Phatmass Phorum Down?

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I hope everything goes well for the persons involved with Phatmass. I did not participate but from looking at the Facebook pages associated with the group it looks like a creative and dynamic evangelization idea. The Church could use more of that sort of thing. A lot of our evangelization and youth outreach is, like a lot of Protestant youth outreach, pretty milquetoast.
Hi again, Sister. I thought I had lost a link to the Franciscan Fiat blog with Phatmass down, but found it again through “Blogs by Catholic Nuns”. I read the last post on the 22nd, your posts always make me smile for the question sometimes posed “But what do they do all day?” Your days seems to start and end on holy roller skates. LOL Keep up the important work as I know you will.
I think I have seen in the past your presence here on CA.

I know you are praying Sister for the mystery of Phatmass and dUSt, Thank you, I am with you…and “where two or more are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them.”

OK…OK…preaching to the choir again !!! LOL…the flip side of course is that these Catholic Forums and Blogs are open to the public to read free of membership necessities or any other obligation including financial cost.

Thank you very much, Bear 🙂 I had to Google milquetoast. - and now I am happily wiser than before.

If we can find our Boss and Fearless Leader, dUSt, and Phatmass is up and running again - you would be very welcome over at Pham. I value your posts on CA. Hence, if we can chase up our Boss and Fearless One, I will be pointing him to your comments about Phatmass. I am trying to think positively about the sudden disappearance and that dUSt is ok just dealing with something serious related to Phatmass somehow, and nothing personal. I have often linked to CA posts and threads, apologetic texts over at Phatmass - and as a resource that I value

Regards…and thank you again for your good hopes for Phatmass members, of whom dUSt is one - he just happens to be the big fella on the Pham throne 🙂 pushing us all around at a whim…oh and pays the bills …Barb
On a more sombre note, we knew at Phatmass that dUSt was struggling to pay the Phatmass bills and he has a wife and children and his primary vocation and call. His first responsibility and accountability and a call and vocation from The Lord to make it prime and first on the list.
If dUSt read that, I bet he would think "That woman is a real pain in the … "
I am really hoping he might duck in here and write “Who the … do you think you are?!” I would reply “Gee Boss, don’t fret, you know, I am only Barb”

Where are you dUSt !
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Just checking before I go to bed and much too late for me. Nothings still that sheds any light on the fate of Phatmass nor dUSt.
I did find however he is on twitter here It does not shed light on the phatmass disappearance in any way. I tried to be twitterer some months back, but could not work it out. There is an excellent post by Fr. Pontifex on about True Peace - . One can be in true Peace in the midst of headaches and nothing but problems. It is a Peace of the will while the emotions just refuse to obey the will and as emotions can often be:… they are like windmills and will shift in the slightest breeze involuntarily. Anything that attracts them, they will react but not often as one wants them to react. It is what one chooses to do with those unruly guests that introduced morality and right or wrong and that is an action of the will. And the will however is superior to emotions and it is in the will that we can be fully united to The Lord and His Will in the Doctrine of Divine Providence - CCC V "God Carries Out His Plan: Divine Providence…despite any willy nilly not really welcome prance of the emotional self all around the joint… My Carmelite prioress would undoubtedly call it “the unwelcome dance of the guests”. Incidentally, I am not a Carmelite nor even a Third Order. She happens to be my best pal and mentor, sometime advisor. I have known her since before the V2 changes.
Some saints however in advanced holiness find that their emotions are always obedient to the will. I could not even imagine in my wildest dreams such an experience. St Teresa of Avila experienced it in her Seventh Mansion where she states all vision and locutions etc. completely cease and there is nothing but Peace. Her visions and locutions, ecstasies etc. troubled her often as she was quite fearful of deception of either her own imagination or even a device of Satan to engender spiritual pride. Apparently she either wrote or said much earlier that she feared gloomy nuns more than she feared Satan…paraphasing I think: Lord, please spare me your gloomy nuns, she wrote or said, I cannot recall which. She was quite the character and full of common sense and insight into human nature. It is in the ancient Rule of CArmel by St Albert “common sense is the guide of all the virtues”. I fail miserably.

Bon soir and have a good day or night wherever you reside in our world.
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Just to advise that I am still around but probably might not post for a day or two. I had a fall this morning and have spent all day in hospital while they did tests. I am quite ok.

I don’t know anything more anyway and have done a check again with same results as already posted.
Deo Gratius. Laudate Dominum
Fiat Voluntas Tua
Thank you very much, Adam - it really is appreciated.
PHATMASS IS BACK !!! Go to threads in “Open Mic” to hear a word from our Fearless Leader
go to PHATMASS DIRECTLY TO OPEN MIC to hear a word or two from our Fearless Leader.

Thank You, Lord, Thank You heaps!
I have found out how to make a new topic. Now all I have to do is remember i!
Hope you get better soon
Thank you very much again, Adam for the good hopes which were also for me very much encouragement to hang in there. I came dangerously close to a bipolar episode, which my wordy posts overtly about my Faith and total dependance on The Lord - and trust in all things regardless on Him was an indication of a bipolar condition very restless and striving for mastery does indicate. It is a major interior struggle and battle. Saw my psychitrist who diagnosed the situation - and she felt that I could handle it ok.
Now finding out that dUSt and Phatmass are ok, I feel as if a huge amount of stress has been lifted - and that means that I am by that amount not close to a full bipolar episode.
My journey to being able to cope with my illness (after 20 years of serious psychotic episodes requiring hospitalization) has happened through the following means:

The Grace and Guidance of The Lord in His Divine Providence - Catholic Catechism … V. GOD CARRIES OUT HIS PLAN: DIVINE PROVIDENCE
  1. Learning about bipolar. Contributing on Phatmass, I was able to be a completely open book on all things, including bipolar. Sometimes it was other members posting to me as I struggled with the illness, which was my only support and encouragement.
  2. Staying in regular contact with my psychiatrist and as a completely open book. Listening to what she has to say and taking it on board.
  3. Taking medication faithfully every day morning and night and faithfully and as prescribed along with giving feedback to my psychiatrist re side effects.
  4. The support and encouragement of my family and others
I am now must be well over 2 years free of a serious bipolar psychotic episode requiring hospitalization. I am able to live a normal life in the community - allowing me to return to college and also undertake voluntary work…until my physical disabilities started to be a major factor.

Thanks Adam…regards and God bless…Barb
Let's Pray a Perpetual Rosary Spirituality
for @BarbTh for healing HAIL MARY, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. 7th Hail Mary, 4th Joyful Mystery
Looks like his credit card on file had expired and he hadn’t updated it with the Domain Registrar. Glad all is well.
@BarbTh it seems to be back on.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
How wonderful of you, upant. Thank you very much. Your prayers to our mother are working because during today needing to make decisions and a bipolar episode is not the time to make decisions but I had to make them and not major ones. So I would be walking around my unit praying Hail Mary’s out loud to keep reminding myself I am never alone. I would then decide and follow through with enacting the decision and then what I call “the seed is in the wind”. Sorta means that the ball is not in my court any more. That The Lord is in charge in an unfolding situation.

Thank you so much! God bless you richly for your embracing of fraternity and community in the very real sense of the words. And may He Bless us all too -as He always does. I just like to write it as a reminder to myself as much as for anyone, although I sincerely mean it for all regardless. Amen.
Hi Adam…Yes, indeed Phatmass and dUSt are on the road again. Thank you for your encouragement so much. I did duck over to Phatmass earlier today just to let them know I am still around, just taking a break until this episode is over I did explain more in an Open Mic thread.

At this point, I don’t think I will be around much perhaps only now and then - just a bit of a struggle with bipolar features at the moment. But knowing Phatmass and dUSt are ok was a HUGE relief.

God bless, Adam, and my regards. I hope to catch you over on Phatmass too now and then.
Thank you to all who posted into this thread or just read and cared and said a prayer for us all. CA was a real support while Phatmass was down and dUSt seemingly disappeared.

Phatmass is now up and running as normal and dUSt ducked in briefly. I am still grappling with a bipolar episode, it could be over tomorrow - but could be a couple of months, or anywhere in between. No way of knowing.
I most always regularly read CA now and then. I don’t post all that much to date.

Thanks again all, very much…God bless and my regards…Barb :australia:
Looks as if Forum anyway is down again for maintenance.

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I have no idea how to follow the above instructions - too much of a computer dummy :australia:
MMMmm…hit REPLY and OK nothing else comes up to tell me what is ok. When I opened the OK link in another window, seems I am blocked. Perhaps it because I am the only one in thread in the main - that or my past has caught up with me. Not concerned
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