Philosophical opinions on Hell

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Philosophical opinions on Hell:

Let us begin by defining and describing Hell. What is it?
Hell is experiencing God’s love for all eternity and not being able to respond in kind.

God is love.
God is a consuming fire.
Love is a consuming fire.


(DISCLAIMER: This is all conjecture of course, but it sure makes sense to me.)
Then you believe that God’s love exists there?
Yes, to quote Gertrude Stein, “There’s no there, there.” Of course she was referring to Oakland, which may not be so different from the present subject 😃

The idea is that hell is not so much a particular *place, *per se, as it is a particular experience. And quite frankly, if you are unfortunate enough to experience it you won’t really care where you are.

I think I’ll save this reply to my computer and use it from now on in all conversations. 🙂 So anyone out there who disagrees with me on anything—be prepared. (You know who you are.)

Sure sounded like an ABC mini-series to me too.

Hell is experiencing God’s love for all eternity and not being able to respond in kind.

God is love.
God is a consuming fire.
Love is a consuming fire.


(DISCLAIMER: This is all conjecture of course, but it sure makes sense to me.)
What if Hell is being permanently separated from God …but we suddenly acquire the absolute knowledge of God’s Goodness … and also acquire the absolute knowledge that … if only we had made one small sacrifice … one tiny giving up of some comparatively minor inconvenience … then we could have shared in that Goodness.

We, too, could have shared in that Goodness … And we can see how wonderful it is … but we chose freely to reject what all those “do-gooders” were saying and preaching and “exampling” … We rejected every single opportunity … even small ones … to reject evil. We embraced evil. Freely.

And now we are permanently separated from Him. We can SEE it. We can see His Goodness. But we can never get there. We can never experience it. And it is all our own fault. We can see where our pride allowed us to deliberately throw His Goodness away.

We went out of our way to stick our fingers up God’s nose. We went out of our way to deliberately do the opposite of the Ten Commandments.

And now, we are in a terrible place, where we can see where we went so horribly wrong, and we can see (but not participate in) God’s Goodness.

And we can see clearly that it is all our own fault.

May God forgive me my sins.

May I never find myself in Hell.
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