Phoenix Bishop Defends Right of Church to Prohibit Speakers at Odds With Church Teach

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Politicians and the media are mad at him for not allowing pro-abortion speakers to speak in Catholic churches? Umm…He’s the one in charge of them, not the politicians or the media. The Church is not a democracy.
Bishop Thomas Olmsted has been a blessing for our diocese in the last 2 years that he has been here.
This one sort of cracks me up, what would force any nonpublic institution to follow the rules of outside influences? Does AA invite JackDaniels to talk about this year’s batch of Wiskey? Does the local Synagog (sp?) invite skinheads to speak?

This is not even news, it just lunacy!

Strange, the media and the politicians are the first to talk about separation of church and state. Yet, when the Church wants to set the limits, there is the cry of impediment of Freedom of Speech.

What about Freedom of Religion? Apparently, we can choose our own religion, but practice it too? Oh my.

What the bishop is doing is no more than his job. He has no obligation to others outside the Church when it comes to Catholic teaching.

It is obvious that no one, even the Arizona Republic, would fault him if he refused to allow Evangelical Outreach or the Jehovah’s Witnesses to proselytize in his churches. He is doing no different when he refuses secularists from similar proselytizing.
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