Rau, while it may be true that the greater question is “how can we increase adoption” or “how can we better love children in foster care,” my original question is one facet of the conversation and a legitimate one at that.It may be separate, but if is a more important question. It exposes the larger issue - which is the consequences of our failure to love.
How can we discuss the relative merits of anything if the response is always going to be: there’s a more important issue to discuss.
Neofight seemed to be arguing that I ought not consider the “minimum qualifications” of those willing to adopt since I’m not adopting a child myself. I maintain that even if we are unwilling or unable to adopt, we can still be part of the discussion.
In any event, though, I’d be interested in hearing your perspective, Rau. Do you think Catholic adoption agencies should place children with athiest parents?