Planned Parenthood says Prosecuting Child Rape would Violate Child's Privacy

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It is impossible to truly understand how PP can place the rights of tortured children below their income. What is worse is they are doing it effectively and without condemnation from a section of our “humane” and “informed” society.

Just sick.
They are protectiong the criminals NOT the children being raped which only increases the shame they bear:tsktsk:
Shut these altars of Satan down.
You are right Brad…
Have you ever checked to see who was on the board of these PP places? Susan Estrich is on one…do you remember the t-shirts that said I had an abortion on it? well, Ms Estrich proceded to defend it…! Can you believe it!!!
Are you surprised? When you kill kids for a living, who cares if kids get raped.:mad:
This just angers and frustrates me to know end. Why can’t our government practice consistency with their laws?

If a minor girl or boy came to school with unexplained bruises the child would most likely be sent to the school counselor and possibly social services would be called. By law the school is required to do this. Social services would probably be sent out to the child’s home to investigate whether there was possible abuse, neglect, etc.

At the Planned Parenthood abortion mills or any orther abortion mills these laws are seemingly just thrown out the window. As I’ve posted before on this subject. A minor girl could repeatedly be raped by a family member, a neighbor, teacher, whatever and have an abortion. The sexual abuse could continue without the girls parents ever finding out and the girl could go in for more abortions. When is social services notified in these instances? Probably never.

Sadly the only way these laws will probably change is if more girls have complications from abortions and die. And in the meantime all the men who are sexual abusing are getting away with it. To think that these men are only raping, molesting or abusing one girl and are never going to rape, molest or abuse ever again is totally naive. I’m aware that they are not always men that sometime they are young boys but the parents should be notified so that they know the activies that their children are engaging in and hopefully are able to put a stop to it and to make sure that their daughters are not being abused.

Gee, It seems to me that Planned Parenthood makes a good accomplice to these perverts that prey on young girls.

It just amazes me that in this country you need parental consent for everything except an abortion
I really hate to say this, but it makes you wonder who’s crazier: Rudolph for bombing clinics or us for putting up with hypocritical laws.
Well the laws tend to be imposed on us by Judges… remember Roe v Wade overturned laws in all 50 states.
I really hate to say this, but it makes you wonder who’s crazier: Rudolph for bombing clinics or us for putting up with hypocritical laws.
I understand what your saying,if you are a doctor you have the “right” to kill:rolleyes: Sadly it appears that this will not stop thanks to the recent Florida situation,our lives aree property of the court to be disposed of according to whether your deemed a burden:nope:
If the rapist had been a priest (God forbid), I wonder what their attitude would be?
They are protectiong the criminals NOT the children being raped which only increases the shame they bear:tsktsk:
What exactly is their agenda here??? They make no sense!!!
but they’re killing off all their future customers…where’s the money in that? 😉

Planned Parenthood - more like Planned death on demand.
What exactly is their agenda here??? They make no sense!!!
It’s all about the bling-bling, and ticking off God.

Evil little cretins they are.
Planned Parenthood - more like Planned death on demand.
Actually, Planned Parenthood leads to unplanned pregnancies and it makes people not parents. It seems their name is the opposite of what they actually do. I like calling them First Degree Murder.
Shut these altars of Satan down.
Q: What is the GREATEST gift a satanist can offer to the prince of darkness?

A: The murder of an unbaptized baby.

Abortion is the ultimate satanic ritual disguised as freedom of choice.
How come they didn’t say the same thing about why the Church did not publicize the victims of abuse? HMMMMMM!!!
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