I think the original question was answered as it relates to contraception.
As far as the vanity issues…I am going to very honestly admit I color my hair because I am vain.
It is my best feature…God has blessed me with good hair…now if I could just get it to behave.
I recently splurged and got a professional color job…black with red hilights. No, it doesn’t look “punky” or anything. It’s very professional because I have to be a professional. And the red has faded to a beautiful natural looking red, and the black has faded to a natural dark brown.
I love my hair. (incidentally, I veil at Mass or adoration).
I also have tattoos, but they are only seen when I am swimming, and neither are in places which required that I bare anything inappropriate.
As far as the cost of hair coloring…it’s only expensive if you have it done professionally. I’ve been doing it myself for years…red, black, brown, back to red, auburn, burgandy Xena hair…all that. Seven bucks every 4 months or so. That’s not much and I had fun.
Now I’m getting gray hair and it actually is growing in kind of a cool streak…but if I follow my mother, I’ll be gray by the time I’m 40. I’m 31 now.
For awhile I didn’t dye or do anything…I struggled with modesty/vanity, and a wise priest and I spoke aobut this struggle…and he affirmed that it’s OK for women to adorn ourselves, to color our hair, and to do things that make us feel beautiful. We are, after all, temples of the Holy Spirit, and it is appropriate to dress up such a temple.
That’s not to say to go overboard, but hair color, a little jewlry, a little makeup, clothing that compliments us…etc…
That actually helped me a lot and made me realize that I had been neglecting this temple cosmetically, and therefore doing injustice to God. He did not create us to go about in sackcloth, just as he did not create us to dress as harlots. There IS such a thing as a happy medium and most of us fall within this wide spectrum with fantastic results.
I don’t speak for myself regarding the fantastic results…but I don’t look like a troll all the time, either.
And regarding contraception again…this does NOT honor God, it does NOT honor the Holy Spirit. Period.
As far as the vanity issues…I am going to very honestly admit I color my hair because I am vain.
It is my best feature…God has blessed me with good hair…now if I could just get it to behave.
I recently splurged and got a professional color job…black with red hilights. No, it doesn’t look “punky” or anything. It’s very professional because I have to be a professional. And the red has faded to a beautiful natural looking red, and the black has faded to a natural dark brown.
I love my hair. (incidentally, I veil at Mass or adoration).
I also have tattoos, but they are only seen when I am swimming, and neither are in places which required that I bare anything inappropriate.
As far as the cost of hair coloring…it’s only expensive if you have it done professionally. I’ve been doing it myself for years…red, black, brown, back to red, auburn, burgandy Xena hair…all that. Seven bucks every 4 months or so. That’s not much and I had fun.
Now I’m getting gray hair and it actually is growing in kind of a cool streak…but if I follow my mother, I’ll be gray by the time I’m 40. I’m 31 now.
For awhile I didn’t dye or do anything…I struggled with modesty/vanity, and a wise priest and I spoke aobut this struggle…and he affirmed that it’s OK for women to adorn ourselves, to color our hair, and to do things that make us feel beautiful. We are, after all, temples of the Holy Spirit, and it is appropriate to dress up such a temple.
That’s not to say to go overboard, but hair color, a little jewlry, a little makeup, clothing that compliments us…etc…
That actually helped me a lot and made me realize that I had been neglecting this temple cosmetically, and therefore doing injustice to God. He did not create us to go about in sackcloth, just as he did not create us to dress as harlots. There IS such a thing as a happy medium and most of us fall within this wide spectrum with fantastic results.
I don’t speak for myself regarding the fantastic results…but I don’t look like a troll all the time, either.
And regarding contraception again…this does NOT honor God, it does NOT honor the Holy Spirit. Period.