I would agree that if you reject logical inference, on the one hand, and biblical revelation, on the other, that you cannot know anything now about God.Remember that it took us thousands of years, and considerable intellectual evolution to understand anything at all about electricity and gravity. I have argued elsewhere that our brains are too little evolved, and the multiverse (universe of universes) far too complex, to understand many of the things that we may come to understand in the future.
I would argue therefore, that we cannot know in any way at present - and certainly the scriptures do not help me in this regard - whether God Creator has rational self-awareness, intellect and will. We can understand that God created the multiverse, but the capacities with which He did that clearly outstrip any comprehension we might have at present. Beyond the Big Bang are many questions remaining to be answered, not all of them scientific.
I feel certain that God Creator is not a person: He could not have done what He did if He were limited to mere personhood. Right now, his core traits are beyond our comprehension. We can however begin to understand His nature - though not His personality if He has one - by His acts and through His creation.
In this sense it is not necessary, as you have put it, for God to have a personality. But right now it is impossible to know more than just the very outside limits of God Creator.
Finally, there seems to be a subtext here that suggests a bifurcation of our understanding of God’s nature as between God Creator, and *Abba *Father - God the Father.
Is it okay if I don’t reject those two items?