Planet of the humans - a close look at environmentalism

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Michael Moore , documentary film director best known for his Fahrenheit 9/11 has produced a documentary that debunks the green energy mythology. It is sobering and frightening. See it on youtube as it reveals connections between big business and the green movement.
Michael Moore - that individual who is so far to the Left that he is in dire danger of falling off that edge of the Flat Earth?

Pardon me while I go find some tinfoil.
Now now, it goes both ways.

Besides, so what if it’s true? What are we to do? Start a revolution? Blow things up? Instigate a star chamber against corporate exectives?

I guess this stuff is important to those who enjoy being outraged.
If you want enviromentalism “exposed” there is book from Moira Noonan-“Spiritual Deceptions in the Church and the Culture.”
It is written as guide and in many other themes there is one A radical environmental movement. She describes how enviromental movement grew into new age philosophy movement for environmental protection. She refers to some priests and compares enviromentalism with Catholic teaching on nature, human and animals to show errors of that radicalism.
“Sobering and frightening” Really?
The Serenity Prayer.
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
Moore or Niebuhr. Our decision.
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Have yet to watch the vid, so can’t comment.

Agree with the Serenity Prayer - and Niebuhr - though.
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Environmentalists pushing to supress the movie. Make sure to watch it before youtube blocks access to it.
I’m confused…the Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko, Roger and Me documentarian has put out a new documentary that is critical of environmentalists?!

Does he mention Al Gore?
I’m confused…the Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko, Roger and Me documentarian has put out a new documentary that is critical of environmentalists?!

Does he mention Al Gore?
Believe it or not, the answer is - YES. And Al Gore is featured in it. Watch it before it goes away.
Michael Moore is his own rebuttal
Having watched the film I wonder in what way it was his? Yes, he produced it, but he neither wrote it, nor appears in it. Jeff Gibbs was both author and presenter…and director. Calling it a Michael Moore film looks more like a marketing ploy. Watching it reminded me of something said long ago - can’t remember who by: 'The worst thing that can happen to any living thing is to come into contact with human beings ’
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Moore is the producer. The director is Jeff Gibbs:

The points raised in the documentary can also be seen in scientific papers by Charles Hall and others.

That is, significant amounts of energy, especially from fossil fuels, are needed to mine resources, manufacture goods, and ship them across extensive supply chains worldwide for most manufactured goods, including components needed for renewable energy. Even mechanized agriculture and food processing require similar.

As the world population continues to increase due to population momentum (where lower birth rates are offset by large numbers of child-bearing women in developing countries) and increasing per capita consumption (where up to 75 pct of the world population want what the 25 pct have, including cars, computers, houses, and more), and where the 25 pct are counting on the 75 pct to work harder, borrow, buy, spend, and consume more (because their own income, profits, and returns on investment are dependent on more sales), then the world economy is hitting limits to growth. Put simply, with physical limitations, no amount of innovation (including the use of renewable energy) and money can reverse such, which explains why we are seeing both diminishing returns (increasing amounts of energy needed to get less new production) and growing ecological damage.

Finally, FWIW several Popes have been issuing the same warnings across several decades: unbridled capitalism, greed, and materialism has led to ecological damage, injustice, and many other problems.
Thank you for this summation. I am interested, but haven’t had time to watch this film.

I’m somewhat of an electric car enthusiast. That being said I’m not blind to the environmental damage that mining for lithium and other chemicals needed for electric car batteries cause. It seems like this film seeks to address issues such as these.
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