No quite honestly you haven’t made ANY point. All you did was bring up a bunch of ridiculous statements that are supposedly characteristic of the pro-life movement, thereby belittling the whole group. There are nuts in EVERY movement. So again what is your point bringing up the nuts? Of course no one is convinced by them. I don’t see any such baloney in any of the prolife material I’ve received, read, seen on websites or in videos. You must run into some interesting folks in your travels is all I can say.There, Lisa, you’ve made my point.
You automatically assume, because I question some of the arguments and methods used by Pro Life people, that I am Pro Choice.
Naturally, the baby ought to be considered, as well as the moral implications. Unfortunately, a lot of people simply don’t care about the babies and a lot of people aren’t convinced by the moral arguments.
There are many women who have an abortion and claim to feel no ill effects. They usually aren’t rendered sterile, they rarely die from the procedure, and they don’t live the rest of their lives in anguish. Telling them that they ought not to abort because it’s wrong doesn’t faze them.
This is highly frustrating, and so people start to make other claims that aren’t always true.
Until unborn babies are seen as human by all of us, abortion will continue. Killing humans is against the law in this country so that IMO is the key. Because there were many other groups that were previously not considered human (slaves, blacks, the mentally challenged, etc) who are now protected, I believe that the pro-life movement will eventually prevail.
Sorry but you made no points with me. Maybe you can explain more clearly for those of us who recognize baloney even when it’s out of the Oscar Mayer wrappers.
Lisa N