Ani Ibi:
Someone look up the bishop in whose diocese this occurs and his email address. Let’s have this group removed from communion. It is about time the Church started getting smaller.
Ani, Speaking of the Church getting smaller:
Here’s the LINK for the “Pro-Baby-Slaughter” Catholics:
From the HomePage Click
Full listing of pro-abortion Catholics in Congress!
Pro-abortion Catholics in Congress
The following lawmakers appear in American Life League’s Jan. 24 newspaper ad, along with the reasons they were included in this listing. “NARAL” is the organization formerly known as the National Abortion Rights Action League (currently it calls itself “NARAL Pro-Choice America”). “PP” is the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
NARAL follows votes on Abortion and related Issues only. PP follows votes on Access to Contraception, esp. forcing pharmacists to distribute Artificial Contraception and schools to hand out condoms to students.
I would campaign against those politicians whose NARAL scores are consistently above 60%, and their PP’s are consistently at or above 80%. Those politicians are simply more dedicated to the Pro-Abortion cause than those whose NARAL Score ? 30% and whose PP Score ? 70%.
These lower scoring politicians might well be the subject of CATECHESIS by their local Bishops and e-mail writers. In some cases, changing a couple votes makes these people Pro-Life! They include:
Foley, Mark (R FL 16) - NARAL = 30%, PP = NA
Kanjorski, Paul (D PA 11) - NARAL = 10%, PP = 27%
Langevin, James (D RI 2) - NARAL = NA, PP = NA
Marshall, James (D GA 3) - NARAL = NA, PP = 33%
McNulty, Michael (D NY 21) - NARAL = NA, PP = 44%
Michaud, Michael (D ME 2) - NARAL = 10%, PP = 33%
Murkowski, Lisa (R AK) - NARAL = NA, PP = 40%
Obey, David (D WI 7) - NARAL = 30%, PP = 64%
Pascrell, Bill (D NJ 20) - NARAL = 30%, PP = 70%
Ryan, Tim (D OH 17) - NARAL = 10%, PP = 33%
Salazar, Ken (D CO) - NARAL = NA, PP = NA
Schwarz, Joe (R MI 7) - NARAL = NA, PP = NA
Shaw, E. Clay (R FL 22) - NARAL = 10%, PP = 36%
The first thing they’ll need to be convinced of is that ROE V. WADE is a
BAD LAW in the same way that Dred Scott was a BAD LAW!
They have to be convinced that the logic is just as hellish, convoluted and wrong, and that both laws do the same thing by making one set of Human Beings somehow Subhuman or “less than human”, and by saying that the Property rights of ONE (in ROE V. WADE of the mother, in Dred Scott of the Slave Owner) trump the rights of the OTHER (in ROE V. WADE, the Right to Life of the Baby, in Dred Scott, the Right to Liberty of the Black Slave). and, Even Politicians have to realize that that is just wrong and immoral and can’t allowed to be legal let alone allowed to be called “A Constitutional right”.
The next part, the duty of politicians to fight and change BAD and IMMORAL LAWS will be harder. The Tribunal of Nuremburg established that as a fact, and that “because it’s the law” is a insufficient and a poor excuse for doing wrong or knowingly allowing wrong to be done in one’s name.
Catholic politicians also need to be reminded that they belong to a Church that’s founded by a risen Lord who has the right to make certain demands of them. If they really don’t like it and refuse to conform their voting records and public statements to the demands of that risen Lord (esp. in the case of those who got NARAL and or PP Scores = 100%), maybe they ought to be invited out.
I don’t think the ones are listed are necessarily scandals - I think They’re confused. But, I do think that 50+ “Catholic” Politicians who consistently rack up scores of 100% from NARAL and PP are scandals and shames on the Church, and so are the Bishops who order Priests to give them Communion. In those cases, I think excommunicating the politicians and “disvesting” the bishops who cooperate with their evil is the appropriate thing to do.
It’s better for a Diocese NOT to have a Bishop than to have one who is a “Hireling”. The Pope can always send a member of the Curia if there is need for Episcopal oversight, but he can’t remedy a Bishop who’s allowing that.
Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael