People can disagree and not hate the person. A concept that hard to grasp, huh?And for all the haters out there: If you don’t like gay marriage, or think it’s wrong, don’t marry a gay person. Thank you very much.
peace and love to all.
I thought like that too before I came into the Church that if you didn’t support Gay marriage you must haters. That just isn’t true. If I had 2 guys living beside (I do by the way) I would be a great neighbor. If they were in the hospital, I would shovel their walk or cut their grass. Take in their mail, keep an eye out when they are away. Water their flowers. I think they would call me a good neighbor. If they knew I was Catholic, I am not sure they would extend the same kindness. For that matter, in the workplace, I’ve been mistreated for being Catholic. I’ve experienced hate, made up stories, mean jokes, isolation, accusations. Wearing a cross can have the haters and bullies zero in on a person.
Do people hate gays? Yes. Are there bullies that pick on people? Absolutely. They would be different people if they learned to love their neighbors as themselves as scripture teaches us. Certainly there are Catholics who have room for improvement, me included.