Philosophical Question(s) on God

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  1. Since, she is the Mother of God, doesn’t that give her “more seniority” over God?
The Catholic Church teaches that saints, including Mary, can intercede with God – but that’s more asking favors than demanding.

Still, I think all of us can relate a little to Jesus at Cana (‘Mommm…’) 😛
  1. Since, she is the Mother of God, doesn’t that give her “more seniority” over God?
I have struggled with this concept for awhile; if you could answer my question I would really appreciate it.

By the way, are there any other good Catholic websites out there on the net?
Hi there - good thread here 👍

On this one, you have to remember that God the Son existed from the beginning. God the Son always was. The beginning of the Gospel of John says it very beautifully.

God chose to take human form about 2000 years ago in the person of Jesus Christ. Mary was His mother. So she was the Mother of God. But this doesn’t mean she existed before God or was in some way equal to God because she was His mother. Hope that helps.

As far as other Catholic websites, somebody already mentioned
I would recommend which has a TERRIFIC audio library, among other resources.
There exists these possibilities:
zero gods.
one god.
many gods.
infinite gods
Or any number of gods might have ceased to be or killed itself. Poof. No one would ever know the difference.
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