Planned Parenthood Demands Joe Biden Force Americans to Fund Abortions if He’s President

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Planned Parenthood Demands Joe Biden Force Americans to Fund Abortions if He’s President​


(CFAM) — Pro-abortion organizations that strongly supported Joe Biden in the recent U.S. presidential election are hoping that after being inaugurated in January, he will immediately move to dismantle the pro-life policies enacted by President Donald Trump. Even before Biden became his party’s nominee, they had assembled their wish list.

Last year as a Democratic presidential nominee was emerging, a coalition of over 90 “reproductive rights” groups including Planned Parenthood published a detailed blueprint to advance their agenda both nationally and internationally. In August of this year, they released a list of “first priorities” for the next administration, beginning with an executive order declaring explicitly the president’s commitment to expand access to abortion in the U.S. and around the world.

Biden has already promised to rescind the Mexico City Policy, which was expanded under Trump to cover all global health funding. He has also promised to restore funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and reestablish the country’s membership with the World Health Organization (WHO).
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Planned Parenthood Demands Joe Biden Force Americans to Fund Abortions if He’s President |

After Record-Breaking $45M Campaign Push, Planned Parenthood Wants Day One Executive Order From Biden​

Alexandra Hutzler 19 hrs ago

After spending a record-breaking amount of cash in the presidential race, Planned Parenthood is looking forward to its return on investment in an administration led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The nonprofit reproductive health care organization spent $45 million on the race, its largest election expenditure ever. Nearly $10 million was spent in key battleground states that went for President Donald Trump four years ago but flipped for Biden.

Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood, told Newsweek it was critical for the organization to put all hands on deck after watching the Trump administration “fight so hard to undermine access” to reproductive and sexual health care.
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I did a little looking around.

In 2017, the U.S. had the lowest number of abortions in history: 862,320.

In 2020, so far, 279,000 Americans have died of COVID-19.

It sounds likely that even if under Pres. Biden, COVID-19 deaths go way down and the vaccine protects most Americans from the disease, abortion rates will go way up.

So life for life, Pres. Biden is definitely going to be the President of Death.

Oh, well, we who survived our mother’s pregnancy will live, and that’s the important thing, right? It’s all about me.

Oh wait, I forgot–Pres. Biden and his Democratic policies will make life for the poor so good that they will not have abortions! Because only poor people get abortions, right?
Planned Parenthood neither has to demand or hope that Biden will use taxpayer funds to support their abortion mills as he promised he would do so …

I suppose they merely have to believe that he will deliver on that promise for which they paid through their campaign contributions and political advertising support purchases.

But I don’t believe they think Biden will let them down …that is one campaign promise that will be kept …
I’m not seeing anything in the above that looks like a demand.
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