Good Morning!
Some thoughts after having slept on the idea of truth:
As a witness one swears to tell the truth, even, the ‘whole’ truth; this seems to refer to the actual or real of what one knows, has seen, was part of, had done to them, or done to others, as a type of ‘history’… that which cannot be changed as it is the past; this does take in also the subjective aspects of the witness, as well as the objective who, what, where, when, how; all this leads to the court truth of an event or action for the purposes of applying the law and sighting legalities.
This applies to the actual or what is real… what cannot be altered, will not change and will always be such.
Also, Christ said He was the Truth; that the Advocate (Holy Spirit) would lead the Apostles to ‘all Truth’; and was the ‘Spirit of Truth’; this seems to be related to the ‘who’ truth is and proceeding to the ‘what’ truth is for those inspired by the Holy Spirit; so as, Christ was actual and real (even as I am, and you are), as the Spirit is, as The Father is… implying that all are actual and real and cannot be changed (like history again, only in the here and now).
This takes in yesterday, today and tomorrow when adding the religious tones to it.
Fact is, I can see the sun on the horizon… how it got there where it wasn’t before I cannot attest (science does, but personally, I can not say as an eye-witness without quoting another who has witnessed); fact also is, smelling the egg’s and bacon frying, I’m getting hungry… to me, right now, this is the truth; and I can predict that in a half-hour, I’ll be full and not hungry anymore; where does this leave truth? It seems to leave it in the here and now, and what is actual and real at this moment to whoever is experiencing it… so as, my truth, may not be your truth at the same slice in time, but both things would be the truth for either of us, even if we disagree.
Now, what would be the truth for both (all) of us yesterday, today and tomorrow? We were born, we age, we eat and sleep… we are human beings! This is the truth! We have the faculties of those attributed to being human… body, mind and spirit… all interacting at any given time. Life is Fluid! We have to take a snap-shot to stop the action in order to solidify this movement. Then, what is truth, the snap-shot or the fluid movement?
So here, truth is in the constant change (or movement or motion) although things are still the same… we still are what we are; we are still real and actual, we have not changed on this level, only on the surface waves.
As such truth, tends to be that which is, and cannot be anything other.
One seems to have to boil it down to the level where that is while still looking at the entirety; and on some levels are change, always, and on other levels, there is no change, always.
OK, we are human beings, this is the truth!