Picture of JP2 on cover of Newsweek's latest issue a subliminal portrait of George W?

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This might sound somewhat silly, but if you have the latest issue of Newsweek (Apr. 11, 2005), look very closely at the cover picture that shows John Paul II praying. Take your hand or some other object and cover JP’2 head, leaving only his face exposed. Stand back or hold the picture at a distance from your face and tell me if what you see is also a picture of George W. Bush. 🙂

Just a coincidence? :confused:


If you don’t get Newsweek, you can find the cover picture at this site:



Nope most certainly not! And frankly, I find the parallel offensive!
Weird. Could they be distantly related? I mean, I guess we all are somehow but that is a very “Bush expression” on the Holy Father’s face. Funny.
Nope most certainly not! And frankly, I find the parallel offensive!
I completely agree.
Nope most certainly not! And frankly, I find the parallel offensive!
I, too, am offended. What next?:mad:

Christ is risen…truly He is risen!
Is it some kind of Pope John Paul II <-> George W. Bush <-> Monkey relationship that everyone finds offensive? :confused:

Or, is it just that you don’t like President Bush?
This might sound somewhat silly, but if you have the latest issue of Newsweek (Apr. 11, 2005), look very closely at the cover picture that shows John Paul II praying. Take your hand or some other object and cover JP’2 head, leaving only his face exposed. Stand back or hold the picture at a distance from your face and tell me if what you see is also a picture of George W. Bush. 🙂

Just a coincidence? :confused:
It may perhaps be due to their editing of the picture. I know that Time magazine edited their picture of OJ Simpson to make his skin darker and that caused some controversy.
I see it, but I don’t think the photo was edited. It’s just the expression, the way the eyebrows are raised.
I see some members of the “Bush is the Anti-Christ” Sewing Bee have chimed in. :rolleyes:

Who and what offends you?
It’s not so obvious on this picture. I’ve seen other pictures where JP2’s expression more resembles that of Bush. voted “yes” anyway

Will those anti-Bush folks be offended if the question is about comparing JP2 with Kerry?
I see some members of the “Bush is the Anti-Christ” Sewing Bee have chimed in. :rolleyes:

Who and what offends you?
It isn’t that I see Bush as the Antichrist. Bush is a rather ordinary man with far too much power (as any man occupying his office could be accused of). I was more inclined to see Clinton, the embodiment of the word ‘hypocrite’, as a precursor of Antichrist.

When this was first posted, I wasn’t sure of the point Madaglan was trying to make. Now it appears that we have a budding case of emperor-worship going on here. It’s similar to the phenomenon of St. Hillary which took shape when *Newsweek *ran a feature story on Mrs Clinton as feminists everywhere swooned.

I find offensive the notion that a mere politician can be seen by some as being in any way comparable to the Holy Father. At least, that is the inference I draw from this thread.
It isn’t that I see Bush as the Antichrist. Bush is a rather ordinary man with far too much power (as any man occupying his office could be accused of).
Your comment smacks of anti-Americanism. The mere fact that the presidency exists opens up the president (and by tiny extension, America) to accusations of abuse of power? Sheesh.
II was more inclined to see Clinton, the embodiment of the word ‘hypocrite’, as a precursor of Antichrist.
I agree! 👍
When this was first posted, I wasn’t sure of the point Madaglan was trying to make. Now it appears that we have a budding case of emperor-worship going on here. It’s similar to the phenomenon of St. Hillary which took shape when *Newsweek *ran a feature story on Mrs Clinton as feminists everywhere swooned.
Emperor worship? Your premise is entirely unsupported. The Mrs. Clinton issue fairly dripped with praise. Leftists did swoon. Where is that in this issue of Newsweek? Where is that on this thread?
I find offensive the notion that a mere politician can be seen by some as being in any way comparable to the Holy Father. At least, that is the inference I draw from this thread.
Your inference drawing powers need work. Who claimed GWB was “comparable” to the Holy Father? Near as I can tell, someone mentions GWB in any favorable light (or in the same sentence as JPII) and the “BITAC” Sewing Bee goes ballistic. It is to laugh. 😛

If there is any offense to be had, it would be against Newsweek for morphing the two portraits. But of course, Newsweek is hardly the neo-con bastion that would be necessary for such offense to be warranted. So all I see is the BITAC Sewing Bee fuming in unison. 😃
nice subleminal trick:rolleyes: lol, once i forced the suggestion out of my head, no, i dont see it, but i do see alittle chevy chase/john lithgow 😃
Your comment smacks of anti-Americanism. The mere fact that the presidency exists opens up the president (and by tiny extension, America) to accusations of abuse of power? Sheesh.
Really? I believe the Presidency has become too powerful and that ‘smacks of anti-Americanism’? I also believe the judiciary, most recently by virtue of its actions in the Terri Schiavo case, is out of control. Does this also ‘smack of anti-Americanism’?
Your inference drawing powers need work.
Physician, heal thyself.
Who claimed GWB was “comparable” to the Holy Father? Near as I can tell, someone mentions GWB in any favorable light (or in the same sentence as JPII) and the “BITAC” Sewing Bee goes ballistic. It is to laugh. 😛
Near as I can tell, someone offers the least bit of criticism of GWB, and the Bush Curia here declares that person anathema. It’s tragic.
If there is any offense to be had, it would be against Newsweek for morphing the two portraits.
I partly agree. **I****f Newsweek did that, that would be morally offensive. But my belief here is that a great many posters regard Bush as not only a political leader, but a spiritual one as well, judging from the passion with which some of his arguably morally questionable actions are defended. Expressing opposition to the war in Iraq seems like expressing opposition to transsubstantiation or some other Church doctrine.

Let me close by saying I’ve developed a healthy respect for you as a debater. You’re a challenge, and I hope there will be times we’re on the same side. I suspect we are more often than not; the opportunity just hasn’t presented itself yet.
I believe the Presidency has become too powerful and that ‘smacks of anti-Americanism’?
If someone takes a critical and unsupported pot shot at the presidency and the president, then yes, that is just unthinking anti-Americanism.
I also believe the judiciary, most recently by virtue of its actions in the Terri Schiavo case, is out of control. Does this also ‘smack of anti-Americanism’?
Apples and oranges (but nice try). Clearly the Judiciary has long wandered into the legislative function (since the mid-20th century). A logical (and I think obvious) case can be made that the judiciary needs reined in. You even reference a recent example to support your premise. (You’re learning!) But your sole basis for deriding Bush is that he occupies the presidency. What incisive analysis. :rolleyes:
Physician, heal thyself.
Backed into a corner, the liberal reaches for his handy quip and imagines himself dancing lithely out of harm’s way . . . :rolleyes:

While marginally engaging, your quip is pointless. You are the one who claimed to have seen a “mere politician” being elevated to a level “comparable to the Holy Father.” Asked to prove your claim, you try to avoid an answer by directing a smirking comment at me. Just answer the question: Who claimed GWB was “comparable” to the Holy Father?
Near as I can tell, someone offers the least bit of criticism of GWB, and the Bush Curia here declares that person anathema. It’s tragic.
Offer critism where criticism is warranted and people will listen. Take drive-by pot shots, and you’ll be identified as a drive-by shooter. The concept is not difficult to grasp.
I partly agree. **If *Newsweek ***did that, that would be morally offensive.
Sheesh. The only party that might be guilty here is Newsweek. But your Bush hatred is so consuming that the only outrage you can muster for Newsweek is a “partly” followed by a mushy “if” qualifier. I offer you a clear way out, and your response merely underscores your BITAC membership credentials. Your outrage is reserved solely for Bush and his supporters as your next sentences demonstrate:
But my belief here is that a great many posters regard Bush as not only a political leader, but a spiritual one as well, judging from the passion with which some of his arguably morally questionable actions are defended. Expressing opposition to the war in Iraq seems like expressing opposition to transsubstantiation or some other Church doctrine.
Nobody on this thread suggested that Bush was a spiritual leader. But the BITAC Sewing Bee immeditately and uniformly expressed offense at something that didn’t exist. When the obvious is pointed out, the unseen VCCC (vast conservative Catholic cabal? 😛 ) is invoked. I’m hard pressed to see the BITAC Sewing Bee comments as anything other than knee-jerk reactionism. It’s reflexive, not thoughful.
Let me close by saying I’ve developed a healthy respect for you as a debater. You’re a challenge, and I hope there will be times we’re on the same side. I suspect we are more often than not; the opportunity just hasn’t presented itself yet.
You failed to notice my thumbs up to your comment re: Clinton? I’m deeply offended. 😛

blah blah blah shut the **** up you catholic twits and find some real wisdom for once

try reading the gnostic gospels that your church so wonderfully expelled from the bible and get a clue
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