Planned Parenthood's New (Minimal) Effort

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A curious item appeared on Planned Parenthood’s homepage this weekend, adoption. Apparently America’s number one abortion provider feels the need to acknowledge the choice of adoption now. Senator Hillary Clinton and her crowd have made this vogue in recent days, trying to put a kinder, gentler face on their commitment to legal abortions and attempting to shore up the millions of dollars they receive from Congress. The problem with Planned Parenthood’s new found moderation is that it belies the numbers. Of the 123 Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide that manage nearly 850 “health centers,” they can only point to one lone office as providing adoption services, and this as a separate agency that is simply allowed under Planned Parenthood’s roof.

And of all the Planned Parenthood affiliates in 2003, 1,774 adoption referrals were offered (although they admit far fewer actually chose this option). The sad fact is that Planned Parenthood has never promoted adoption as a serious option for women. While they celebrate less than 2,000 adoption referrals nationwide as a sign of choice, Planned Parenthood affiliates performed 244,628 abortions in 2003. This means that if you were an unborn child of a mother who turns to Planned Parenthood for help the likelihood of actually surviving the pregnancy is less than 1 in 138. It doesn’t seem like adoption is much of an option for Planned Parenthood and it has never been. Just one more reason Congress should withhold taxpayers’ money from Planned Parenthood.

– Mark L. Chance.
My understanding is that Planned Parenthood has always counseled the option of adoption with women in crisis pregnancy cases. However, people go to Planned Parenthood to have an abortion, not to be dissuaded from one. The decisionmaking process takes place prior to getting in the car and going to the facility.

The fact that adoption is now on their website is very heartening. It makes a more public endorsement of adoption as an option. I don’t expect them to say abortion is wrong any more than I expect a gynecologist to tell a woman who had a near-fatal pregnancy to use NFP. Not a mainstream, popular option.
From all the interviews I have seen by ex-planned parenthood workers they try to sell abortions period.People who opt for adoption are considered a loss.They are only doing this because their scared and they know that roe v wade could very well overturned.Furtheremore the party that supports them lost over this and other moral issues that they promote.People are getting wise and they are getting scared.God Bless
Of course they sell abortions. That’s how they make money. Now if they could figure out how to make a buck through adoptions, you might see more interest.

I disagree to some extent with Laura’s comment that people come to PP with their minds made up. They may THINK they want an abortion or they may simply be unaware of the options. If PP doesn’t say ‘here is a sonogram of your baby, think about your decision. We can offer you support to carrry your pregnancy to term or arrange and adoption…’ then a woman is not going to know that there are options. I’ve heard stories of women who went to abortion clinics and they simply assume that is the ONLY possible outcome. They are herded into groups, given sedative and the procedure is explained. That’s as far as the ‘counselling’ goes. If PP really wanted CHOICE they would use some of their blood money to provide other services. What they want is to control women’s lives and their bodies and make a few bucks along the way

Lisa N
Do you want to know what I think?

I will tell you anyway.

PP has over 850 “Health Centers” (read abortion clinics) and they have 1 ( ONE) adoption outlet.

They need money or WANT money, so this is a BAIT & SWITCH.

Old Hilary comes out saying adoption and holds out her hand for money. But , hey, the money will go for abortions.

Beam me up, Scotty!
A kinder gentler abortion mill coming to your neighborhood soon? I think not. Hope this does not change anyone’s mind about the purpose of this group. If anything, we must step up the pressure while the nation seems to be rediscovering moral values.

Deacon Tony
Planned Parenthood is not just an abortion mill. It provides a very important service of providing free or low-cost gynecological exams and also preventive birth control advice for women who might otherwise not be able to afford them.

When I was in college many girls went to Planned Parenthood and got condoms, etc. I don’t know of anybody who went there to get an abortion. I don’t think that they provided them. Planned Parenthood does not want to give abortions. They would much prefer to prevent an unwanted pregnancy before it happens.

I certainly respect your views against birth control, but you can’t expect everyone else to fall into that line of thinking. Do you propose making birth control illegal?
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