby tore apart limb from limb during abortion. I would ask Ginnell to pray for the 44 million human children slaughered by abortion since 1973. Jesus said not a sparrow falls from the sky that he doesn’t know about, so Jesus does know about your cat. Jesus said “whatever you do to the least of these you do also to me”. If you put cats before innocent babies then you are putting cats before Jesus.
We cannot say that we will have memories of pets in heaven. That is sheer speculation and totally unsupported by theology. I sincerely hope that there are no pets nor memories of pets in Heaven.

I believe it is a sin to grieve over a cat but not grieve over a innocent human baby tore apart limb from limb during abortion. I would ask Ginnell to pray for the 44 million human children slaughered by abortion since 1973. Jesus said not a sparrow falls from the sky that he doesn’t know about, so Jesus does know about your cat. Jesus said “whatever you do to the least of these you do also to me”. If you put cats before innocent babies then you are putting cats before Jesus.
I am surprised at the tone of your post. Can you have no compassion for someone over the loss of a beloved family member? Or are we limited to what we should be grieving over?

Gennell may very well deeply grieve over the loss of children to abortions daily, but can also grieve and be saddened over the failing of a pet. While you may not feel a bond to a pet, please do not chastise others for such emotion. Your judgment is harsh.

In no such time did Gennell ever say humans were less important than a pet.

And to you Gennell, I am sorry to hear of the failing of your dear family member. I have a cat who is getting older and will deal with the grief someday. May God strengthen you.
We cannot say that we will have memories of pets in heaven. That is sheer speculation and totally unsupported by theology. I sincerely hope that there are no pets nor memories of pets in Heaven.

I believe it is a sin to grieve over a cat but not grieve over a innocent human baby tore apart limb from limb during abortion. I would ask Ginnell to pray for the 44 million human children slaughered by abortion since 1973. Jesus said not a sparrow falls from the sky that he doesn’t know about, so Jesus does know about your cat. Jesus said “whatever you do to the least of these you do also to me”. If you put cats before innocent babies then you are putting cats before Jesus.
IMHO you have commited the sin of accusing someone of something they did not say. How do you know she is not grieving over the babys aborted and other things? She never mention that. I think you owe her an appology. As for what is or is not in heaven, i have no idea, but if God wants pets there it is just fine with me.
The Church does not teach that animals and other creatures will not be in heaven so rest easy. Your Cat is loved by God as he created the cat.

Scripture, from the example of St. Francis and from the teachings of the Church—we can hope without fear of poluting or delusioning ourselves about the way God Loves animals and all creation. I think it shows that God wishes other creatures besides humans to be included in the plan of salvation. While Man is the only creature with a soul all creation God has created. If we start with the Creation story of Genesis, One thing is clear: The Eternal Word did not hold himself aloof from our created world in his efforts to save it, but literally entered the family of creation at the Incarnation. God made this world his home, thus giving all creatures a whole new dignity. There is Noah, the Ark and the Flood.

The Church is the ark through which men are saved. Noah and his family were the only men saved on the ark, but even animals who had no understanding of the matter were saved with them. As the ark saved all on it, even those who had no knowledge, so does the Church, as the universal sacrament of salvation, dispense the graces won by Christ and applies them to all men of every place and condition. In a way mysterious to us, this salvation is offered to all creation, and God, who judges the hearts of all, will determine their destiny.

Jesus interacted very naturally and respectfully with the created world, whether on the lakeshore or in the desert or on a mountainside or crossing a wheat field or the Sea of Galilee. In his preaching of the good news of God’s saving love, Jesus easily used images of the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, also foxes, pearls, salt, fig trees, mustard seeds and lost sheep, to name a few.

Jesus used created things in his saving work—wet clay on the eyes of the blind man to bring healing (John 9:6-7). He used the products of wheat and grape—bread and wine—to convey his very presence in the Eucharist.

Finally, after his resurrection, Jesus seemed to leave another hint, near the end of Mark’s Gospel, that the whole family of creation is included in God’s saving love. After his death and resurrection, he tells his disciples: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Mark doesn’t say “to every human being,” but “to every creature”! St. Francis took him literaly, (Sermon to the Fish’s of the Sea) as well as St. Anthony (The Donkey and the Eucharist).

Revelation: Presents to us a heavenly vision in which all creatures are standing before the throne of God. Obviously, that glorious gathering is not composed exclusively of saved humanity: “Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, everything in the universe, cry out: ‘To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor, glory and might, forever and ever’” (Revelation 5:13). In this picture of heaven all creatures are present and praising God together.

I’m very sorry to hear that your cat is so sick. I know how difficult it can be to loose a companion.

The American Veterinary Medicine Association has a web site that may help you deal with some of the pain associated with this trying time. Especially, check the list of grief counseling sources … most associated with veterinary hospitals, schools, or with humane accociations. You may be able to speak with someone in your area or receive something helpful to read. The AVMA site is

Another web site with contacts for pet loss grief counseling is

I pray for peace in your house.


Someone legitimately asks some heartfelt questions about their pet and the afterlife, and another poster makes a HIGHLY JUDGEMENTAL LEAP that this person is putting their pet above Abortion and Jesus??? :eek:


Guess what? Abortion IS the PREMINENT worry of our time…but that doesnt mean people have to associate and apply it to every other legitimate worry they have…there’s more going on in the world than abortion…sounds harsh, but there is…its numero uno in problems, but people living their lives have other problems facing them that demands attention other than abortion…the poster didnt display ANY FORM of hypocrisy to elicit that response…
I agree that God made the animals and loves them. There is no final word from the Church (that I know of) that suggests animals cannot be reunited with their Maker, or us, once creation is restored to a state free of sin. Look how little we truly understand about the mystery of our own salvation; how could we know the fate of God’s other creatures when we do not even fully understand the mystery of our own? Why would God give us true love in our hearts for creatures that are doomed to non-existence? Why do we not love stalks of celery, or bunches of grapes? It’s a mystery.

My belief is that our pets, loved by us, would be needed by us to give us happiness in Heaven after this earthly life-- and God has promised us great things, greater than we can even imagine with our human minds. I will continue to believe that I will see my dear animal friends again.
As a former pet owner, who after 3 years still mourns her beloved black lab, Simon, I identify with the feelings and thoughts of the OP. But I would caution the rest of you good people NOT to jump on those, who are not able to relate. There is logic in what they say. And since they cannot draw on the experience of the bond that exists between people and their pets, their analysis is correct for them. It would be more fruitful to explain how unselfishly these creatures have loved us, and how thankful we all are for the four legged companions God gave us in this life. I am one of those, who is secretly hoping to meet up with my “best friend” again.🙂
That was beyond uncalled for. I know she is Pro-Life, she has helped me with my Pro-Life website , the reason I can say she is Pro-Life? She is my wife.(Unfortunatley, due to my moving, the site isn’t up right now…I am definetly working on this tho!). To even suggest she would put an animals life above a human…is inconcievable (sp?) How’d you get there from here? Do you not have any compassion? I feel I need to pray for you. We should have compassion for all things that God has created.

I have had to put down a few pets, its not easy. It is far more difficult to have a friend or relative pass away, so I feel I know the difference.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but animals will be in Heaven, that would include pets also. And I for one, couldn’t be more happy for that.

“Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, everything in the universe, cry out: ‘To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor, glory and might, forever and ever’” (Revelation 5:13).
We cannot say that we will have memories of pets in heaven. That is sheer speculation and totally unsupported by theology. I sincerely hope that there are no pets nor memories of pets in Heaven.

I believe it is a sin to grieve over a cat but not grieve over a innocent human baby tore apart limb from limb during abortion. I would ask Ginnell to pray for the 44 million human children slaughered by abortion since 1973. Jesus said not a sparrow falls from the sky that he doesn’t know about, so Jesus does know about your cat. Jesus said “whatever you do to the least of these you do also to me”. If you put cats before innocent babies then you are putting cats before Jesus.
Well, it’s been my experience that there are some grim, joyless people who get n this board just to rain on everybody else’s parade. I got into a run-in with some heartless person on this same issue elsewhere on the board. This person cited Aquinas and bascially belittled anyone who might think we’ll meet our pets in Heaven. I finally just blew himoff and told him he can believe what he wants to believe and I’ll believe what I want to believe. We don’t take orders from anybody on this site.

And Gennell, I’ll be praying for you and your kitty. My pets have taught me more about love and compassion and how to be a better human than most of the people I’ve encountered. Ignore the unfeeling nay-sayers. They will have their reward.
Can anyone explain in the catechism about animals when it says Gods surrounds them with providential care, and what St. Francis of Assisi said about them passing? Our kitty is dying of kidney failure and I am having a very hard time with this, coming back into the
church and learning more, I always thought that animals went to heaven with us, or a place just like it prepared for animals.
I thought I heard on the radio they cease to exist and this really is bothering me alot. Any information would help me I am emotionally exhausted now. All this only started a week ago, he stopped eating. The vet already told us this is probably the end for him.
And his name is Frances, the girl who rescued him named him that I am almost one hundred percent sure she did not know anything
about the Saints. Later I found out about St. Frances of Assisi,
the Saint that loved animals.
I know of your pain… A few years ago one of my Siamese kitties of 18 years started his last days…only my husband and I kept him alive by using lactaid ringers (re-hydrating him daily) This went on for 4 months… Finally we just knew… We had to let him go…We went into a private room w/ a rocker and soft music and it was over in an instant. I held him for a while…then I let him go…His name was Moses…
I know what the church teaches, but after reading what Marie posted it has given me a whole new outlook…that I might see my beautiful kitty again! Thanks Marie, for those passages from Scripture… So…hang in there Gennelle!
God Bless, Annunciata:)
i have always have pets an for me are an important part of my live. when they died i cry for them. now iam a mother of a three year old an i know that is something happen to him i will be very sad. but a also share my live with pets an i also be sad if they go. i only hope that when i died heaven is full of animals and children. :amen:
Thank you to all of you that said prayers for us and for Francis which was a part of our family. He passed on at 9:00 AM this morning.
My happiest times are when the whole family is together in the living room watching basketball with pizza and the three cats and the dog, and our team is winning and everyone is together having a good time.
I offered up all my suffering and heart ache to the people whom abuse and hurt animals and to the people whom are not compassionate towards them also. I do not put cats above humans. That came from out of no where, wow.
And I do say the pro life rosary and everytime I see a little eight month old baby just balancing its little head and smiling at me I feel that pain in my heart knowing what is happening to aborted babies. I prayed for God to show me a way to know about his creatures and then it dawned on me about Rosalind Moss, one of my favorites when she said if you are suffering go to the Psalms they are wonderful, so I found Psalm 148, in my huge family bible, and it said "All creatures in the heavens 1-6 and on earth 7-10 are called upon to join in the hymn of praise that universal mankind, and especially Israel, should sing to the Lord of all 11-14. It was like God saying okay there ya go my Word in my Book, very easy. I feel better tonight, but feeding everyone with one less dish was hard. And the youngest cat keeps following me everywhere she knows he is gone, he was like a Grandpa to her.
Kept her warm. No hard feelings towards Chris93, I offered up all my pain so he could feel compasion for All of Gods creatures all the way down to the ants between the blades of grass. I also went and talked to our Father at our parish, he said that he was raised on a farm, he was very helpful and compassionate and understanding of me, he has a little dog too. God Bless all you good people for thinking of our loss. I totally believe that pets play a very important role in our lives and teach us love. And remember to tell people that they save human lives, protect us against harm also find missing people and bodies and drugs and bombs only to expect a pat on the head, and love in return, they also keep our blood pressure down they have proven that when taking them into convalescent hospitals. They also have prisoners train dogs from pounds to obey and have a chance at adoption, and they groom cats, and that teaches the prisoners hard core people, sinners, killers, love and compassion and they play a part in doing something for an animal that would other wise be put to death, need I say more.
I am mystified why some of my posts (not all) changed from normal sized lettering to such giant letters? Looks as if nobody else is effected.:confused:
Dear Gennell,

I am so sorry you lost your dear kitty today, the poor little thing. I actually shed a tear for your kitty and you as I just read your last post. Your kitty was so blessed to have you as her human, it is so clear how much you loved her, your little Frances. Throughout my life I have had numerous kitties and a couple of dogs and they have all been a part of my family. Each one who has died is still missed very much. I now have two brother kitties, four years old now, who I love so dearly. They love me unconditionally, and they are always there for me and comfort me when I am not feeling well or happy. They are simply the dearest creatures and I believe I was led to them, to rescue them from the pouring rain outside a grocery store on a busy street when they were itty bitty kittens. They bring me so much love!

I am so glad you posted here about your wee Frances. It is natural to grieve one’s family member and natural to express one’s grief. Thank you for telling us about Frances and your love for her. May she rest in peace, and may you feel her love still in your heart. God bless you, Gennell.
You might have inadvertantly resized your text. Hey…it can happen. 😉
I am mystified why some of my posts (not all) changed from normal sized lettering to such giant letters? Looks as if nobody else is effected.:confused:
I honor and admire your pro-life stand. Ginnell said she is “having a really hard time with it” and “really bothered” by her cats situation. Didn’t mean to be offensive to your wife but if anyone puts time, effort, money and emotion into cats rather than innocent murdered babies, they have committed a grave sin.

Why did your wife post about a cat and not about you being a pro-life hero? Why does she “offer up her suffering to thoses who abuse and hurt animals” but not babies. Why do some other posters grieve about pets like they are human souls? Why do some people look to animals as companions and not other people in need?

Sorry to sound strident. Since you are a pro-life hero you know the profound contraversy in the Church now about Holy Eucharist and Pro-abortion Catholic politicians. You know the Jesus said that angles who guard children always behold the face of God. That’s how serious God is about this issue. All other moral issues in society are secondary to abortion. I know your wife must be a pro-life hero also since she is helping you and she loves babies. I hope she doesn’t ever take the primary focus off of innocent babies.
I honor and admire your pro-life stand. Ginnell said she is “having a really hard time with it” and “really bothered” by her cats situation. Didn’t mean to be offensive to your wife but if anyone puts time, effort, money and emotion into cats rather than innocent murdered babies, they have committed a grave sin.

Why did your wife post about a cat and not about you being a pro-life hero? Why does she “offer up her suffering to thoses who abuse and hurt animals” but not babies. Why do some other posters grieve about pets like they are human souls? Why do some people look to animals as companions and not other people in need?

Sorry to sound strident. Since you are a pro-life hero you know the profound contraversy in the Church now about Holy Eucharist and Pro-abortion Catholic politicians. You know the Jesus said that angles who guard children always behold the face of God. That’s how serious God is about this issue. All other moral issues in society are secondary to abortion. I know your wife must be a pro-life hero also since she is helping you and she loves babies. I hope she doesn’t ever take the primary focus off of innocent babies.

The abortion issue is important of course. It is always first and foremost in our prayers. That is not to say we are not to care about all of Gods creatures. A disordered thinking process is no help to the abortion problem at all. Life includes all life. We are allowed to grieve and pray about all areas of life which God loves. I suggest you think about the fact this thread is about animals. It was not started as a debate on abortion. There are pleanty of threads about abortion to insert your concern into. This one was not about abortion and your rude intrusion and vitrolic attack was out of place. (I think calling someones grief a sin is seriourly out of order.)

Your anger and single-minded judgementalism is not laudable. God loves a cheerful heart. A depressive, angry heart does not gain great grace. I suggest you think about that and broaden your horizons and faith a bit more. And while we are on the subject…keep to the topic of the thread. Grief for creatures God created for man to love and care for.

God loves you and He is pleased with your prayers. Chris is not Gods spokesman so I hope you know the loss of your Kitty is a fine thing to care about. Our beloved old dog died this summer and yes we miss her mightily. She saved my husbands life last year and she was very special. It hurts, and it is ok to feel pain and grief for the loss of a beloved pet.
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