Speaking about Real Presence and direct experience: Heidegger?
And so did Barfield. On freedom and on original participation (being, history)
Those of you who know what I am talking about know that I haven’t a clue what I am talking about.

Your bi-directional arrow of time. :extrahappy:As authentically temporal, Dasein as potentiality-for-being comes towards itself in its possibilities of being by going back to what has been
So I was assuming that null-a only came millenia after Aristotle. But Heidegger looked for it before Aristotle.it always comes towards itself from out of a possibility of itself. Hence, it comports itself towards the future by always coming back to its past; the past which is not merely past but still around as having-been…
Heidegger’s task is precisely to show that there is a meaningful concept of being. “We understand the ‘is’ we use in speaking,” he claims, “although we do not comprehend it conceptually”. Can then being be thought of? …
The “ontological difference,” the distinction between being (das Sein) and beings (das Seiende), is fundamental for Heidegger. The forgetfulness of being which, according to him, occurs in the course of western philosophy amounts to the oblivion of this distinction…
Heidegger argues that the question of being would still provide a stimulus to researches of Plato and Aristotle, but it was precisely with them that the original experience of being of the early Greeks was covered over. The fateful event was followed by the gradual slipping away of the distinction between being and beings.
Called variously by different philosophers, being was reduced to a being: to idea in Plato, *substantia *and actualitas in Medieval philosophy, objectivity in modern philosophy, and will to power in Nietzsche and contemporary thought.
The task which the later Heidegger sets before himself is then to make a way back into the primordial beginning, so that the “dead end” can be replaced by a new beginning.
And since the primordial beginning of western thought lies in ancient Greece, those are the Presocratics, the first western thinkers, to whom Heidegger ultimately turns for help into solving the problems of contemporary philosophy and reversing the course of modern history.
And so did Barfield. On freedom and on original participation (being, history)
Is Barfield’s original participation referenced by Heidegger’s forgetfulness of being? Is any of this a kind of language – logos – which references the Real Presence?Language is a living and creative power, from which man’s subjectivity was slowly extracted. The function of language is to create that esthetic distance between man and the world which is the very thing that constitutes his humanity. It is what frees him from the world…
Participation is the extra-sensory relation between man and the phenomena… we must accept that our thinking is as much out there in the world as in our heads… The participation of primitive man (what we might call “original” participation) was not theoretical at all, nor was it derived from theoretical thought. It was given in immediate experience…
Those of you who know what I am talking about know that I haven’t a clue what I am talking about.