Pittsburgh Dad - parent/teacher conference

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On the lighter side…

The part about the school fundraisers absolutely nails it!

One more good thing about homeschooling.
I love Pittsburgh Dad!
Same here. You have to be kind of “in on the joke” to get all of it. I went to college with many people from northern West Virginia, and you hear a lot of “warsh”, “needs fixed”, and so on. One time in WV a man behind me in line said “I bet this guy wants waited on”. That was priceless!

For those not in the know, people within roughly a 100-mile radius of Pittsburgh omit “to be” in phrases such as “the dog wants let out”, “my car needs wa[r]shed”, and so on. The thing you put over a couch is called an “af-a-ghan” — three syllables — and those things on the stems of roses are called “jaggers”. Very colorful dialect.
Warsh? Does it mean wash? Like warsh the car?
Yes. They insert an R. You will also hear some natives of Washington DC and its suburbs, probably older ones, refer to the city as “Warshington”. Some natives of the northern half of Virginia also say “oot” and “aboot”, just as in the Canadian stereotype.
Pittsburg Dad is funny because he hits it right on the money. I’m laughing so hard I’ve got tears in my eyes. And where’d he get the Hill’s jacket? Priceless!!

He’s, like, practically every dad I knew as a kid. They were all Pittsburgh Dads.

Not so much my dad, though.
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A lot of people I know from rural PA say “warsh”.
But not Philadelphia. Never Philadelphia.
People from Indiana say warsh.
I know. And they also say “needs fixed”. This seems to be a Scotch-Irish thing that originated in Pennsylvania and migrated west with the settlers.

There is a vast, glorious part of this land that one author labeled “Greater Appalachia” — it extends all the way to far eastern New Mexico. I am going to be biased here, as I am a son of this great nation. The only thing missing from this area is that it needs Catholicized 🙂

(It’s the area in yellow.)
Lived there for 10 years and never heard it.

But I never got used to sauce being called gravy!
Yeah, I had a lot of friends from South Philly and it kind of weirded me out at first! 🙂
Some New Yorkers call it gravy too.

Gravy is the Sunday version with meatballs, sausage and sometimes braciole. (Braciole are roll ups of beef stuffed with tasty things)

My parents spoke Italian, so we called it “sugo” or “ragu”.
Is that because of the grocery store Wawa with the tasty snacks?
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