Plant and animal death

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They live like us – yes. They die like us – yes. And most probably they have a life after death like us – Well, I’m not so sure about that. You see, humans have an immortal soul, so we will survive the death of the body. But I have no evidence that plants and animals have immortal souls.
How do you know that they don’t have immortal soul?
Actually, you have no evidence of that either. It is a matter of faith.
There is evidence, but it is an introspective or psychological one. You see, when I was a child I looked at the mirror and saw myself as a child. When I grew older, as a teenager, I looked again at the same mirror and I saw myself as a young man. Then many, many years later, I looked again at the same mirror and saw myself as an adult. I saw myself change in height, in facial features, etc. - a lot of change. I saw myself change from a very young-looking child to a very good-looking man (Ehem! Sorry, I’m biased.) But in spite of the bodily changes in my body that occurred over the years, I know consciously that it was the same me, who looked at that mirror since childhood. The same conscious self remains unaffected by changes in my body. Now, if there is something in me that remains the same and unaffected by changes in my body, then I figure that that something will also not be affected when the body dies. I call that something, – the self that I am, – my soul.

Personally, that is my evidence – a psychological evidence – that I have a soul that will survive the death of the body. I have another evidence, but I got to go. Will be back later tonight. Have a great day!
And most probably they have a life after death like us.
My family and I all agree; if the late cats, dogs, and horses we’ve wept over are not waiting for us, then heaven is going to be a far cry from “perfect”.
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