Hey everyone. I am a Catholic. I converted to the Catholic Church in 2006 and I used to agree with the Catholic Church’s teaching on gay marriage. I used to agree that it is wrong but I do not agree with the Catholic Church’s teaching on it anymore. I think that there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, I think it is necessary for it to be legalized in order to protect the rights of same sex couples. For example, without gay marriage, many same sex couples would not have visitation rights in hospitals. They also probably would not be able to file their taxes jointly and get other benefits that married couples can get. I also think that by legalizing gay marriage it would help to reduce the bigotry that is out there against same sex couples and those who deal with same sex attraction. I think we can all agree that there is too much hatred out there for people who deal with it. I am not blaming Catholics for this hatred. I am saying that the hatred exists among the general population and I think that legalizing gay marriage would help to reduce that hatred because people would get used to the reality of gay marriage and as they are more exposed to it they would realize that same sex couples are not as bad as they thought they were originally. Its just that there are a lot of stereotypes out there and I think that legalization of same sex marriage could help to reduce that stereotypes and stigma by showing people the reality of same sex relationships and such.
So anyway, I know that there are a lot of religious reasons for being opposed to same sex marriage but I live in the United States and laws cannot be based on religion here because of the separation of church and state. I am all for separation of church and state. I think it would be incredibly stupid to start creating laws based on religious teachings. So, if you will defend the teaching of the Catholic Church that same sex marriage is wrong and should be illegal then please try to rely on arguments that are not exclusively religious in nature because those don’t hold much sway with me.
So anyway, I know that there are a lot of religious reasons for being opposed to same sex marriage but I live in the United States and laws cannot be based on religion here because of the separation of church and state. I am all for separation of church and state. I think it would be incredibly stupid to start creating laws based on religious teachings. So, if you will defend the teaching of the Catholic Church that same sex marriage is wrong and should be illegal then please try to rely on arguments that are not exclusively religious in nature because those don’t hold much sway with me.