Hey johnnycatholic
Thanks for the clarifying post. I finally understand where things went wrong.
I’m sorry for my part in the whole confusion.
I still don’t agree with your arguments about God and morality, but at least I understand where you are coming from, and I can respect the logic that brought you there.
Thanks for the clarifying post. I finally understand where things went wrong.
I agree. Logically, the cause must be capable of producing the effect.I am trying to argue that God/cause is logical because creation is logically intelligable, creation would only be this way if its cause were logical and intelligable and posessed also the capacity for creation. The attributes of logic and intelligence are not rules that bind the cause/God they free it to be able to intelligently create.
Therefore the God/cause is by necessity Logical and intelligent. (basically the teleological argument)
What I said *was *rather confusing. I meant the physical and temporal laws that govern our universe. Not the logical constraints on what a universe could be like. In otherwords, there could be universes that do not share the same physical attributes as this one. This universe might not expand and contract endlessly, but that doesn’t mean that no universe could. Lamarckian evolution didn’t occur on Earth, but in another universe it might occur. Nothing logically prevents it. Logic itself would still apply.You are talking about a universe (for lack of a better word) that is free of the rules and responsibilities of ours
I’m sorry for my part in the whole confusion.

I still don’t agree with your arguments about God and morality, but at least I understand where you are coming from, and I can respect the logic that brought you there.